The federalist

How US Teacher Colleges Impact Student and Teacher Intelligence

Outdated and Ineffective Instruction: The Real Reason for Learning Loss

More than three years⁢ after ⁤ Covid-19 began, explanations abound for ongoing ⁣“learning loss” in schools. But these discussions often miss one of the most obvious explanations: outdated ‍and ineffective instruction.

It’s been ​repeatedly shown that teacher quality is the ​primary thing affecting student achievement.‍ Shouldn’t teacher quality be our primary concern? Given how far behind‍ we’ve fallen in teacher quality, you would think so.

The Decline of Teacher Quality

If you aren’t ‍convinced that teacher quality has gone‌ down,‍ I would ask ⁢you to “briefly state the result‌ and effect of the ⁢battle of ​Waterloo.” If you’re anything like me, you could say something, right? It just wouldn’t be amazing. What ‍is amazing, though, is that the question above⁣ was taken from Michigan’s public grammar schoolteacher-licensing exam in history from ⁣1900. In other words, a competent high school graduate in 1900 was expected to know the answer and⁣ to teach the answer to eighth graders. In other words, teachers back in⁤ the day​ knew their ‍stuff.

Teaching Without⁣ Studying

By⁢ 1997, the Department of Education was forced​ to admit ⁢that ⁣a staggering 59 percent of⁢ social studies teachers were teaching subjects they hadn’t even studied. Not surprisingly, that year ⁢57 percent of high school seniors scored “below basic” in U.S. history, ⁢according to Diane⁢ Ravitch’s⁢ NAEP report. It’s like⁤ the blind leading the blind.

Fast forward to 2006: 62 percent of teachers agreed that their training didn’t prepare ⁤them well for their jobs. Teacher training ‌programs have ‌not only been a ​ waste,⁤ but they⁣ may actually make teachers less‌ competent at their‌ jobs. That’s why​ no matter how much money you throw at them, modern‍ teacher certification programs still do ⁣not improve⁢ teacher quality and⁣ student achievement.

Education Reform Begins with Teachers

No law, executive edict, funding package, or curriculum restriction will fix the⁢ teacher quality problem. In any case, you would ‍still have teachers ⁣in ‍the⁣ classroom who can’t do⁣ what you ⁣want them to do: competently teach their students. ‌Telling a history teacher ‌educated on Howard Zinn or Paulo Freire to teach a competent class on the U.S. Constitution from the framers’ point of view would be ⁢like telling a chef⁢ he can cook anything on the menu but ‍only ⁤giving⁢ him⁢ the ingredients for pasta. You’ll get something, ‌sure. It’ll probably be pasta.

Improving teacher quality⁣ in America’s ‍schools will take much time and hard⁢ work. You⁢ would have to start from the ground up, training new teachers⁢ from scratch based on partially lost knowledge.‌ You ⁣would have to raise college admission ⁢standards and require four years of academic ⁢work in the ⁤teacher’s core subject. ⁢Studies show that subject-matter knowledge is the best predictor ​of a student’s ‌achievement. Educationally high-achieving countries like Finland have already taken such steps in that direction.

Education degrees and teacher licensing, by the way, should be done ‌away with. They are expensive and ineffective. Undergraduate education licensing can be used ‍to⁤ keep some people in the profession and other people out. It may also discourage​ the right‌ people from going ⁢into teaching in the first place. In the end, teacher certification requirements may ultimately ⁣contribute to intellectual mediocrity in America.

Teachers Must Keep Learning

In the meantime, ​school administrators should focus on providing teachers with‌ meaningful feedback,‌ gathered from fellow administrators, peers, and students, ‍to help them‌ improve professionally. Schools should encourage professional development in light of the feedback received and shore up weaknesses in their teachers’ knowledge. Schools should reward ‌exceptional teachers with ⁣mentorship⁣ roles that allow them to continue ⁣teaching. All‌ easier said ⁣than done, of‌ course.

Strengthen the curriculum and strengthen the ⁣quality‌ of the academic‍ teaching force. The formula is simple, but the work is challenging. I’m ⁤proud to be the head of an institution leading the‍ charge in that direction.‍ We happily do our work because we know that if‌ we fail, America’s students soon may not have ‌any learning at all to ⁤lose.

What impact ⁤does the lack of subject⁢ mastery among teachers have on ‍student achievement?

⁢ Outdated and ⁣Ineffective Instruction: The Real Reason for Learning Loss

More than ​three years ⁤after the onset of⁣ Covid-19, the discussions‍ surrounding “learning loss” in schools ‌continue. Numerous explanations have been ‌put forth, but one of the most obvious yet often overlooked reasons is outdated and ineffective instruction.

Numerous studies have ‌shown that teacher quality is the⁣ primary factor affecting student‍ achievement. Therefore,‍ it should be our primary concern. Unfortunately,‍ teacher⁣ quality has declined⁤ significantly over the years, and it is an issue that needs urgent attention.

To understand the decline ​in ⁢teacher‌ quality, let’s take a look at history. Back⁢ in 1900, a high school graduate in Michigan was expected to⁤ know and teach eighth graders about the result and effect of the Battle of Waterloo. This demonstrates the level of knowledge and ‌competence⁣ that teachers possessed at the time.

However, by 1997, the Department of Education had to admit that a staggering 59 percent of social​ studies teachers‌ were teaching subjects‌ they ‍hadn’t even studied.⁤ Unsurprisingly, this lack of subject mastery resulted in 57 percent of⁤ high school seniors scoring “below basic” in ⁣U.S. history.

The decline in teacher quality ​is not limited to subject expertise. In 2006,⁣ 62 percent of ⁤teachers agreed that their training didn’t adequately ‍prepare them for their roles. Teacher training programs have proven to be ineffective and, in some cases, may ⁤even make teachers less competent at their jobs.

Throwing⁤ money at‌ modern teacher certification programs doesn’t solve ⁤the problem either. ⁣Despite the​ financial ‌investments made ‌in these programs, they fail to improve teacher quality and student achievement.

It⁣ is clear ⁤that education reform needs to⁤ begin with teachers. No amount‌ of legislation, funding, or curriculum⁣ changes will fix the teacher quality ‌problem⁣ if teachers lack the necessary competence and knowledge. It ⁢is like⁤ expecting a ⁢chef to cook a gourmet meal with only⁣ the ingredients for pasta. The outcome ​will not meet the desired expectations.

Improving teacher quality⁤ in ⁣America’s‌ schools will require ‌substantial​ time and effort. It​ means starting from the ground ⁣up and ⁣providing comprehensive ‍training ‍for new​ teachers ​based⁢ on⁣ the partially ​lost knowledge. It also involves raising college admission standards and requiring four​ years ⁣of academic ⁤work

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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