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CNN Political Director Forced to Admit the Truth About Biden After Seeing His Own Network’s New Poll

CNN Political Director Forced to​ Admit the Truth ⁣About Biden After Seeing His Own⁢ Network’s New Poll

It should have been nothing but champagne and roses ⁣at⁢ CNN Tuesday night.

Democrats ⁢had a successful off-year election by any⁤ measure, scoring a win⁤ in Ohio’s referendum on abortion and a governor’s re-election in Kentucky,⁤ among ​other victories.

But ‍the liberal network’s political director was looking ahead to the truth of 2024, and pouring cold water on the celebration in the process.

“Tonight is⁢ undoubtedly a good night for the Democrats. There’s no doubt about it,” Chalian said after ​news of the Ohio referendum⁣ broke as well along with the re-election of Democratic Kentucky Gov. Andrew⁢ Beshear, according to the New York Post.

No, there was no doubt about it.

But what Chalian said next provided plenty of doubt for Democrats ​about the ⁤presidential election — and the man who now​ holds the White House.

And he used CNN’s own poll results to ⁤make‍ the point.

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“The⁣ country has soured on ⁤Joe Biden,” Chalian said, before presenting numbers that should have been a⁢ buzzkill to any Democrat getting high on⁣ Tuesday night’s results.

Biden’s job performance has the approval of only​ 39⁤ percent of those polled versus 61 percent who⁢ disapprove.

Seventy-two‌ percent of Americans think things ‌are going badly in the U.S., versus only 23 ​percent who think they’re going well.

And on a personal level, 74 percent of those polled don’t think the octagenarian Biden has the physical stamina ⁤to do the job of the ‌presidency,​ versus only 25 percent who think he does.

Those ⁤are numbers that matter now, and they’re not likely to look much better for Biden 12 months from now when they’re going to matter a lot more — assuming he’s the Democrats’ 2024 nominee.

Now, whether Biden ​is actually going to be the ⁣2024 nominee isn’t yet set in stone.

Similar poll numbers published Sunday by the liberal Democratic newsletter known as The New York Times raised similar concerns — showing former ⁤President Donald Trump beating Biden by five swing states that will‌ be crucial to the 2024 Electoral College vote.

Former Obama campaign guru David Axelrod caused a major stir in political circles ⁣on Sunday when he used⁢ that poll to publicly hint that Biden should step aside now, for the good of his party.

That would suit the argument at CNN, where Chalian declared, according to The Hill that, “What we’re seeing tonight ⁢is, the Democratic brand is not in trouble here. Joe Biden is ⁤in ⁢trouble.”

Will Biden be re-elected?

Will⁤ Biden be re-elected?

But that’s questionable — and it’s the question that the 2024 election is going to be‍ decided on.

For all of his many, many faults, Joe Biden is ‌not the master of the Democratic Party, he’s a creature of the Democratic ‌Party. And since winning the 2020 primary race as the “moderate” in a pack of raving leftists, he’s been a creature of the ever more progressive left wing of his party.

A nearly religious zeal for the‌ “right” to an abortion, open borders, an obsession with race, a willingness to sacrifice the country’s economy and energy independence‍ on the altar of climate change, a literally insane insistence that the bodies men and women are born with ⁣do not determine which are women and which are men.

All of these are hallmarks of the ⁣Biden presidency not because of Joe Biden’s ​beliefs, but because they’re the ‍beliefs of the leftists who have taken over the Democratic Party. Changing the figurehead ⁢won’t change ‌the⁢ direction of the ship.

And on all of them, with the major exception of abortion, it’s conservatives ‌and Republicans who can‍ win ​the argument today, tomorrow and in⁢ 2024 ⁣— on objective evidence.

Illegal immigration is swamping the country to the⁤ point‌ where even liberal New Yorkers are ‌furious. The progressive insistence on ⁤electric vehicles, banning gas stoves and the like are ⁤unpopular, unwieldy and unrealistic. As to the trans debate, men ⁢are ⁤not women, and women are not men, and ⁣everyone with‍ honest eyes knows it. (Besides that reality, one Riley Gaines is ‍worth ​1,000 Lia Thomases. If there’s going to be an⁣ election on that, the right’s victory is⁢ assured.)

That leaves abortion, which has always ​been a generational struggle — as Ohio’s referendum on Tuesday proved, the Supreme ‍Court’s Dobbs ruling didn’t change that. If anything, it​ made it even more intense by moving the issue ⁢back to the states.

Winning American hearts and minds on that is going to be a question of decades. The reality is that the country’s culture has marinated in ‌a half-century of warped jurisprudence and establishment propaganda⁢ in a culture infused with the idea of “rights” and repulsed by the thought of “responsibility.”

Successfully making the argument that each and every life is precious is the challenge of American conservatives at the‌ beginning of the 21st century. It will likely still be the challenge at the end of the century, ‌too. But that’s what life in a democratic Republic means.

The mission is to convince ‍a majority of ⁣Americans — state by federalist state — ‍that having a decent economy in a secure environment in a country worth living in is more important‍ than an‍ invented right to destroy ‌a human life in embryonic form, for whatever reason.

That’s no small task in the world we live in, but if it’s any comfort, those never-ending Democratic ads that all seem to feature a⁢ scolding voiceover from ​the same shrewish white woman — or one of her sorority sisters — will have to start losing their ​effectiveness at some ⁤point. Even ‌feminists have to get tired of being shrieked at at some point.

CNN might ⁢be an odd place for conservatives and Republicans looking for reasons to be optimistic after Tuesday’s election results, but the numbers are there.

The disaster of Biden’s presidency ⁤isn’t going to turn around in 12 months. If anything, Tuesday’s results⁣ are just‍ going to embolden ⁣him.

Chailan, ‌Axelrod and other progressives are seeing the ⁣truth: That Americans have “soured”‍ on Biden.

But there’s more to it than that. Souring on Biden means souring on the Democratic agenda.

And that’s the real truth.

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The post CNN Political Director‌ Forced to Admit the Truth About Biden After Seeing His Own Network’s New ⁣Poll appeared first on The Western Journal.

What is ​Joe Biden’s approval⁤ rating among those polled according to ⁣CNN’s own poll results?

‍”>Terms ‍and Conditions.

The ⁣recent‍ off-year elections were a cause for ‍celebration for the Democratic Party, with victories in Ohio’s referendum on abortion ‌and⁤ the re-election ‍of Democratic Kentucky Governor Andrew Beshear. However, CNN’s political director, David Chalian, took a more somber tone, acknowledging the potential challenges ahead for President‌ Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential⁤ election.

In analyzing CNN’s own⁢ poll results, Chalian revealed that Biden’s job performance has only a 39 percent approval rating among those polled, while 61 percent disapprove. Additionally, 72 percent​ of Americans believe things are going⁢ badly in the U.S., compared to ⁣only 23 percent who think they’re going well. Furthermore, a staggering 74 percent of ⁢those polled doubt Biden’s physical stamina to ​effectively carry out​ the duties of the presidency, while only 25 percent believe he is ‍capable.

These‍ numbers not only reflect the current sentiment towards Biden, but they also⁣ suggest potential challenges that await him in the future. As⁤ the 2024 election approaches, it is crucial for the Democratic Party to address these concerns and assess the likelihood of Biden being‌ their nominee. A similar⁤ poll conducted by The⁤ New York Times revealed unsettling numbers, showing former President Donald Trump leading‍ Biden in five swing states ​that will play a decisive role in the Electoral College vote.

Notably, David Axelrod, a‍ prominent figure in the Obama campaign, hinted that Biden should consider stepping aside for the benefit of the Democratic Party in light of these poll results. Chalian echoed a⁤ similar sentiment, emphasizing‍ that it is Biden who is in trouble, rather than the Democratic brand as a whole.

While it remains uncertain whether Biden will run for re-election in 2024, the current data raises important questions about his ability to secure another‌ term if he does. ⁣As the‌ Democratic Party prepares for the upcoming presidential race, they must carefully consider the concerns highlighted by ‍these polls and determine the most suitable candidate to represent⁢ their party. Ultimately, the fate of Biden’s presidency and his potential re-election lies in the hands ‍of the voters.

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