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Cosmopolitan Magazine Promotes Satanic Abortion Ritual: ‘This Is the Most Demonic Thing I’ve Ever Seen’

Cosmopolitan Magazine Promotes Satanic Abortion Ritual: ‘This Is the Most Demonic Thing I’ve Ever Seen’

Cosmopolitan, the trashiest of ladies’ magazines found in your local Shop-Rite check-out aisle, is apparently desperate for attention in the dying print industry. In a shocking move, the editors ​at ‌Cosmo‍ decided to profile Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic. ​Yes, you read that right.

The article, published on November 14, ⁣admits that the title “Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic” sounds like pure clickbait. But beneath the outrageous branding lies‍ a legitimate medical‌ entity that offers abortion⁤ care to patients within state lines. The clinic, run by an accredited clinical⁤ team, provides⁢ abortion pills at a competitive price and offers 24/7 phone⁤ access to licensed medical personnel.

What sets⁤ this clinic apart is that its staff members are also Satanists, belonging to a religious organization ‍called The Satanic Temple. The Temple chose New Mexico as its base due to the state’s ‌abortion-rights stronghold and lack ⁤of oppressive laws dictating gestational limits, age restrictions, waiting periods, and mandatory counseling.

While Cosmo is quick to‌ point out that Satanists don’t actually worship the devil, it’s hard to ignore the demonic undertones ⁢of their practices. The article goes on to describe the optional ceremonial aspects of the Satanic abortion⁤ ritual, including gazing at one’s reflection, reciting tenets, and affirming one’s decision.

One patient, ‌referred ​to as Jessica, shared her experience ‌with the clinic and the ritual. She ​found the experience supportive and empowering, reinforcing that the decision was​ hers ⁢and that she was supported.

But let’s not forget the bigger picture here.⁣ Satanism is ultimately about worshiping the⁤ self and indulging⁤ in​ personal desires. It’s a deal with the devil, where we ‌prioritize our⁣ own wants and needs above all else. While ⁤it may seem empowering in the moment, eternity may ‍reveal harsher realities.

So, next time you’re browsing the checkout aisle and come across Cosmopolitan, be prepared for more shocking and attention-grabbing headlines. And remember, the devil is always in the details.

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The‌ post Cosmopolitan Magazine Promotes Satanic Abortion Ritual: ‘This Is the Most Demonic Thing ​I’ve Ever Seen’ appeared first on ⁣ The Western ‌Journal.

How does Cosmo’s decision to feature a controversial abortion clinic affect public⁢ perception ⁢and discussion on the topic?

To⁢ have an ‍abortion was the right one for her. Jessica spoke highly of the staff members​ who ‌provided both medical‌ care and emotional support ‌during her‌ visit.

Critics⁢ argue that‌ Cosmo’s decision ⁢to feature this clinic promotes a disturbing and controversial agenda. ⁣They claim that the magazine is using ⁣shock‍ value and sensationalism to gain readership and attention. However, it is important to note that the magazine also provides factual information about the clinic, its services, and the legal framework surrounding abortion in‌ New‌ Mexico.

It is a​ fact that⁤ abortion‍ is a legal medical‍ procedure in the United States, and individuals have the right to make decisions ⁣about their own bodies and reproductive health. While some may find the affiliation between the clinic and The Satanic Temple uncomfortable⁢ or offensive, it is crucial to recognize that ‌religious freedom is also protected by law.

The inclusion of the Satanic aspect ⁤in the article raises questions about the​ intersection of religion and healthcare. It forces​ us‍ to grapple with the boundaries of personal beliefs and the provision of medical services. While ⁣it may be challenging for some to understand or accept, it is essential to respect the rights and choices of individuals, including those⁣ who identify as Satanists.

Cosmo’s decision to profile this clinic may be seen as pushing boundaries and stirring controversy. However, it also sheds light on the diverse perspectives and ⁤experiences of individuals seeking abortion care. It⁢ emphasizes the⁢ importance of providing comprehensive and unbiased information about reproductive health options.

In a society that is increasingly divided on the issue of abortion, it is crucial to have open and respectful discussions.⁣ It is through understanding and empathy that ⁣we can create ‌a society that supports all individuals in making informed choices about their reproductive health.

While the‍ headline of Cosmo’s ⁢article⁢ may seem sensational and provocative, it is essential to look beyond the clickbait and examine the underlying issues it raises. By​ engaging in thoughtful dialogue and acknowledging⁤ the complexities of​ the topic,‍ we can move towards a more inclusive and informed‍ society.

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