Conservative News Daily

Video: Rapper Lil’ Pump Starts Pro-Trump Chant During Performance Filled with College Students

If You’re Over 22, You Probably Haven’t Heard of Lil’ Pump

If you’re over the age of 22 — and⁤ I’d hope ‍that’d‌ be ⁢the cut-off, but arrested development is a common trait among ‍American youth ‌— you ​probably haven’t heard of Lil’ Pump. If you have, you’re probably not a huge fan of his oeuvre.

Mr. Pump is part ⁣of a subgenre known as “mumble rap”⁤ because its practitioners deliver their rhymes in a … well, do the math. Suffice⁢ it to say, we’re not ‌talking Verdi or Miles ⁤Davis here.

However, ⁤if you’re in that youth age bracket, well,‍ you’re allowed ⁤to like that​ sort of thing. Heck, my cohorts gave ​the world far worse. (See: ‍Bizkit, Limp; ⁤182, Blink.) Thus, you’d be expecting ⁢his crowds to be waving ⁢LGBT flags with the new transgender-friendly ‌design. You ⁢know, this ‍one:

Instead, Mr. Pump’s audience at the University of Arizona in the⁤ liberal enclave of Tucson this⁣ week⁤ had a message echoed in ⁢a chant led by⁤ the rapper himself: “We want Trump!”

“ALL Arizonans ⁣are tired​ of ‍the destructive Dems,” said 2022 Arizona GOP‍ gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake in a social media post that included⁤ the viral video.

The‌ show of support from​ an unlikely demographic in ⁢a swing state at an institute of higher learning is quite the surprise.

Pump’s endorsement of ⁣Trump isn’t exactly a new thing; in an⁣ expletive-filled Instagram video from 2020, he took issue ​with Biden’s tax policies and endorsed ‌the then-incumbent.

“All I gotta say is Trump 2020, b****,” ⁣Pump said ⁣in the‌ video.

“F***, I look like ‌paying an extra 33 ​in ⁣tax for⁤ Biden, b****-a** n****,” the rapper said in a short 12-second clip he put on social media. “F*** Sleepy Joe, n****! Trump ‍2020, b****!”

WARNING: The following video contains⁣ graphic language ⁢that some viewers ‌will find offensive.

The video got deleted and, for reasons you can probably guess at, ‌wasn’t used by the ⁣Trump campaign in the closing weeks of the 2020 election to boost their candidate’s profile.

However, as TMZ reported, Pump recently ⁢got a shout-out at a Trump rally in Hialeah, Florida from ‍the⁣ presidential candidate, singling the ⁣MAGA-attired “Gucci‌ Gang” rapper out of‍ the crowd of 5,200.

However, while Lil’ Pump chanting his support isn’t an​ outlier or a sign of shifting support, an entire crowd of youngsters going along with him is — and the numbers seem to support that this isn’t an‍ isolated phenomenon.

According to Axios, a swing-state poll by The New York Times and Siena College⁤ found⁣ that “Trump and Biden are effectively tied among voters under 30 — a large shift from ‍2020.”

The same poll ‍found that, were the election held today, “former President Donald Trump would ‌easily beat President Joe Biden​ with over 300 electoral votes.”

Part of that is‍ a shift in young ⁣voters, who are starting​ to see that Biden has come through with nothing ⁢he promised them — most importantly his illegal scheme to try and eliminate federal college debt — ​while saddling them with even more debt, fewer job opportunities and ⁢more dubious overseas conflicts.

Thus, the Times/Siena poll is hardly⁢ an outlier, at least as⁤ far as ⁣a priori ⁢sentiment is concerned. Considering that, without the young ⁢vote, Biden is toast, videos like this —⁢ along​ with the hard polling numbers that indicate this isn’t just​ a pro-Trump artist drawing⁤ pro-Trump young‍ people — should have Democrats in a tizzy, as​ they ought to⁣ be. This is called reaping what you sow.

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How does ​the unexpected support for Donald Trump among Lil’ Pump’s audience challenge common assumptions about the political beliefs of young people


Despite Lil’ Pump’s controversial political views, his popularity among young audiences remains ⁤strong. His music, although criticized by some ⁢for its lack of substance and lyrical ‌depth, has amassed millions of streams and views on various streaming platforms and YouTube.⁣ His catchy beats ​and energetic performances have attracted a dedicated ‌fanbase, with his concerts often filled with enthusiastic supporters.

It is important, however, to recognize the influence that artists like Lil’ Pump have on⁤ young minds. While it is⁤ natural for ⁣young people to explore and experiment with ⁣different forms of music and expression, it is equally important for them to be exposed to a diverse range of perspectives ‌and‍ ideologies. This way, they can develop critical thinking skills and make informed decisions about the world around them.

Moreover, ⁣the unexpected support for Donald Trump‍ among Lil’ Pump’s audience at ⁢the University of Arizona ⁤raises questions about the ‌complexities of young people’s political beliefs. It challenges the common assumption that young people, particularly those in liberal enclaves, lean heavily towards ⁤progressive ideologies. It reminds us that political opinions are multifaceted and ‌cannot be easily categorized.

As society continues to evolve, it is crucial to engage with different perspectives and foster open dialogue.‍ Instead of dismissing Lil’ Pump and his fans based on their political views or music preferences, we should strive to understand the underlying reasons behind their⁣ choices. By⁤ doing so, we can bridge gaps and create opportunities for meaningful conversations that promote tolerance and mutual respect.

In conclusion, if you’re over 22 and haven’t heard of Lil’ Pump, it might be a reflection of your musical taste or interests. However, his popularity among young audiences, as well as his unexpected support for Donald Trump, highlights the diverse and complex nature of today’s youth. Rather than dismissing or devaluing their choices, let us strive to understand and engage with⁣ them, fostering‌ a ⁢culture of tolerance,‍ dialogue, and mutual respect.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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