Conservative News Daily

Restaurant that ousted GOP governor shuts down

A Virginia Restaurant That Made Headlines for Kicking Out Sarah Huckabee Sanders ⁢Is Closing

The Red Hen, a restaurant located in Lexington, Virginia, gained notoriety in 2018 when its owner asked then-White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders​ to ⁣leave because of her conservative beliefs. The incident sparked negative ‍headlines and a heated debate.

Owner Stephanie Wilkinson explained in an interview with ​The Washington Post that she made the decision after her employees informed her ​that Sanders and her family were dining at the restaurant. Wilkinson, who personally found the Trump administration to be⁤ “inhumane and unethical,” felt that the restaurant had certain standards ⁣to uphold.

Wilkinson approached Sanders privately and asked her to leave, citing the restaurant’s commitment to honesty, compassion, and cooperation.‍ Sanders respected the decision and dined elsewhere.

Now, five years later, The Red Hen is closing its ⁤doors. The Lexington News-Gazette reported ‍that ‌the restaurant will shut down at the end of the year. While no reason was given‌ for the closure, Wilkinson plans to ​reopen a new restaurant under ⁢a different name.

Despite the closure, the chef of The Red Hen, Matt Adams, believes that the establishment’s core values will continue to⁤ live on.

A Controversial ⁢Incident in a Divided Community

The incident at The Red Hen took place in Lexington, an independent city with a population of about 7,000 people. The city is known for ‍its liberal leanings, but it ‍is​ surrounded by Rockbridge ​County, which overwhelmingly voted for Trump in the 2016 and ⁣2020 elections.

The closure of The Red Hen marks the end of a chapter in the ⁢ongoing political and ⁢cultural divide‍ that exists in this community.

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The post Restaurant That Kicked Out Republican Governor Closes Its Doors appeared first on The Western Journal.

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