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Sarah Huckabee Sanders finally speaks out on the GOP Presidential Primary and announces her endorsement.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Breaks Silence on GOP ⁣Presidential​ Primary, Makes Endorsement

Republican Arkansas Gov. Sarah​ Huckabee Sanders will officially endorse‌ former President Donald Trump’s 2024 election bid this week, she announced ​on Tuesday.

Trump’s White House press secretary‍ from 2017 to⁤ 2019 will make the official endorsement on Wednesday, according to NBC News.

Sanders, who ⁢has been leading Arkansas since January, ​expressed her belief‌ that the country was more “prosperous” under Trump.

“It’s not a ‌question ⁢between right versus left anymore,” she told NBC News on Tuesday. “It’s normal versus crazy, and President Biden and the left are doubling down on crazy.”

“The time has come⁢ to return to the normal policies of the Trump ​era ‌which created a⁢ safer, stronger, and more prosperous America, and that’s⁣ why I am proud to endorse Donald Trump for President,” Sanders added.

Trump’s campaign celebrated the endorsement in a news release:

The governor will endorse Trump over ‍Republican Florida Gov. ⁣Ron DeSantis and Asa⁤ Hutchinson, her predecessor in the Arkansas governor’s mansion.

Hutchinson is currently polling at 0 percent in the Republican 2024 primary but has not offered any indication he will drop out⁢ of the race, according to Morning Consult.

He will not be at Wednesday’s GOP debates which ⁢NBC ​News is hosting. Trump will also skip ⁣the debate and‍ hold a rally near Miami where Sanders will reportedly endorse him.

Sanders’ endorsement was reportedly seen as late by people ‍close to Trump.

A person described as being in the former president’s​ close orbit ​reportedly said there have been ‍a lot of questions asked regarding​ why Trump’s former press secretary has waited until now to offer him her support.

“[Mar-aLago] has been furious with ​her for months for going⁢ this long without endorsing,” the person reportedly said. “There’s ⁢always​ a way back in Trump world, but I’m not sure⁤ if President Trump will ever view her the same again.”

In his own statement, Trump said he was proud to have the endorsement.

“We had great success in the White House ​and it’s ⁣an honor to have Sarah’s endorsement,” Trump said. “I look forward to having her at the big rally in Hialeah ‍this Wednesday.”

Sanders’ endorsement comes a⁣ day after Republican Iowa Gov.​ Kim Reynolds endorsed DeSantis at a rally in her ⁣state on Monday ​evening.

“As ​a mother, grandmother, and American, ​I can’t sit on the sidelines,” Reynolds posted after ‌the rally. “@RonDeSantis is the ​person who will fight⁣ for you. Who will have the moral conviction⁤ to do what’s right & the ability to⁣ actually do what he promises.”

The⁣ governor‍ concluded, ‍“His ​record‌ proves that. He has my full endorsement!”

DeSantis ​ thanked⁤ Reynolds for the endorsement in a post on X that ⁢included video of some of her⁣ remarks from Monday.

“Ron DeSantis is without a doubt the person that we need leading this country,” Reynolds said.

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The post Sarah Huckabee Sanders Breaks Silence on GOP Presidential Primary, Makes Endorsement ⁣ appeared first on The Western Journal.

What⁤ role might⁢ Sanders’ endorsement play in shaping the​ narrative and direction of the Republican primary race for the 2024 presidential election

R fully trust her​ again after this.”

This endorsement is a significant boost ⁤for ⁢Trump as he considers entering the 2024 presidential race. ‍It reaffirms ⁢his⁢ popularity among key ⁢Republican figures and strengthens his ‍position within the party.

Sanders’ decision to​ endorse Trump is not ⁢surprising, considering her close ties to the ‍former president and her role as his press secretary. Throughout her tenure in the White ​House, she ‌defended and promoted Trump’s agenda, becoming​ one of his most loyal and effective ​spokespersons.

Furthermore, Sanders’ endorsement aligns with the‍ sentiment ‍among ⁢many ​Republicans who believe that the country was better ‌off under Trump’s leadership.⁣ They argue that his policies ⁣fostered economic growth, job creation, ⁣and national security, contrasting them with ‌what ⁤they perceive as the current administration’s radical and‌ misguided⁣ approach.

The endorsement also highlights the deep divisions within the Republican Party. While⁣ Trump remains a dominant figure, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has emerged as a⁤ viable alternative. DeSantis has ‌gained popularity among conservatives for his⁣ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, immigration, and election integrity issues. However, Sanders’⁤ endorsement suggests that Trump still ​holds considerable sway and that his influence cannot be underestimated.

As for Asa Hutchinson, his lack of support and low polling numbers indicate a diminishing relevance in the race. His failure to‌ garner significant⁢ attention or ⁢gather momentum suggests that his campaign is unlikely to gain traction.

The timing of Sanders’ endorsement has raised eyebrows and generated speculation. ​Some speculate that she strategically waited to maximize impact and media coverage. Others believe that she was hesitant to endorse Trump due to concerns over⁢ his controversial statements and actions following the 2020 election.

Regardless of the reasons behind the timing, Sanders’ endorsement will⁤ undoubtedly play ​a key role in shaping the narrative of the Republican‌ primary race. It will serve as a signal to other ⁢Republican figures, donors, and voters about‌ the direction​ of the ‌party and its preferred‌ candidate.

Overall, Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ endorsement of Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential election carries significant weight within⁤ the Republican ⁣Party. It provides a stamp of approval ‌from a trusted and influential conservative figure, reaffirming Trump’s ⁢standing as a frontrunner and signaling his‌ continued dominance ‌in the party. As the campaign unfolds, this endorsement may⁤ prove instrumental⁢ in rallying support, solidifying Trump’s base, and attracting undecided voters.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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