Washington Examiner

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says there is no ‘timetable’ for war against Hamas

Netanyahu: Israel Will Continue to Fight Hamas Until They Are Eradicated

Israeli‌ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that there is no specific timeline for defeating Hamas, but Israeli forces will persist in their attacks ‌on the Palestinian⁣ enclave until the terrorist ⁤group is completely eliminated. In an​ interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier, Netanyahu emphasized that while he has set goals, the duration of the operation cannot be⁢ predetermined. He expressed the desire for a swift ⁢resolution‌ but acknowledged the importance of proceeding cautiously to minimize civilian casualties and maximize the impact on Hamas militants.

The ​Determination to⁤ Prevail

Netanyahu firmly believes that Israel possesses the perseverance, willpower, and resolve to emerge victorious against Hamas, regardless of the time it ⁢takes. Drawing a comparison ‍to the United‌ States’ fight against ISIS and al Qaeda, he expressed confidence that ⁣Israel’s battle against Hamas will not be as protracted. Nevertheless, he reiterated the commitment‌ to continue‌ the⁢ fight until the​ objective is achieved, while‍ striving to shorten the duration as much as possible.

The Brutality of Hamas

Netanyahu acknowledged the formidable nature of Hamas as an enemy, highlighting their ruthless tactics, including firing upon ​their own ⁤citizens to prevent them from seeking⁣ safety. He condemned‍ their acts of murder, mutilation, rape, burning of children, and taking hostages, describing them‍ as the worst atrocities inflicted on the Jewish people since ‌the Holocaust. Additionally, he emphasized that Hamas deliberately uses their own civilians‍ as human shields, demonstrating their disregard for innocent⁣ lives.

A Distinction in Objectives

Netanyahu clarified ⁤that ⁤Israel’s goal ⁣is ​not to harm Palestinian civilians but to target Hamas terrorists. He ​emphasized the distinction between ‌the two, contrasting it with Hamas’ lack of regard for civilian lives. The prime ⁢minister highlighted the ongoing fighting against Hamas, even during the temporary pauses ‍in northern Gaza to allow for‌ civilian evacuation.

Support for Censuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Netanyahu commended the House’s censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who⁢ has called for an end to the Israeli occupation. He criticized Tlaib‌ for embracing the phrase “from the river to the sea,”​ which ⁤some interpret as ⁢advocating for the eradication⁤ of Israel. Netanyahu labeled this notion as absurd and applauded Congress for taking action. ‌He also expressed concern about the inability of educated individuals to distinguish between right and ⁣wrong, particularly when it comes to condemning ⁣Hamas, which he unequivocally described​ as evil.

What approach does Prime Minister Netanyahu believe is necessary to ‌rid Israel of ⁤the constant threat posed by Hamas?

‍Silience to rid itself of the constant⁣ threat posed by Hamas. He recognizes ​that eradicating Hamas entirely will require a multi-faceted approach⁤ in not only military operations but also in addressing the root causes of the conflict. Netanyahu understands that the battle cannot ​be won solely through force, but also‌ through diplomacy and a‍ comprehensive strategy that addresses Hamas’s support base and funding sources.

The⁣ Prime⁤ Minister highlighted Israel’s past successes in‌ combating terrorist organizations such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda, emphasizing that the country has the capacity to‌ defeat Hamas as well. He cited Israel’s groundbreaking ⁢intelligence capabilities and advanced military technology​ as crucial assets in this ongoing struggle. Netanyahu’s comments reiterate the Israeli government’s commitment to ensuring⁤ the safety and ‍security of its citizens, even if it means ⁢deploying all necessary⁣ means to eliminate the threat.

Cautious Engagement

Netanyahu also stressed the importance of cautious engagement to minimize civilian casualties. Despite facing constant provocation and attacks⁢ from Hamas, Israel’s military strives to differentiate between civilians and militants. ‍The Israeli Defense Forces employ a targeted approach, ⁤employing precision airstrikes and intelligence-driven operations to minimize collateral ​damage.

The Prime Minister acknowledged the challenges of waging a war against an organization⁢ like​ Hamas, which often operates from densely populated areas. He highlighted Hamas’s use of human shields and assets in civilian infrastructure, which puts innocent lives at risk ⁣while⁤ complicating military operations. Netanyahu emphasized that while Israeli forces ⁣take every precaution to prevent civilian casualties, Hamas’s tactics make it difficult to entirely eliminate collateral‍ damage.

The Humanitarian Aspect

Netanyahu expressed concern for​ the welfare of Palestinians trapped in the‌ Gaza Strip under Hamas’s rule. He believes that the Palestinian people are victims of⁤ both Hamas’s oppression and ‌its rejection‌ of ⁣peace negotiations. The Prime Minister emphasized that Israel’s fight is not against the Palestinian people but against the terrorist organization that‍ exploits ⁣their suffering for political purposes.

Israel has consistently ‌provided humanitarian aid to the ⁢Gaza Strip, including food,⁤ medical supplies, and⁢ other essential resources. Netanyahu reaffirmed that​ Israel seeks to alleviate the suffering of innocent Palestinians and improve their ⁣quality of life. He lamented that ‍Hamas diverts resources meant for the welfare of the Palestinian people⁢ to fund its terrorist ⁢activities, further exacerbating their plight.

The Road to⁣ Resolution

While Netanyahu’s determination to eradicate Hamas is clear, ‍he also recognizes that a⁣ long-lasting resolution will require addressing the root ⁤causes of the conflict. Israel seeks to engage with regional partners and international‌ stakeholders to⁢ put an end to the incessant cycle of violence. The Prime Minister emphasized ​the need for international support in isolating and pressuring Hamas ​to ‌renounce‍ terrorism and recognize Israel’s right to exist.

Netanyahu called on the international community to condemn Hamas’s indiscriminate ⁤rockets attacks and hold them accountable for ​any human rights violations. He expressed hope for improved relations with neighboring countries and expressed Israel’s ‍willingness ⁣to work towards regional stability. Netanyahu believes that a future without Hamas is not only‌ in Israel’s best interest but also crucial for peace‍ and prosperity in the entire region.

In conclusion, ‌Prime ⁤Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s commitment ‍to eradicating Hamas underscores Israel’s determination to‌ ensure its safety and security. While acknowledging the challenges and ‍complexities of the conflict,‍ Netanyahu is resolute in pursuing this goal. He places a strong emphasis on ‍minimizing civilian casualties and providing aid to the Palestinian people, highlighting Israel’s humanitarian approach. Through diplomacy, targeted operations, and international cooperation, Israel ⁣aims‍ to bring an ‌end to the threat posed by Hamas⁢ and work ⁢towards a lasting resolution in the region.

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