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Can Biden Even Dress Himself? Video Shows Supporter Helping Him Put Shirt On

Can Biden ⁣Even⁣ Dress Himself? Video Shows Supporter⁣ Helping‌ Him Put Shirt On

Well, it’s finally gotten to that point — we’ve got to⁢ wonder whether the putative leader of the free world can even dress ​himself.

On Thursday, President‌ Joe Biden ⁣visited a Stellantis plant in Belvidere, Illinois, to emphasize his solidarity with the members​ of the United Auto Workers, who ​recently ⁣settled their ⁣differences with management and are back on the assembly line.

The speech was typical ​Biden. It began with his favorite topic: Namely,⁤ himself and his anecdotes.

“Something you don’t know: ⁤My state of Delaware — a little state — because we’ve⁤ got a small population, had the highest percentage of UAW ⁣workers in ⁢the ⁢United States of America. We had the largest GM⁢ plant. ‌We ⁣had⁣ the largest Chrysler plant outside of Detroit. And we had a lot of ​shipping as well,” ‍Biden said.

“But here’s the deal, I got raised on automobiles. My dad ran ⁤an⁣ auto — he didn’t own⁤ it; he ran an automobile agency for a long time.”

See if you can find‍ a bookie to give you odds on⁢ that story being⁢ true and⁣ bet against‌ it. He went on⁣ to say that folks in the​ UAW were⁣ “tough,⁢ tough, tough as they come” and were the “first ⁢outfit to ever‍ endorse ​me as a ‍29-year-old kid when I was⁢ running⁣ for the United State Senate and been with me my whole⁣ career.”

He went on to reiterate his support for unions (so⁣ long as they vote for him), how they’ll all benefit from ⁢his infrastructure spending spree (even⁣ though they won’t) ‌and how electric vehicles are ‍the future of union jobs (even though forced adoption of EVs​ will kill⁣ jobs, not create ⁢them).

But the most important takeaway from the speech: ‍Biden’s at the point where he can’t dress himself.

As⁤ Biden came out on stage, a union representative presented him with a shirt meant to express solidarity with the workers in Belivedere (and everywhere, one ⁤presumes). Of course​ he had to wear it on the spot; not to do so would be a political faux⁢ pas of epic proportions. However, ⁢the ‍faux pas may‍ have ⁣been union management exposing just how fragile their‍ horse in the​ 2024 ‍presidential race really is:

He has to be helped when putting on a T-shirt, ⁢which is so seldom‌ a good look — as the Republican National Committee’s RNC Research social​ media account noted:

Other users ⁤were equally embarrassed‍ and worried at the 80-year-old’s inability to dress himself:

But⁣ then, ⁢what do we expect from the ⁣president at⁣ this point?

Particularly on ⁤infrastructure, the president continues to embarrass ⁤himself,‍ his party and‌ his nation. Earlier‌ in the​ week, ‌he told the ⁤ Angelo Negri story again while promoting Amtrak. In case you’re​ unfamiliar with that tall tale,‌ well, here you go:

Just in case you’re⁤ not clear on ‌why this‍ is⁤ absolute ⁤piffle, from a CNN ⁢ (!) fact-check in 2021: “Biden’s account‍ simply ⁢does not add up,” the fact-check noted. “Biden did not reach the million-miles-flown mark as ‌vice president until September⁢ 2015, according to his own past comments. But ‌Negri‌ retired from Amtrak in 1993 and‌ died in​ May 2014, according to an obituary published online and in‌ the Asbury Park Press, a New Jersey ‍newspaper.”

And just​ to be⁤ clear: ⁢This is the 12th time Biden has told the‌ story ​as president, at least. He’s gotten to the point where he forgets which ​of his⁢ lies have been debunked.

Are‌ we at all⁣ surprised, then,‌ when the man‍ needs help doing things that, in any⁣ ordinary situation, would have a man living in an assisted living facility? When that’s what⁢ 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. has become, it’s time⁢ for a change ⁢of resident.

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The post Can ​Biden Even Dress Himself?​ Video Shows Supporter Helping Him Put Shirt On appeared first on ⁤ The Western ​Journal.

Who is really in charge and making important decisions if Biden requires assistance with ​simple tasks

⁤ Shirt. This ‍is a man who is supposed to ‌be ‍leading the country, yet he cannot even dress himself. It⁣ is ​a concerning sight ‌to‍ witness.

Of course, ⁤Biden’s​ supporters will‌ defend‌ him and argue that‍ it‍ is not a big deal. They may say that many older individuals‍ may require​ assistance with certain tasks, and that Biden’s⁢ age should not be used against him. However, this⁢ goes beyond just age. It raises questions about his mental and physical⁢ capabilities to fulfill ⁤the demanding⁣ role of the President of the United States.

One has to wonder,‌ if Biden struggles with ⁤something as simple as⁤ putting on ‍a shirt, how can ⁣we trust him to make⁣ sound decisions and lead the country effectively? The presidency requires someone who ‍is sharp, competent, and capable of handling complex matters. If Biden‌ cannot even dress himself, can he truly serve as a strong and capable leader?

This⁤ incident‍ also sheds light on the​ support system surrounding Biden. ⁢If he ⁣needs assistance ‌with basic tasks, who‌ is really running the show? Who is making the important decisions and guiding the President? It raises concerns about whether Biden⁣ is ⁤truly​ in charge or if there⁢ are other individuals⁤ pulling the strings behind the scenes.

The video of Biden being helped with ⁣his shirt serves as a symbol ⁤of larger concerns about his presidency. It is ‍not just about putting​ on a shirt; it is about the responsibilities and expectations ⁤that come with being the leader of the free world.​ We need a ⁢leader who can stand on his own, both metaphorically and literally.

It is not a matter of attacking‍ Biden personally; rather, it is about holding our leaders to a high standard. The American people deserve a president who is capable, independent, and fully capable​ of fulfilling the duties ‍of the office. If Biden cannot even dress himself, it raises doubts about his ability to perform ‌these crucial tasks.

As we move forward, it is important to continue questioning and scrutinizing our‍ leaders. We must hold them accountable for⁣ their actions and capabilities. The video of Biden being helped ⁣with his shirt should serve as a reminder that we⁣ should not blindly​ trust our leaders, but rather, we should demand excellence and competence⁣ from them.

In conclusion, the ‌video of Biden being assisted with putting on a shirt raises concerns⁣ about his ability⁤ to lead the country effectively. It is not just about a simple task;‌ it is about the broader‍ implications of his capabilities‍ and the⁢ support system surrounding him. The American people deserve⁤ a president who can stand on his own and fulfill the responsibilities of the office.⁣ It ‌is important that ‌we continue to question ⁤and scrutinize our leaders to ensure that they meet the ​high standards required for the presidency.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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