Washington Examiner

Nevada attorney general investigates alleged fake Trump 2020 electors

Nevada Attorney General Investigating‍ Alleged Fake Electors

Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford is ‍reportedly launching an investigation into⁢ a⁤ group of individuals who ‍claimed‌ to ⁣be electors supporting former⁣ President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. According to a news report‍ published on Wednesday, Ford is focusing on six people who signed fake certificates in December 2020, including state GOP Chairman ⁣Michael McDonald.

Questioning Trump’s Efforts to Overturn Election ⁢Results

Over the​ past few weeks, investigators have been questioning those involved in Trump’s efforts to overturn the election results, as revealed by‍ three sources. Joe Gloria, the former⁤ registrar of Clark⁣ County, confirmed that a state investigator approached him​ earlier this month to inquire about ​the scheme. However, Ford and his office have chosen not to⁤ comment on the⁢ matter.

Key Player ​in the Scheme

One of the false electors, Jim DeGraffenreid, had been in contact with attorney Kenneth Chesebro before signing the fake ⁣certificates. Chesebro, who had been working with the ‌Trump⁣ campaign, played⁤ a significant role in the ‌fake elector⁢ scheme. Last‍ month, he pleaded guilty to a felony charge in Georgia related to a massive racketeering case.

The email subject ‍line from DeGraffenreid to Chesebro read: “URGENT—Trump-Pence campaign asked ⁣me to contact you to ⁣coordinate Dec. 14‌ voting​ by Nevada electors.”

Other Nevada ⁢Republicans Involved

In addition to McDonald and ⁣DeGraffenreid,⁢ the other Nevada Republicans who ⁤claimed to be electors ‌for Trump were‍ Jesse Law, the‌ head of the‍ Clark County Republican Party, Durward James​ Hindle III, Eileen Rice, and Shawn Meehan.

Investigation and Legislative Efforts

While⁢ Ford has not​ publicly commented on the investigation into the false electors, he previously expressed doubt⁤ about⁢ pursuing criminal ⁢charges against them. However, he has ⁢testified in support of a bill that would outlaw fake electors. ‍Unfortunately, the bill was vetoed by Governor Joe Lombardo (R-NV).

Allegations Beyond Nevada

It is alleged ⁣that Trump‍ also employed fake electors in six‍ other states, including Michigan, Georgia, and Arizona. Criminal charges have already been filed against alleged fake electors in ⁣Georgia ​and Michigan, while Arizona is currently conducting its‍ own investigation. The remaining states‍ under scrutiny are New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Who is being ⁢investigated by the Nevada⁣ Attorney⁢ General’s office ‌in relation to ⁢the alleged fake​ electors in Nevada?

The aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, several claims have⁢ been ⁣made by‍ former⁤ President⁤ Donald⁢ Trump⁣ and his supporters regarding alleged election fraud⁣ and ‌the⁤ existence ‍of fake electors. Now, the Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford is taking action ​to investigate these claims ⁣and ‌ensure the integrity of the⁢ electoral⁣ process.

According to a recent news report, Ford is focusing on a ⁢group of individuals who presented themselves⁢ as electors supporting Donald ‌Trump⁢ in the state of Nevada during the 2020 election. These individuals allegedly⁣ signed fake certificates ​in December 2020, ⁢falsely claiming to⁣ be legitimate electors. Among those being investigated is the state GOP Chairman, ⁢Michael McDonald.

The investigation conducted by the ​Nevada Attorney General’s‍ office represents ⁤a critical effort to address concerns⁣ related to election integrity and the credibility of the democratic process. With democracy‍ being the backbone of any functioning society, it is crucial to ensure that elections are fair, transparent, and free ‍from any fraudulent activities.

It is important to note that throughout the 2020 election, Donald Trump and his legal team made numerous attempts to challenge‍ the‍ election ‍results‍ and ‌overturn the outcome in various battleground states, including Nevada. These efforts⁢ were met with little‍ success, as courts across the country ruled ⁣in favor of⁤ the certified results and found ⁤no substantial evidence‌ of widespread voter fraud or irregularities.

However, the claims made by⁢ these individuals⁢ who allegedly posed as electors ⁤cast doubts on the legitimacy of the electoral process and undermine the trust of the American ​people. It‌ is imperative that these allegations are thoroughly investigated, and if found to be valid, appropriate legal action should be taken to hold ‍those‍ responsible‍ accountable ​for their actions.

Moreover, this‌ investigation sends a strong message to⁤ those who would‌ attempt​ to⁢ exploit the electoral system for ‌personal ​gain‍ or ⁢to erode public ‍trust‌ in democracy.⁣ The consequences of ‌such ⁤actions are​ severe and‍ can have ⁤far-reaching implications for the future of the democratic process.

As the⁢ investigation unfolds, it ‌is essential to ⁤remember that this is ⁢not ⁣an isolated incident. Election fraud allegations have been ​raised in various states nationwide, and it is the duty of law enforcement and legal authorities to investigate these ‍claims thoroughly. By doing⁣ so, they safeguard the integrity of⁣ the electoral‌ process and provide reassurance ⁢to the American people that their voices truly matter.

In ‌conclusion, the Nevada Attorney General’s ‌investigation into alleged ‌fake electors comes at‍ a critical⁣ time when concerns surrounding ⁣election​ integrity‍ and credibility are paramount. It is crucial to address these claims promptly and impartially to uphold the principles of democracy and restore public faith in the electoral⁢ process. Moving⁣ forward, it is incumbent upon both the legal system and society as ‌a whole to⁢ remain ⁢vigilant and ensure ‌that every election is‌ conducted with ⁣the utmost​ integrity and transparency.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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