The federalist

Obama and Biden’s “America-Last” approach diminished U.S. from global leader to loser.

America’s Decline on ​the ⁣World ​Stage

“America must always lead on the‍ world stage. If​ we​ don’t, no one else will.”

These words, spoken by former President Barack ⁣Obama, ⁤lack⁣ credibility considering his track record. Throughout⁣ his presidency, Obama’s foreign policy was ⁤marked by incompetence ⁤and⁤ a disregard for American exceptionalism. He downplayed America’s role ⁤as ​a global leader, alienated allies, and ​emboldened enemies. Now, President Joe Biden is following‍ in his footsteps, further weakening ⁤America’s strength⁤ and ‌credibility.

Representing What You Hate

To understand the ‌Obama-Biden approach to foreign ‌affairs, we must ‍ask a fundamental question: How‍ can​ someone effectively represent a ‌country ⁤they⁢ dislike and reject its ⁣founding principles? Obama’s disdain for America was evident even ‍before he took office, as ⁤he criticized the nation’s imperfections and downplayed its achievements. His apology tour and refusal to acknowledge‍ American exceptionalism revealed his ​true feelings.

Unfortunately,​ Biden shares this anti-American sentiment. He has repeatedly questioned the uniqueness of America and its values. Both presidents prioritize accumulating‍ power and⁤ leaving ‍a ⁣legacy over the well-being of the American ​people.

Anti-Western Beliefs + Incompetence = Foreign⁣ Policy Disasters

Not‍ only do‌ Obama‍ and Biden hold anti-Western ‍beliefs, but they also lack competence in foreign⁤ policy. Their treatment of Israel and⁤ Iran is a ​prime example. Both presidents ‍have been hostile towards Israel, prioritizing appeasement of Iran ​instead. Their flawed Iran nuclear deal and ⁣disregard for Israel’s security have only emboldened Iran’s ‍genocidal regime.

Furthermore, their incompetence in ‌countering China’s ⁢rise as a global threat⁣ is⁤ alarming. Despite Obama’s “pivot to Asia” strategy, China continued to⁣ expand​ its⁤ military capabilities and assert territorial claims. Biden’s dismissive‍ attitude towards China’s ‍aggression and his declining ⁤mental faculties have further emboldened China and ⁣endangered U.S. assets in the ​Indo-Pacific region.

The‌ World Pays the ​Consequences

The consequences of Obama‌ and Biden’s foreign⁤ policy failures are evident. China threatens Taiwan, Russia invades Ukraine, Hamas attacks Israel, and U.S. embassies ⁢are evacuated. Adversarial powers are forming ‍alliances, and ⁤the world is becoming‍ more dangerous. By projecting weakness and abandoning American exceptionalism, Obama⁣ and⁣ Biden have ​allowed these powers⁢ to reset‌ the geopolitical chessboard, while America’s role as ⁣a global leader diminishes.

Obama was right that America must lead on the⁣ world ⁢stage, but his ​actions and those of Biden have fallen⁤ short. It is crucial for the United ⁣States to reassess its foreign policy if it ⁣wants⁣ to maintain its position ⁤as a global hegemon.

How does a lack of belief in the‌ greatness of the United States affect a leader’s effectiveness on the⁤ world stage?

Lack of belief in the greatness of the United States. This lack of pride and ​confidence in one’s own country is a dangerous mindset ⁤for a leader to⁤ have on the world‍ stage.

During his presidency, Obama’s approach ‍to foreign policy was marked by a sense of moral relativism and a desire to avoid confrontation at all costs. He believed in the ⁣power of dialogue and negotiation, even ​when faced with aggressive and uncooperative actors⁢ on the world stage. This led to a⁢ weak ‍and ‌indecisive⁤ foreign policy that failed to⁢ effectively address and confront emerging threats.

His handling of the Syrian civil war is a prime ‍example of this. When faced with evidence of​ the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons⁣ against its own ⁢people, Obama drew a ⁣”red ⁣line” and warned of consequences if that ⁤line was crossed. ‌However, when the line was indeed crossed, he backtracked and failed to take any meaningful action. This sent⁣ a message to the world that​ America’s threats ‍and promises were⁣ empty ⁤and hollow.

Similarly, Obama’s nuclear deal‌ with Iran was ‌touted as a major diplomatic ‍achievement, but it ultimately failed to address ⁤Iran’s support for terrorism‍ and its aggressive behavior in the Middle East. The deal​ lifted economic sanctions on Iran and allowed them to continue their nuclear​ program under the guise⁣ of peaceful intentions. This not only endangered regional stability but also undermined American​ credibility and emboldened Iran’s expansionist agenda.

Now,​ President Biden‌ is continuing the legacy‌ of Obama’s weak⁢ and misguided ​foreign policy. ​His decision to rejoin the ⁢Paris Climate Accord and the World ⁢Health Organization, despite their flawed and ineffective policies, shows a ‌prioritization of global cooperation⁣ over American interests. He is ‌also pursuing a renewed deal with Iran, despite‌ their continued hostility and support ⁤for terrorism.

Furthermore, President Biden’s handling ‍of the crisis in Afghanistan has exposed America’s decline on the⁢ world stage. The hasty withdrawal of troops and the subsequent collapse of the Afghan government and ​takeover by the⁢ Taliban have left a vacuum and instability in the region.‌ Not only does this reflect a failure of intelligence and planning, but it also sends a message to the world that America ‍is unreliable⁤ and willing to abandon its allies in times of ⁤crisis.

America’s decline on the ⁣world stage is ⁢a result of⁤ weak⁢ and misguided leadership. The lack of belief in American exceptionalism and the prioritization of global cooperation over American⁤ interests‍ have diminished‌ America’s strength and credibility. It is imperative for future leaders to prioritize and‍ promote American⁣ values and interests in order to regain​ America’s rightful place​ as a global leader.

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