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Sheriff Declares ‘God Performed a Miracle’ to Save Deputy: ‘I Saw a Dead Man Come Back to Life’

Sheriff Declares ‘God ‌Performed a Miracle’ to Save Deputy: ‘I Saw a Dead Man Come Back to Life’

A South Carolina sheriff’s deputy is alive today after he miraculously survived⁢ a gunshot wound⁢ to the head last week that should have been fatal, ⁢according to his law enforcement colleagues.

The​ incident occurred during a traffic stop in eastern South Carolina when 27-year-old Cpl. Lucas Watts ⁢was shot by a ⁤heavily armed suspect identified as 50-year-old Gregory Maxwell.

Watts, who has been with the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office‍ for two years, sustained a severe bullet wound‌ to his brain, as described by⁤ Sheriff Mike Crenshaw.

“I’m‌ not talking about a grazing wound to the head, I’m talking about a ‍bullet to his brain,” Crenshaw ​recalled.

Despite the remote location of the ‍incident, Watts received⁤ immediate help through the power of prayer and quick thinking. An ambulance would have taken up to 45 minutes to arrive, so Watts was⁤ transported⁤ to a nearby ‌fire station⁣ in⁣ the back of a pickup truck before being taken to a hospital ⁢in Greenville, ​South Carolina.

When Crenshaw‌ arrived at the hospital, he was ‌informed by other law enforcement officers that Watts’ injuries ​were not survivable. However, a remarkable turn of events occurred when Watts’⁤ wife touched‍ him, ⁤causing him‌ to move and shed a tear. The doctor‍ immediately​ rushed him into surgery.

Following a ​risky​ surgical procedure, Watts began showing signs of recovery the next day. He was able to⁤ move his extremities and respond to verbal commands.‌ Although he remains in critical condition, Crenshaw believes that a miracle took place.

“God performed a miracle Thursday ‌night in​ Greenville, South Carolina,” Crenshaw declared.

Crenshaw is requesting continued prayers for Watts, while Maxwell, the suspect,‍ faces‍ five counts of attempted murder.

A ⁤Note from ‌Our⁣ Deputy Managing Editor:

What if you woke up one morning and half of the people you count on had just vanished overnight?

That ⁤happened to me recently. ⁣I got up, came⁣ to work here ⁤at The Western Journal, and when I got to my office, literally half of our readers had vanished. They ⁣were just gone. We had been nuked by Facebook, and it had ⁤happened almost instantly.

But ‍it was even worse. Facebook ‍hit ‌us at ‌the⁤ same time 90 percent of advertisers had essentially boycotted us. “Brutal” is a word I’ve used ‍a lot ​lately.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing‍ Editor

The Western ⁣Journal

The post Sheriff Declares ‘God Performed a Miracle’ to Save⁤ Deputy: ‘I Saw a Dead Man Come Back to Life’ appeared first ⁢on The Western Journal.

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