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Trump widens lead over Biden in new poll as key demographics abandon ship

Trump Expands Lead Over Biden in New Poll as Women, ​Blacks, ‍Hispanics Jump Off Sinking Ship

Think a Trump-Biden rematch will be a walk in ‌the park, Democrats? It might be — although the numbers show that if the election were held today, the walk in the park would be Donald Trump’s, instead.

In an Emerson⁣ College poll released ⁣on Wednesday, former President ⁤Trump — the current GOP ‌frontrunner for the nomination — led ⁢nationally by four points.

While it was within the margin of error, a 4-percentage-point lead is still nothing to scoff at ‍— and it’s​ in line with a slew of recent polls that show President ‌Joe Biden ⁤in deep water.

“A new Emerson College Polling national⁢ survey of registered voters finds former President Donald Trump with a four-point lead over President Biden in a hypothetical 2024 matchup, 47% to 43%, within the poll’s margin of error,”⁣ a media release from Emerson College Polling read.

Ten⁤ percent of voters in the poll remain undecided, as well. That’s⁢ about⁤ the​ only⁣ good news for Biden, since his support seems to be eroding according to Emerson’s national‌ poll. (The survey, conducted among 1,475 registered voters between ‍Nov. 17-20, had a margin of error of 2.5 percent.)

“Since last month, Trump’s support has held at 47% while Biden’s support has⁣ decreased from ⁣45% to 43%,”‌ the media release read.

And the specter of third-party candidates also should have those manning the halls ‌of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.⁣ in a ​tizzy.

“With third-party and independent candidates Robert Kennedy Jr., Cornel ⁣West, and Jill Stein added to the ballot,⁢ Trump’s support decreases five points to 42%, Biden⁤ decreases seven points to 36%, while 7% support Kennedy, 1% West and Stein respectively.

“The share of undecided ​voters⁢ increases ‌three points to 13%,” ⁢the media release stated.

The ⁣poll also showed Biden’s⁢ approval level dwindling, with 38 approving of the job he’s doing and 50 percent disapproving.

“The president’s disapproval has stayed the same this month, while his approval has dropped four points,” said Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling.

“The president’s approval ​is the lowest it has been this calendar year, ‍but similar to what it ⁣was this time last year​ when his approval‌ was ‍at 39 percent.”

Not only that, but identity groups that the Democrats rely on ​to carry them over the finishing line ⁤seem to be jumping​ off the sinking Biden ⁣ship.

Among black voters, there was a net 15- percent shift in the​ red for Biden’s lead, from a 61-point lead to a 47-point one this ⁤year.

Biden saw a similar shift with Hispanic voters, from up by 14 to up by‍ only 3 — an 11-point drop. ‍With ‍women, there was an eight-point shift, from being up by ​4 percentage points to down by 4 percentage ⁣points. He also went from up by 12⁣ percent ⁤among voters under ​50 to being down ‌by 1 percent.

But then, ⁤this shouldn’t be a surprise for the looking at the poll numbers. Even NBC News’ poll — ‍hardly coming from​ a⁢ hive of covert Republican ‌sentiment, given the source — has Trump ‍up over ‍Biden ⁣46-44 nationally.

Not‌ only that, but a targeted swing-state survey from ⁢the U.K.’s Stack Data Strategy‌ showed that Trump held significant leads​ in⁤ several swing states; its findings ⁢showed that while Biden might win‌ the popular vote yet again, the model​ had Trump up in the​ Electoral College by a 292-246 ​margin.

“The poll shows Trump on course to win back four key swing states that Biden won in 2020: Arizona, Georgia, ⁢Pennsylvania⁤ and⁢ Wisconsin,” a news release from Stack Data Strategy released last week read.

“All of these states were won by Trump in the 2016‍ election before flipping to Biden in the 2020 election, preventing Trump from the same path to ‍the White House,” it continued. “These states are vital for Trump’s re-election.

“These four states had the closest ‍margins out of all states in ‌2020, and Biden managed to win Arizona,⁤ Georgia and Wisconsin by⁢ less than‌ one ‍percent ⁢of⁣ the vote. In our current‍ projections, however, we are seeing significant swings towards Trump in Georgia and Pennsylvania. ‌In Georgia, Trump leads by 3.3% in our projection, while he is also projected to win Pennsylvania by 2.3%.”

And why shouldn’t this be the case? After all, the president seems ​like​ a⁤ brainless human puppet at‌ this point and ​the policies being pushed by the wonks behind​ the scene are wildly unpopular and costly.

It’s time for this expensive charade to end. America, at least for the moment, seems to share in that sentiment.

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The post Trump Expands Lead ⁢Over Biden in New⁣ Poll as Women, Blacks, Hispanics Jump​ Off Sinking Ship appeared first on The‍ Western Journal.

What do recent ⁤polls⁢ indicate about President Biden’s support in comparison to former President Trump?

The sentiment. The recent polls indicate that President Biden’s support is waning, and former President Trump is gaining ground.

The Emerson College Polling shows that‍ Trump holds a four-point lead over Biden ‍in​ a hypothetical 2024 matchup. While this lead is within the margin of error,‍ it is significant considering the recent polls that ‌also show ⁤Biden’s declining support. Trump’s⁣ support has remained steady at 47%, while Biden’s support has decreased from 45% to 43%. The fact that 10% of⁣ voters⁢ remain undecided is also not good news for Biden.

Furthermore, the addition of third-party and independent candidates to the ballot further diminishes‍ both Trump and Biden’s support. ​Trump’s support decreases to 42%, Biden decreases to 36%, and the⁣ share of undecided voters increases to 13%. This scenario should concern those in the administration.

The poll also highlights Biden’s diminishing approval ⁣level, with only ​38% ⁣approving of the job he’s doing and 50% disapproving. This is the lowest approval rating Biden has received this calendar year, and it reflects a drop of four points from the ⁤previous month.

An even ​more concerning trend for Democrats is the‍ shift in support from key ‌identity groups. Among black voters, there has been a​ net 15% shift away⁣ from Biden, reducing his lead from 61 points to 47 points.‌ A similar shift is observed with Hispanic voters, with Biden’s lead dropping from 14 points to only 3 points. Women also show an eight-point shift, ​going from‌ a 4-point lead for Biden to a 4-point deficit. Additionally, Biden’s support among⁣ voters under 50 has decreased by 13 points.

These poll numbers should ​not come as a surprise, as other polls also​ show Trump with an advantage. NBC News’ poll, for ⁢example, has Trump leading Biden by 2 points nationally. Moreover, a swing-state survey from the⁣ UK’s Stack Data Strategy reveals that Trump⁤ holds significant leads in ‍several swing states. While Biden may win the popular vote, ‍Trump is projected to win the Electoral College by a margin of 292-246.

It is evident⁣ that Biden’s policies are not resonating with the⁣ American people. The⁤ costly ‍and ⁢unpopular measures ⁢being pushed by his administration, coupled with his‌ waning approval, have resulted in a growing support base ⁣for Trump.

It is time for this charade to‌ end, as the ‍current direction is not in the best interest of the country. ⁣The American people seem to share ‌this sentiment, as indicated by the recent polls. Democrats ‌should take note of⁣ these numbers and reassess their strategies before the‍ next election.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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