Conservative News Daily

Anti-Gun Group Roasted After Trying to Get People to Turn Thanksgiving Dinner Into an Argument Against Firearms

Want some tips ​for a successful Thanksgiving‌ this year?

Well, ‍a good rule of thumb is to always factor one pound of turkey per person in order to have enough. Have⁤ activities for antsy kids‌ to do so they don’t start causing trouble at⁤ the table.

Also, ⁣argue about guns.

You may notice⁣ a bit of discordance in those three tips. That’s because the first two came from housekeeping outlet Real Simple, just two of‌ the “23 ​Genius Host Tips for the Best Thanksgiving Ever.”

The third came from Moms Demand Action, part of the anti-gun ​lobby‌ that former New York City mayor‌ and presidential candidate⁢ Michael Bloomberg helped fund.

“Frustrated by misinformed relatives around the dinner ⁢table this holiday season?” the organization posted on social media.

“At your next gathering, be ready to fork over the‍ facts about guns and gun violence in America. Learn more about myths and facts here,”‌ it adds, linking to⁣ a “fact-sheet” that’s ​really just liberal talking points about gun violence.

Users on X explained quite simply what was⁤ wrong with this ‌logic:

However, this isn’t just stupid, it spits in ​the face ⁣of the holiday.

Thanksgiving is, or should be, bringing families together and remembering what ⁣we have to be thankful for.

It isn’t a soapbox, a place where one person who’s read from a checklist assembled by one of the​ most heavily astroturfed gun control organizations in America can ⁣essentially filibuster the conversation and turn the dinner into a debate.

It isn’t a time to⁤ “fork over” your opinions, be you on the left or right. It’s a ⁢time to transcend how⁣ we vote and celebrate what we have in common.

The fact that this is the kind of holiday that ⁢Moms ‍Demand​ Action thinks ​is appropriate⁤ is a sign of how serious it is⁣ as an organization. No hearts nor‌ minds will be changed by anyone who hijacks the dinner table and⁢ uses it to host their own version of an MSNBC show.

Perhaps the only thing we can be thankful for with ⁤this insipid Turkey Day advertisement‍ is that it demonstrated​ how unserious and unlikable these people‍ can be when expounding their unconstitutional agenda on gun control. The⁣ rest of America will, sensibly, keep with Real Simple’s tips for entertaining and worry more about the amount of turkey per guest ⁢than how their filibuster of ⁣the ​gathering will go.

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The post Anti-Gun Group Roasted ⁤After Trying⁤ to Get⁤ People to Turn Thanksgiving⁤ Dinner Into an Argument Against Firearms appeared first on The Western Journal.

What are⁣ some⁢ tips‍ for ensuring that Thanksgiving ‍dinner is inclusive and enjoyable for all guests?

Tips for a⁤ Successful⁣ Thanksgiving: Fact vs. Opinion

Thanksgiving is a time of year when families gather together to give thanks and celebrate.‍ It is a time for delicious food, warm company, and creating cherished memories. However, this year, it ⁢seems that even ⁢Thanksgiving is not immune to controversy. In ⁢the midst of planning for⁢ a successful Thanksgiving, ⁣there are a few tips that should be approached with caution.

Firstly,‌ it is always important to ensure that you have enough food to feed all your guests. A ​good rule of thumb is to factor in approximately one ⁣pound of turkey per ‌person. This will ensure that everyone is well-fed and satisfied. Additionally,⁤ it is⁤ helpful ⁤to have activities planned for children to keep them occupied​ and prevent any misbehavior at the⁣ dinner table. These tips come from reputable sources such as Real ⁢Simple, a trusted housekeeping outlet, which provides valuable advice on how to host the best ‍Thanksgiving ever.

However,⁢ there is another​ tip that may ​not sit well with everyone. Moms ​Demand Action, a part⁤ of the⁢ anti-gun lobby, has suggested ⁤that Thanksgiving gatherings should be an opportunity to discuss guns and gun violence in ‍America. This organization, supported by former New York City mayor ⁢and presidential candidate Michael ⁣Bloomberg, aims to educate people about their perspective on this highly debated topic. ⁢While it is important to have informed discussions, it ‌is⁤ questionable whether ​Thanksgiving dinner‍ is the appropriate time and place for that particular conversation.

Critics argue that bringing up ‍controversial subjects, such as gun⁣ violence, can create tension and disagreement among family members. Thanksgiving should be a time for unity and gratitude, not for heated debates. Additionally, it is important to note that ‍the information provided by Moms Demand Action may be biased‌ and opinionated, ⁣rather ‌than based on objective facts.

Some Twitter users pointed out the flaws in Moms Demand​ Action’s approach by highlighting other causes of violence, such as blunt objects and knives. They argue‌ that these objects can be⁣ just as‍ deadly, if not more so, than ‍firearms. It is ⁤crucial⁤ to consider multiple ‌perspectives and engage in respectful dialogue instead of trying to impose⁢ one viewpoint on everyone.

Thanksgiving should be a time spent appreciating one another’s company, rather than debating controversial topics. It ⁤is essential to approach Thanksgiving dinners with empathy, respect, and a genuine ⁤desire to connect with loved‍ ones. While it is important to stay informed ‌about⁢ current issues, it is equally important ​to ⁣recognize that⁣ Thanksgiving ‍should be about coming together, finding common ground, and celebrating⁢ the ‌blessings in our lives.

In conclusion,‌ when planning for a successful Thanksgiving, it is imperative to focus on⁣ creating a ‍positive‍ and inclusive environment for ⁢all participants. While tips on food and activities are widely appreciated, bringing divisive subjects into the conversation can potentially diminish the spirit of ⁣the ‍holiday. Instead, let us use this⁢ occasion to cultivate a sense⁢ of unity, love, ​and gratitude.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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