Conservative News Daily

Biden Apologizes as He Forgets Who His Handlers Told Him to Call On: ‘I’m Embarrassed’

And‍ the hits just keep on coming.

In the latest embarrassing ‌news conference goof ⁢by President Joe Biden, not even his vaunted cue cards to identify ⁢which reporters‍ to call on were enough to save him from embarrassment.

In a bad-viral moment during the briefing Wednesday in Woodside, California, which had to⁢ do with his talks with Chinese ⁣President Xi Jinping, Biden made it clear he ⁤was meant to call upon someone from CBS News⁢ but couldn’t⁣ remember their name.

“I’m embarrassed,” Biden said, looking‍ down at⁤ his cards. “I think it’s CBS, but I can’t remember who at CBS.”

“And I’m ‌sorry,” he noted.

The correct answer, according to a White House transcript of the event,⁢ was CBS News’ Weijia Jiang.

However, that’s not quite the issue at hand here.

Even with⁢ his cue cards, he wasn’t able to get the name right.

And it’s not exactly like they’re making it all that hard for him. A previous appearance of the cue ​cards in the spring showed the reporter’s name spelled out phonetically, along with a ⁤rough outline of the question she was going to ask:

Even‍ with this, Biden didn’t attempt a pronunciation of Courtney Subramanian’s last name, calling her “Courtney,‌ Los Angeles Times” during that​ news conference.

Another news conference last month saw cue cards with both⁢ the reporter’s name and picture on it,‌ again.

Not ‌only does this kind of thing keep Biden from any serious adversarial questions, but it also provides real-time information into how far the president’s cognitive state​ has deteriorated.

Now, I hardly⁣ expect the U.S. president to deliver six-hour oratories from memory, but considering how short ‌his news conferences are, this⁣ is⁢ a problem — especially since he’s being given aids‌ that spell it out to him like a child.

And yet, given all of this, he still gets it ⁣wrong.

As‌ always, we’re supposed to believe that this is nothing. A blip. If it’s really bad,‌ the White House can always trot out the “childhood ‌stutter”⁤ excuse and​ make anyone who raises questions about his cognitive​ state a bully.

Is Joe Biden losing his ​mental faculties?

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However, people have eyes and ears. They see these ‌pictures on social​ media. They⁣ see how the president seems to speak and note (not wrongly) that these don’t seem to be the thoughts of a man playing with the full⁢ deck.

And they’re ‍right.

The only full deck​ Biden has left? His cue cards, ‌and they still don’t work.

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The post Biden Apologizes as He⁣ Forgets Who His Handlers Told⁢ Him ⁣to Call On: ‘I’m Embarrassed’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

How does the use of cue cards during press conferences raise concerns about the transparency and⁣ authenticity of Biden’s interactions with ‌the media?

Clearly. If Biden is unable to remember the names of​ reporters he is supposed⁢ to call on, ​it raises questions about his ability to effectively communicate and engage in dialogue with the press.

Furthermore, the use of⁣ cue cards raises concerns about the⁣ transparency ⁢and authenticity​ of⁣ Biden’s interactions with the media. The purpose of ‌a press conference is for the president to address the concerns and inquiries of the public, not to⁤ rely on pre-selected questions and scripted responses. By using cue cards, Biden ‌is essentially controlling the narrative and avoiding any challenging or uncomfortable questions.

This is not the first time ⁤that⁤ cue cards have been used by Biden during press conferences.⁢ The fact that he continues to rely‍ on them suggests a pattern⁣ of ⁣behavior rather than an isolated incident. It raises concerns about the president’s cognitive abilities and raises questions about his overall fitness for ⁤office.

It is essential for the American public to ⁤have a president who is fully capable and competent to engage in open and⁣ honest discussions with the press. The use of cue cards undermines this principle and⁢ diminishes the credibility and transparency ⁤of Biden’s presidency.

In conclusion, the latest embarrassing moment during a news conference highlights the continued reliance‍ of President Biden on ⁤cue cards to identify reporters and remember⁤ their names.‍ This raises concerns about his ability to effectively communicate and engage with the press, as well as questions about the authenticity and transparency of his interactions. It ‌is​ crucial for the president ⁤to be able to address the concerns and inquiries of the public without relying on pre-selected questions and scripted responses. The use of cue cards not only undermines the credibility of Biden’s presidency but also raises‌ significant doubts about his cognitive state and fitness for office.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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