Conservative News Daily

Newsom’s Real Reason for San Francisco Cleanup May Be Even More Cynical Than Previously Thought

San Francisco’s Cleanup for the APEC Summit: A‍ Political Move by Gavin Newsom?

San⁣ Francisco is making headlines⁣ for finally addressing its homeless crisis and cleaning up the city ahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic‍ Cooperation ⁢(APEC) summit. While it may‌ seem like ⁤a PR move for the international event, progressive-turned-conservative commentator Dave Rubin ⁤suggests that​ Governor Gavin Newsom has bigger ambitions in mind.

Rubin appeared on‍ Fox News’ “America’s ‌Newsroom” and speculated that​ Newsom’s ⁤efforts to clean up San Francisco are ‌part of a⁣ larger plan to position himself for a presidential run. “I ⁤mean I’m fairly certain Gavin Newsom is getting ready ‌to run‌ for president one way or another when they decide to push Joe Biden out,” Rubin said.

Newsom, a former mayor ⁤of San Francisco, has faced criticism for the⁤ city’s decline under his leadership. Rubin argues ⁣that Newsom’s desire to present a ‌clean and prosperous San Francisco to the nation and the world is a strategic move to boost his political⁢ image.

However, ‍the problems facing San Francisco are not ‍unique⁣ to the city. Other major cities in California, such as Oakland and Los⁤ Angeles, are also grappling with issues like crime and homelessness. Newsom’s policies, which have been‍ detrimental to the state, could potentially be implemented on a national scale if he were to become president.

As San Francisco prepares to host the APEC summit, the city’s efforts to clean ‌up its streets and present a positive ‌image may ⁤be seen as a calculated‍ political move by Newsom. Whether⁢ or not⁤ his ambitions extend to ‍the ‍White House remains to be seen, but ⁢the consequences of ⁣his⁢ progressive policies are already evident ⁣in California.

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It might let the rest of America — ⁣the kind of NPR-loving liberals who live in nice safe suburbia ⁢— get an inkling of what happens when Democrats get full control.

So, with the‌ Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit rolling into town, San‍ Francisco has rolled up its streets,‌ clearing out ⁢homeless tents and drug markets, as the New York Post reported Friday.

That wasn’t done for the benefit of San⁢ Franciscans, of course. The Democratic-dominated government has long since made clear it doesn’t give a damn about ordinary​ citizens.

It also wasn’t done simply for⁢ the⁤ benefit​ of the jet-setting summiteers and the millions of dollars they’re going to be pumping into the San⁢ Francisco economy.

It was done for the benefit of ‍a national ‌American audience — normal people who might be catching a ‌glimpse of the APEC summit‍ on the news or reading about it online and seeing images ⁤of San Francisco as it looks at its best, when almost any view of the⁤ city at any point​ is almost heart-breakingly beautiful.

And, ultimately, it was done for‍ the​ benefit of Gavin Newsom, a man whose magazine-ad good looks, sculpted hair, and ruling-class hypocrisy make a virtual caricature of West⁣ Coast, left-wing politics.

Newsom has said all the right things for an ambitious Democrat with a doddering Democrat in the Oval Office — pledging his support for President Joe Biden while Biden runs for re-election. But his‌ public actions speak⁣ louder, and making sure⁢ San Francisco is prettied up for ⁤its time in the spotlight might ⁤even have been the biggest hint yet that⁢ Newsom is aiming for the White House.

The‍ Joe Biden ⁣presidency is already a disaster. ⁢If Rubin is right, what’s waiting in the wings is worse.

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The post Newsom’s Real Reason for San Francisco Cleanup May Be Even More ⁢Cynical Than Previously Thought appeared first on The Western Journal.

What measures has San Francisco implemented to clean up its streets ahead of the APEC summit and how effective have these efforts been so far?

‍ San Francisco⁤ has been in the spotlight recently​ for its efforts to address the city’s homeless crisis and⁣ clean up its streets ahead of‌ the Asia-Pacific ‍Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. While some may view this as a mere public relations move for the international event, commentator Dave Rubin⁣ suggests⁣ that Governor Gavin Newsom has ⁢larger ambitions in mind.

Rubin, appearing on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” speculated that Newsom’s efforts to clean up San‌ Francisco‍ are part of a broader plan to position himself for a ‍presidential run. He ⁤stated,‍ “I mean I’m fairly certain Gavin Newsom is getting ready ​to run for president one way or another when they decide to push Joe Biden out.”

Newsom, a ⁣former mayor of San Francisco, has faced criticism for ⁤the decline the city has experienced‌ under his leadership. ⁣Rubin argues that Newsom’s desire to present a clean and prosperous San‌ Francisco to the nation ‌and the world is a strategic move to ‌enhance his political image.

However, the problems facing San Francisco are ⁣not

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