The federalist

More Released J6 Tapes Show Police Escorting And Fist-Bumping Protesters At The Capitol

U.S. Capitol

Explosive ⁤Footage Debunks Left-Wing Narrative of Capitol ‌Riot

More footage from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, further contradicts the left-wing narrative ‌that the⁢ day’s events constituted ‍a “violent insurrection” wherein democracy itself was placed in jeopardy at the hands of virulent⁤ demonstrators.

Last week,‌ Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana began releasing tapes containing more than 40,000 hours of footage from the Capitol, which were buried for ⁤three ‌years⁢ while House Speaker Nancy​ Pelosi and lawmakers on the partisan Jan. 6 Committee⁢ worked to dramatize​ the riot ⁢with prime-time show trials.

“When I ran for⁣ Speaker, I promised⁢ to make accessible to the American people‌ the 44,000‌ hours of⁢ video from Capitol ⁣Hill security taken‌ on January ‌6, 2021. Truth ⁣and transparency are critical,” Johnson said in a statement. “This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than‌ having to ⁣rely upon the interpretation of a small group‌ of government officials.”

With a bulk of the footage ‍made available by Friday, the ⁢rest of the tapes will ⁤be made public on a rolling basis. ⁢Cameras captured demonstrators peacefully marching through the halls of the Capitol ⁣while police officers stood by.

Jan 6 defendants have long argued that the initial entrants were peaceably escorted into the building by Capitol Police, and therefore had no reasonable expectation that their conduct was unlawful.

This video, suppressed for almost ⁤3 years, ⁢confirms it ⁣

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) November 18, 2023

In another clip, a Capitol police officer is seen removing restraints on one demonstrator after walking him down a hallway out of sight from the crowd — before another officer bizarrely congratulates him with a fist bump.

I don’t think Capitol Police would take restraints off of a protester, FIST BUMP him, and then let him go if this were an actual “insurrection”

— Benny ⁤Johnson‌ (@bennyjohnson) November 17, 2023

The footage corroborates what was shared ⁣by former Fox News host Tucker Carlson in March before his abrupt exit from the network. Johnson’s Republican predecessor, Kevin McCarthy, gave Carlson’s producers access to the footage that had been kept under seal by the Democrat majority.

“That video,” Carlson said, “tells a very different story about what happened on Jan. 6.”

[READ:[READ:Everything You Need To Know About Tucker Carlson’s J6 Tapes]

The tapes aired by Carlson showed Jacob Chansley, the⁢ infamous “QAnon Shaman,” being escorted by police around the complex; revealed deceased Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick “healthy and vigorous” after allegedly being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher; and unearthed new contradictions in Ray Epps’ testimony. The tapes also exposed outright fabrications ​by the House Select Committee on Jan. 6, which⁢ was established by House Speaker Pelosi ostensibly to probe the Capitol‍ turmoil while concealing ⁢ her own failures.

Democrat Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson, who chaired the partisan Select​ Committee, bizarrely conceded that over ⁢the course of the panel’s two-year ‌investigation,‌ lawmakers never reviewed the blockbuster footage that was later published by ⁢Fox News.

“I’m not actually ⁤aware of any member of the committee who had‍ access,” Thompson said. “We had a team of employees who kind of went through the ⁢video.”

Former Wyoming ​Rep. Liz Cheney, meanwhile, who was⁢ vice chair of the ‌Select Committee before an overwhelming primary‌ defeat by Rep. Harriet⁣ Hageman, tried to downplay Friday’s release by resharing some of the ​panel’s carefully selected footage of the mob.

“Here’s some January 6th video for‍ you,” she wrote on X, previously known as ⁢Twitter.

Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee, whom Cheney’s Soviet-style committee sought to frame as a collaborator in an apparent insurrection, pushed back⁣ on Cheney’s⁢ narrative.

“Liz, we’ve seen footage like that ​a million times. You ⁢made sure we saw that — and nothing else,” ⁣Lee wrote on X. “It’s the other stuff‌ — what you deliberately hid from us — that we find so upsetting.”

Liz, we’ve seen footage like that a million times.

You made sure we saw that—and nothing else.

It’s the other stuff—what you deliberately hid from us—that we find so upsetting.

Nice try.

P.S. How many of these guys are feds? (As if ‌you’d ever tell us).

— Mike Lee (@BasedMikeLee) November 18, 2023

Tristan‍ Justice ​is ‌the western correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social⁤ Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He‌ has also written for⁢ The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has‍ also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George ‌Washington University where he majored⁢ in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at ‍[email protected]. Sign up for ⁤Tristan’s email newsletter here.

What role did law ​enforcement play⁢ during the events of January 6, as ​shown in the released footage?

Im walk back to his allies while escorted out‌ of the building — if he was‍ a violent⁠ insurrectionist, as‍ we’ve⁤ been told.

Despite the release of this new footage, some on the left continue to downplay the events of January‍ 6 and paint a distorted picture of what happened. They falsely claim‌ that it⁣ was an attempted coup or insurrection perpetrated⁢ by right-wing extremists, when in reality, the majority of the ⁢protesters ​were peaceful and non-violent.‌ This footage serves as further evidence that the left-wing narrative is ​fueled by political agenda rather than a commitment‍ to truth.

It is crucial that the American people have access to all the evidence and are able to form⁢ their own conclusions about the events of​ January 6. Transparency⁣ and truth should be the ‌guiding principles in any investigation. This release of footage is an important step in achieving that transparency and ensuring that all sides of the story are heard.

Furthermore, this ⁣footage raises serious questions⁣ about the role of law enforcement during the events ⁣of January 6. Videos show Capitol police ⁣officers removing restraints from demonstrators and even engaging in friendly interactions with them. These actions undermine the claim that the protesters were a violent mob that posed an ⁤immediate threat to⁢ the safety and security of the Capitol.

The⁣ release of⁤ this footage also calls into question the⁤ motives and actions​ of House Speaker⁢ Nancy Pelosi ⁣and the Jan. 6 Committee. ​Why​ did it take three years⁤ for this footage to be made public? Why did Pelosi and‍ other lawmakers use ⁢the ⁢events ⁢of January 6 for partisan⁣ purposes, ⁣turning it into a political spectacle rather than a genuine attempt to uncover the truth?

As more⁤ footage‌ is released to‍ the public, it is crucial that ‌we remain‍ vigilant in our pursuit​ of truth and resist the temptation⁣ to manipulate the facts for political gain.⁢ The events of January 6 should be thoroughly investigated and⁢ all responsible individuals held accountable, but that cannot be​ done if we allow ⁤a false ⁣narrative‍ to‌ dominate the conversation.

The release of this footage is a step towards correcting the‌ record and revealing the truth about what⁢ happened on January 6. It is a reminder that we must critically examine the information presented to us and not blindly⁢ accept narratives that fit​ our preconceived notions. Only through a commitment ​to truth and transparency can we ⁤hope to heal the divisions in our society and move⁢ forward as a nation.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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