Conservative News Daily

Black Americans Turning on Biden in 2024: ‘I’m Not Going to Vote, Period’

Black Americans Turning on Biden in 2024: ‘I’m ​Not Going to ⁢Vote, Period’

It ‌seems that Joe Biden’s infamous remark‌ about black ⁣voters not being black if they support Trump is coming back⁣ to haunt him.⁤ The Democratic Party’s most loyal demographic may not be as loyal in‌ 2024, and that should have Democrats worried.

Despite Biden’s racial faux pas and other‍ issues,⁢ Trump’s gains among black voters in 2020 were modest at best. However, a ⁣recent report in The Wall Street Journal suggests that this may change in 2024, and it’s‌ causing panic ⁤among Democrats.

The article tells ⁣the story of Michelle Smith, a black mother in North Philadelphia who voted ‍for Biden in 2020 but now ‌feels left behind. She won’t be voting ‌for him again.

Smith’s experience is not unique. Black workers ⁤have ⁣seen slower wage gains compared to other‌ demographics, ‍while​ still facing high prices for ‌goods and services. Unemployment⁤ rates among black workers have ‍also increased.

Democrats are concerned about the potential drop in ​black voter turnout ⁢and⁣ the possibility of some voters supporting Republicans, including Trump. They are investing in⁤ voter canvassing, ⁣education, and advertising in battleground states to prevent this.

A New‌ York Times/Siena College poll found that 22 percent of black voters would vote for Trump in a hypothetical‌ rematch of ​the 2020 race. This could spell trouble for Biden, who relied heavily on black support in ‍the previous election.

The establishment media, which previously dismissed any gains in‍ the black vote for Trump as aberrations or the result of disinformation, is now acknowledging ⁢that Biden hasn’t​ delivered for black ⁤voters.

Like many of​ Biden’s other problems, this is ⁢not ​something⁤ that can be fixed overnight. It’s a self-inflicted⁣ issue that reflects who Joe​ Biden is as ​a⁤ politician.

Black Americans are ⁤starting‌ to ‌realize‌ this, and it could⁣ have significant ⁤implications for ‌the Biden campaign⁣ in 2024.

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The post Black Americans Turning on Biden in 2024: ‘I’m Not ⁢Going to⁣ Vote, ⁤Period’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

Why are Democrats⁢ worried about Joe Biden’s remark about black voters and its potential impact on their loyalty in the 2024 election?

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It seems⁤ that Joe Biden’s infamous remark about black voters ⁣not being​ black if‌ they support Trump is coming back to haunt him. The Democratic Party’s most ‍loyal demographic may not be as ​loyal in 2024, and ‍that should have Democrats worried.

Despite ​Biden’s ⁢racial faux pas and‍ other issues, Trump’s gains among black voters in 2020​ were modest​ at best. However, a recent report in​ The Wall Street ⁢Journal suggests that this may change ‍in 2024, and‌ it’s causing panic among Democrats.

The article tells the story⁣ of⁤ Michelle Smith, ⁢a black mother in North‍ Philadelphia who voted for Biden in 2020 but ‌now feels⁣ left behind. She won’t be ⁤voting for him again.

Smith’s experience is not unique. Black workers have seen slower wage gains compared to other demographics, while still facing high prices for goods ​and ⁤services. Unemployment⁣ rates among black workers have also increased.

Democrats are concerned about the potential drop in black voter turnout and the possibility ‌of some voters⁤ supporting Republicans, including Trump. They are investing in voter canvassing, education, and advertising ⁣in battleground‍ states ‍to prevent this.

A New York‌ Times/Siena College poll found that 22 percent of black voters would‍ vote for Trump in a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 race. This could spell ⁣trouble for Biden, who relied heavily on black ​support in the previous election.

The establishment media, which previously dismissed any gains in the black ‍vote for Trump as aberrations or the result ⁤of disinformation, is now acknowledging that Biden hasn’t⁤ delivered for black voters.

Like many‍ of Biden’s other problems, this is not something that can be fixed overnight. It’s a self-inflicted issue that reflects‌ who Joe Biden is as a politician.

Black Americans are ​starting to‌ realize this, and⁣ it could have significant implications‌ for the Biden campaign in‍ 2024.

(Note: This article includes a note from the staff of The Western Journal, expressing their need for support ​and donations ‌to continue their independent journalism.)

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