Washington Examiner

Democrats sharply divided over Biden’s response to Israel war: Poll

President Biden’s Policy on Israel Sparks ‍Deep ‍Divisions in Democratic Party

A recent poll conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center‍ for Public Affairs Research reveals that President Joe Biden’s ‌approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict is causing significant rifts within⁣ the ​Democratic Party.

The survey, which involved 1,239 adults and took⁣ place from November 2nd to 6th, indicates that while 50% of Democrats approve​ of Biden’s handling of the war that erupted when​ Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7th, 46% disapprove of his approach.

Democrats⁢ Divided on U.S. Support⁣ for Israel

The poll also highlights a⁢ split among Democrats regarding the level of support the United States should provide to Israel during the⁣ conflict. 45% ‌of Democrats believe that the country has given the right amount of support, while 44% feel that⁢ the U.S. has offered too much support to‌ Israel.

When examining Democrats who disapprove of Biden’s handling of the conflict,‌ a significant portion attribute “a ⁢lot” of responsibility to both Israel (56%) and Hamas (55%) for the ongoing war. In contrast, among Democrats ⁣who approve of Biden’s approach, only 32% believe⁢ Israel bears “a lot” of responsibility, while 76% place the blame on Hamas.

Biden has‍ expressed his ⁤support for Israel’s right⁣ to defend itself following the‍ terrorist attack, but he has‍ also advocated for a humanitarian pause to provide aid to the people in Gaza. ‌However, this stance in favor of the Jewish state has sparked ​controversy among some members of the left wing ⁤within‍ his party.

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Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) ​has emerged as the most vocal critic⁣ of Biden’s⁣ Israel policy within‍ the ​Democratic Party. She has​ gone as far as accusing ​him of “cheering on” Israel’s “ethnic cleansing.” ​Tlaib’s controversial remarks have drawn condemnation from politicians ⁣across the political spectrum and resulted in‌ a censure‌ in the House of Representatives.

How has President Biden’s policy on Israel⁣ contributed to⁤ the deep divide within the Democratic Party?

Center for Public Affairs Research has indicated a deep divide within the Democratic ‍Party over President Joe⁢ Biden’s policy ‍on Israel. ‍This divide raises questions about the future direction of the party and its stance towards one of America’s closest allies in the ⁣Middle East.

President Biden’s‍ approach to Israel represents a departure from the position held by his predecessor, Donald Trump. While Trump was widely seen as one of the most pro-Israel ‌presidents in recent history, Biden has taken a more balanced approach, seeking to restore the ⁣United States’ ‌traditional role as an impartial mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

One of the key points of contention ‍within the ​Democratic Party is ‍President Biden’s handling of the ‌recent conflict between Israel and Hamas. The conflict, which resulted in the loss of numerous lives, has reignited the debate over the Israeli government’s treatment of‍ Palestinians⁣ and its settlement ⁢policies in the West Bank.

A vocal faction within the Democratic Party, including progressive lawmakers such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar, has criticized Biden’s response to the ⁤conflict. They argue that he has not done enough⁣ to hold Israel accountable for its ‌actions and should take a stronger stance in support ‍of Palestinian rights.

On the other‌ hand, more moderate Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have ⁣praised President Biden’s efforts to ⁤de-escalate the conflict and maintain the long-standing alliance between the United States and Israel. They‌ argue ⁣that it is essential for the United States ⁢to support Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorist attacks.

The division within ‍the Democratic Party on the⁤ issue of Israel is ‌not a new phenomenon. ‍It has been simmering for years, with tensions between‍ the party’s progressive⁢ wing and ⁣its more centrist members. However, the recent conflict has brought these divisions to the forefront, putting President Biden in ​a ‍challenging position as he seeks to navigate this internal party rift.

The divergent views on Israel within the Democratic ​Party reflect broader shifts in public ‌opinion towards the Israeli-Palestinian ‍conflict. ‍While support for‌ Israel has traditionally been bipartisan in the United States, younger generations and​ progressive voters are increasingly ‍critical of Israel’s policies. This has created a significant challenge for Biden and his party as they seek to balance their support‍ for⁢ Israel with the changing attitudes of their base.

The rift within the Democratic Party ‌over ​Israel also has potential implications for‌ U.S.-Israel relations more broadly. If the party ‌continues to ⁢move towards a more critical stance on Israel,‌ it could impact the U.S.’s ability to ⁤effectively ⁢advocate for Israeli interests in international forums and negotiate peace agreements in the region.

President Biden faces a delicate balancing act as he seeks to maintain party unity while​ also managing the expectations of the progressive wing on the⁣ issue of Israel. It remains to be seen how⁣ he will navigate these tensions and ensure that the Democratic Party remains a unified⁢ force moving forward. The upcoming mid-term elections will be a crucial test of whether the party can find common ground on this fundamental foreign policy issue.

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