Conservative News Daily

GOP Senator subpoenas Epstein’s flight logs, surprises Dems.

GOP Senator Turns Tables on Dems, Issues Subpoena for Epstein’s Flight Logs, ⁤But⁣ That’s Not All

In a farce of a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday, GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn‌ of Tennessee managed to‍ pull down the curtain and have the last laugh.

The hearing was ostensibly⁤ about Democrats ⁣ganging up ⁤on Supreme​ Court Justice Clarence ⁤Thomas and​ his relationships with real estate magnate Harlan Crow and Leonard‌ Leo, co-chairman of‍ the ‌ Federalist Society, a conservative ⁤judicial group.

The⁣ top‍ agenda⁢ item was “Authorization‌ for Subpoenas Relating to the Supreme Court Ethics Investigation.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin,‍ an⁣ Illinois Democrat, had requested a vote to subpoena Crow and ‍Leo, saying they were “central players in the ethics⁤ challenge facing the court.”

However, the farce ‍ended more quickly than Durbin would have liked, thanks to the threats of counter-subpoenas by Republicans —‍ the most pointed coming from Blackburn.

In addition to promising to seek subpoenas of several individuals related‍ to a book scandal ⁢involving Obama-appointed Justice Sonya Sotomayor, she also threatened to open a⁤ Pandora’s box ​in the form of the flight logs from late⁢ alleged sex ⁣trafficker and hyper-connected billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

“Since we’re in ​the‌ business of​ issuing ‌subpoenas now, here are ⁤a few more that I’ve filed. A subpoena to Jeffrey Epstein’s estate ‌to provide the flight‍ logs for his private plane,” Blackburn said.

“Given the numerous allegations of human trafficking and sexual abuse surrounding Mr. Epstein, I think it is very important that we identify everybody who was on that plane and how many trips they took on⁤ that plane and⁤ the destinations ​to which they arrived,” she said.

Others targeted by the senator’s subpoenas, according to her remarks:

  • Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra regarding 85,000 illegal immigrant minors his department had lost track of.
  • The Department of Justice for its cancellation of a program aimed at tracking down Chinese ⁢spies.
  • Former ‌special counsel Robert Mueller’s staff regarding “political ​donations and participation” amid the Russian collusion ‌probe.
  • DOJ ⁣and ⁢the Federal Trade Commission for documents related to their efforts ​to silence conservative​ speech ⁤on social media.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the meeting‌ was adjourned without subpoenas.

Of course, the big enchilada in Blackburn’s airing of ⁢subpoena grievances was that of the flight logs regarding those who took⁢ trips on Epstein’s so-called Lolita‌ Express, which carried Epstein’s connected friends and,⁢ allegedly, some of the girls that the financier was‌ sexually trafficking.

Perhaps most infamously, former President ⁣William Clinton said he ⁤took only four trips ​aboard the plane. Records later ⁤showed ⁢that Bill had⁣ made over 20 trips on‌ the aircraft. But who’s counting? Certainly⁤ not Epstein​ (anymore).

Of course,​ Democrats will bray about ‌this being⁤ a sideshow. So are the ⁣subpoenas ​against individuals Democrats want to use‌ to ⁢smear Justice ‌Thomas without ​any evidence of wrongdoing. ⁢And, as Blackburn noted in her speech, there’s a lot more scandal-esque smoke surrounding Sotomayor and allegations that⁢ her personal staff, whose⁣ salaries are paid by the taxpayer,‌ had‍ influenced organizations to⁣ buy her books to juice her royalty payments.

“This summer, what we ‍learned was that over the years, ​her staff has pressured public institutions to buy her books, and these books ⁣and her book deals have earned her $4 million,” Blackburn said.

She added that ⁣considering Thomas’ ​refusal ⁢to recuse himself from cases connected in an ancillary manner to those ⁢who had given him gifts, it was rather​ rich ‍that Sotomayor had refused to recuse herself from⁢ two copyright infringement​ cases that directly‌ affected her.

“So I have filed an amendment issuing‍ a subpoena​ to Justice​ Sotomayor’s staff who’s helped to sell the books, ⁢as well as to her book publisher so‍ we​ can​ fully understand the backstory ​of the deal,” Blackburn said.

Yes, Thursday’s hearing ⁤produced⁣ plenty of happy smirks —‌ but none of them, as one suspects had been the original plan, were⁣ on the faces of Democrats.

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The post GOP Senator Turns​ Tables on Dems,‍ Issues Subpoena for Epstein’s Flight Logs, But That’s Not All appeared first on The Western Journal.

What was the purpose⁣ of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing and how did it deviate from its intended agenda?

GOP Senator Turns Tables⁣ on Dems, Issues Subpoena for Epstein’s Flight Logs, ⁤But⁣ That’s Not ⁣All

In a ​surprising turn of events during ‌a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, GOP Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee managed⁤ to steal the⁤ spotlight and leave the Democrats dumbfounded.

The hearing, which was supposedly about the relationship between Supreme Court Justice Clarence⁤ Thomas and real‍ estate magnate Harlan Crow and Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society, quickly⁣ turned into a farce. The main‍ agenda‍ item was “Authorization for Subpoenas Relating to the Supreme Court Ethics Investigation.”

Chairman Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, had requested a vote ⁣to subpoena Crow and Leo, claiming that they were key players in an ethics challenge faced by ⁢the court. However, things didn’t go as planned for Durbin, thanks to Blackburn’s bold move.

Blackburn, in an unexpected twist, threatened to issue counter-subpoenas against several individuals related to a book scandal involving Justice Sonya Sotomayor, who‌ was appointed by former President Obama. But her biggest bombshell came ‌in the form of a promise to open Pandora’s box by seeking the flight logs of the notorious late alleged sex trafficker and billionaire,‌ Jeffrey Epstein.

During the hearing, Blackburn stated, “Since we’re ⁤in the business of issuing subpoenas now, here are a few more that I’ve filed. A subpoena to Jeffrey Epstein’s estate to provide the flight logs for his private plane. Given the numerous allegations of human trafficking and sexual abuse surrounding Mr. Epstein, I think it is ⁣very important that we identify everybody who ‌was ‌on that plane and how many trips they took and the destinations they arrived at.”

Blackburn’s move sent shockwaves through ‌the committee room. It was a calculated move to shift the focus away from the Democrats’ intended target and shed light on a much bigger scandal. By highlighting the allegations surrounding ‍Epstein’s ‍activities, Blackburn aimed to expose any potential connections or involvement of high-profile individuals.

But Blackburn didn’t stop there. She also issued subpoenas to Health and⁢ Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra regarding the department’s loss of track of ​85,000 illegal immigrant minors. Additionally, the Department of⁢ Justice was subpoenaed for‍ canceling a program aimed at tracking down​ Chinese ​spies. Furthermore, she sought documents from former ​special ‍counsel Robert Mueller’s staff regarding political⁣ donations and participation during the Russian collusion investigation. Lastly, the DOJ and Federal Trade Commission were targeted‌ for⁢ documents related to their efforts to silence conservative speech ⁢on social media.

Blackburn’s subpoenas targeted various controversial issues and individuals,⁢ exposing a pattern of questionable actions within the government and raising concerns about the suppression of conservative viewpoints. While many expected the hearing to be a⁢ partisan spectacle, Blackburn managed to seize the moment ⁤and ‌assert her authority, calling attention to serious matters ‌that deserve further‍ investigation.

As the hearing came to a close, Democrats were left scrambling for a response. Blackburn’s bold move⁢ not only turned the tables on them but also revealed their limited⁢ focus and unwillingness to address⁢ pressing issues. The senator from Tennessee succeeded in challenging the status⁣ quo and demanding accountability, reminding everyone that no‍ one is above the law.

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