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Like Father, Like Son: Eco-Hypocrites Charles And Harry Scold About Climate From Private Jets

Climate doomsdayers Prince Harry and Meghan Markle took a 40-minute⁣ private ⁢jet ride to a Katy Perry concert ⁢this past weekend. The ‌Sun revealed Tuesday that the ⁢Sussexes flew in a Texan oil heir’s private plane along with actress Cameron Diaz ‌and her husband⁤ Benji ‍Madden, as ⁤well as actress Zoe Saldana.

Ironically, for years, ‌the pampered prince ‌has been preaching about ‌society reaching “net ‍zero” goals, warning of the ‍supposed impending end to⁤ life on earth and fretting that “the world ‌is on fire.” Harry ⁤even founded Travalyst, an organization dedicated to promoting “sustainable” travel — the antithesis ⁤ of private jets.

Harry has generated a firestorm of negative press not just ⁣because he’s an eco-hypocrite but⁤ because after bowing out of his royal duties he’s⁤ started numerous, embarrassing public squabbles with his family overseas. To most, it⁤ appears Harry‍ and his father King Charles III have‍ little in common. However, fear-mongering⁢ about the climate and advocating for dystopian⁤ environmental ⁢policies that they themselves do not⁣ have to follow is something the father and son apparently agree ​on.

Last week, the royal family’s official X account⁣ shared a video of Charles and Queen Camilla aboard the ‌luxurious “RAF (Royal Air Force) Voyager” on their way ‍to ⁤Africa, sparking ‍warranted criticism.

Charles ‌is ​a poster ⁣boy ‍for the ‍infamous World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” initiative. In⁣ 2020, Charles traveled to Davos, Switzerland‌ in a private ⁤jet to launch ⁣the‍ Reset, declaring that the supposed climate crisis calls for “nothing short of a paradigm shift, one that inspires action ⁤at revolutionary levels and pace.”

Last year, Harry made a similar proclamation for radical change, calling on‌ delegates at a United Nations (UN) conference to “make ⁢the decisions—the ⁢daring, ⁣transformative decisions—our world needs ​to save humanity.”

But what are these revolutionary climate policies that will supposedly bring humanity to “net zero”⁣ carbon emissions? To start, many of them aren’t voluntary.

In France, the⁤ government has outlawed short-haul domestic flights if the same trip could be made ⁤by train⁤ in less than two and a half hours, ⁤and ‌the entire European ​Union is considering doing ⁤the same.

A Michael Bloomberg-run globalist climate organization known as the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group ⁢has a 2030​ “ambitious target” of limiting air travel to “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 ⁤km) every 3 years per person.” ​Nearly 100 cities across the‍ globe‍ are members of C40,​ 14 of which ​are American. By 2050, the UN wants all flights⁢ to produce “net zero” emissions, effectively meaning they ⁣would have to use sustainable aviation⁤ fuels, which even leftists admit is impractical and extremely expensive.

Both the UN ⁣and ‍C40 Cities’ plans would ​effectively annihilate commercial air travel. ⁢Since C40 Cities make up about⁤ one-twelfth of the global population, limiting air travel to ‌one short-haul return flight‌ every three years per person would dramatically decrease the revenue of already-struggling commercial ⁣airlines. Likewise, the changes necessary to make air ⁣travel produce ‌zero emissions would cause​ the price of air travel to skyrocket, making it only affordable to wealthy elites like Charles and Harry.

Climate activists are also aiming their fire ⁢at ⁢privately‍ owned vehicles. Of course, places like the U.K. and California already have plans ⁤to eradicate⁢ gas-powered vehicles by the 2030s. However, the ⁤ultimate goal, ⁢according to the C40 Cities, is the elimination of all personal vehicles, gas or electric.

What all these climate policies essentially get at is keeping people from being able to freely travel. Climate policies will either outright ban air and vehicle travel or price regular people out ⁣of it.

Note⁤ also that an immobile populace will not benefit‌ the planet, ‍but will destroy major ⁢industries ‌that employ millions of people globally. Studies consistently show that nations with wealthier populations have cleaner environments, yet ‌the climate cult is advocating for the impoverishment ⁣of⁤ the global populace through their stated environmental goals. Meanwhile, people like Harry and Charles will continue ‌to travel in​ SUVs and ⁢private jets while they try to restrict the rest of us from driving cars or ⁤flying commercially.

Prince Harry and​ King Charles’ climate lectures⁣ and‍ hypocrisy​ are the pair’s most reprehensible ‌deficiency (and that’s saying something). Both men are pushing for policies that are⁤ impoverishing regular people and⁣ eroding basic freedoms such as movement.

To the public in the U.K. and America, there should be no “sides” in the never-ending Harry ‌and Charles feud because they are ideologically‍ on the same side: ‌pushing for terrifying Orwellian climate goals. The father and son duo​ are the⁢ epitome of “let them eat cake” politicians who ⁣deserve nothing but‌ mockery and contempt.


In what ways do‌ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s use of private jets contradict⁣ their message of sustainable ‍travel and‌ concern for the environment?

Prince Harry ‍and Meghan Markle, widely known for their advocacy on climate change, have recently come under scrutiny ⁢after it was revealed ‌that they took a 40-minute private jet ride to attend a Katy‍ Perry concert. The couple flew in a Texan oil heir’s private plane, along with several other celebrities including actress Cameron Diaz, ​her husband Benji Madden, and​ actress Zoe Saldana.

The irony of this situation is not lost on the public. Prince Harry has been vocal about society’s need to reach “net zero”⁢ goals and has shown concern about⁣ the impending end of life on Earth. He even founded⁤ Travalyst, an organization‍ dedicated to promoting sustainable travel. Private jets‌ are⁢ seen as the antithesis of sustainable travel, making his choice to use one quite hypocritical.

This incident adds to the ‌recent​ negative press that Prince Harry has received since stepping back from his royal duties. Not only is he being labeled an eco-hypocrite, but he has also⁢ engaged in numerous embarrassing public squabbles with his family overseas. ‌It appears that Harry and his father, King Charles III, have little in common. However, they both seem to agree on fear-mongering about the climate and advocating for environmental policies that ⁣they‌ themselves do not⁣ have to⁤ adhere to.

In a recent video shared by⁤ the royal family’s official account, Charles and Queen Camilla were seen aboard the luxurious “RAF Voyager” on their way to Africa. This sparked warranted criticism, as it seemed hypocritical for the royal family to promote climate change initiatives⁤ while using private luxury jets for their own travel.

Charles ‌has been a prominent figure‍ in the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”⁣ initiative, which aims to address global challenges, including climate⁢ change. In 2020, he‌ traveled to​ Davos, Switzerland in a private jet to‌ launch the Reset, emphasizing the need for a paradigm shift and swift action in response to the climate crisis.

Prince ⁣Harry, too,⁢ has called for‍ radical change ‍to combat⁣ climate change. However, his actions, such as using private jets for personal travel, ‍undermine his message and lead to accusations of hypocrisy. The public expects their leaders to​ practice what they preach, especially when ‌it comes to such critical issues as climate change.

In conclusion, Prince⁢ Harry and Meghan Markle’s recent private jet ride to a Katy Perry concert has sparked​ criticism ‍and accusations of hypocrisy. While they advocate for sustainable ⁤travel ​and express concern about the climate crisis, their choice to use private​ jets contradicts their own messages. This incident highlights the importance of leaders practicing‌ what they preach and the need for genuine commitment to addressing climate change. The public expects consistency and integrity from those who advocate for a better future for our⁢ planet.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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