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NY Post Editorial Board targets Vivek Ramaswamy, Tucker Carlson

Hell​ hath no‌ fury like a media⁤ empire scorned, apparently.

In a scathing Friday editorial ⁤taking aim at presidential candidate and conservative⁤ activist Vivek⁣ Ramaswamy, the ​ New York Post’s board said his run ⁢had‌ “devolved ‍into a ​bid for social-media ⁤fame” in‍ part because‌ he ⁣wanted Tucker Carlson⁣ as a debate moderator.

Carlson, who was fired⁢ from his position at​ Fox News while​ still remaining under Fox News ⁤contract, has taken ⁢his show ⁢onto X, the platform⁤ formerly‌ known as⁣ Twitter, getting a new “very online”

This reaction came ‍after​ a Friday statement by Ramaswamy ⁢in which he offered, ‌as an antidote‌ to declining ratings ⁣for Republican⁤ debates, a⁤ debate on social⁣ media to juice interest.

“This ‌January GOP debate⁣ should be held on‍ X, not on cable TV, ⁣moderated by Tucker [Carlson], who might just ask questions that primary voters actually ⁤care‌ about,” Ramaswamy told the ‍Post.

“They say‌ they want to ‍reach younger ‌voters and‍ new audiences? Well ⁣that’s how you ⁤do it,” he added.

Now,‌ whether or not this actually reaches a larger audience is anyone’s guess; ⁣short of an appearance by Donald Trump, who happens to be the frontrunner in ⁣this race and has ‍avoided the scrums for second, I suspect​ nothing​ would get the ​ratings out of the gutter.

However, a debate on‍ social media hosted by the most influential social⁤ media-only (for now)‌ conservative there is a move made in⁤ good​ faith, particularly given⁤ that the 38-year-old biotech entrepreneur and activist is inarguably ⁣closer to the ​pulse ⁣of social media than any of the rest of the candidates.

But, no — to the‌ Post’s editorial⁤ board, it was ​proof‌ he was a farce and very dangerous to the Republicans at the same time. I wonder ​why.

“Sure,⁢ he claimed ⁤it would be ⁣a way to increase viewership ‍— but you don’t get a larger audience by making ⁢something harder to watch,” ‍the ⁣Post’s editorial board said. [Emphasis in the original.]

“His idea would shrink the audience — ⁢while ​increasing the proportion‍ of​ views addicted ⁣to clickbait,” the editorial continued.

“That he suggests Tucker Carlson to host only doubles down on that gambit: Like Ramaswamy, Carlson used to raise important topics that much ‌of the media didn’t want to touch — but these days he’s ⁣largely dedicated to pushing buttons hard for a select⁣ audience.”

Yes, Tucker “used⁢ to​ raise important topics that⁤ most of the media didn’t want to ⁢touch” — presumably, this period‍ ended precisely when his on-air presence⁣ on ⁣Fox News did ⁣— ⁢but now he’s going way over the line on that nasty ol’⁣ social media⁤ platform.

As for “the ⁢direction of Ramaswamy’s campaign,” the Post editorial board insisted “he increasingly relies on conspiracy theories and his most ‘unique’ ideas ‍for his appeal.”

“The answer‍ is not⁣ an online-only debate, Vivek,” the board⁢ concluded.

“It’s about getting ⁤serious about what the⁣ country needs and ⁣why ⁢you’re ​the candidate to‍ do⁤ it. Stop trying​ to limit the ⁤audience and ​instead broaden it, recapturing ​some of the ⁤excitement that got you⁤ on the debate stage in the first place.”

Again, this ‍isn’t ​an opinion piece with a byline. This is by the editorial‌ board — i.e., demarcating what is, more or less, the official position ⁤of a publication.

If ⁤that publication is ⁢an integral part of‌ a wider⁣ media ⁤empire, ​one⁣ can also glean that this is probably ‌the opinion of that organization as a whole;⁤ the Post is arguably⁤ one of⁣ the three main components of News Corp’s empire, along with The Wall Street Journal and ‌Fox News.

The last being, you know, ‌the network that fired Carlson.

But, of ‌course, that didn’t factor⁣ into ⁤ any of this. Nothing to see here. ⁢Vivek’s ⁢campaign is officially‌ a joke. Get‍ the message, people.

Look, one ⁢doesn’t expect a newspaper ⁣under Rupert⁣ Murdoch’s control to officially jump for joy that Ramaswamy name-checked Carlson as⁣ a possible debate host, but for that paper’s editorial board⁢ to ‍make a bad-faith ⁣assumption‌ that Vivek has ⁣gone into conspiracy-theory la-la land ⁣in part because of that name-check⁣ is profoundly inappropriate.

If it ⁢isn’t a ⁣nakedly cynical ⁣move to‍ tear into a former employee and anyone who supports him, it certainly looks ‌like it — and isn’t something a paper that professes to be somewhat fair to the ⁣right should be doing.

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Should a media outlet⁤ with a reputation ​and influence like the New York Post engage ⁢in biased and⁣ personal attacks against political ‌candidates?

Er ‌with the reputation ⁣and influence of the New York Post should engage in.

The editorial⁤ board’s criticism of⁤ Vivek Ramaswamy’s campaign and his desire to ⁣have ​Tucker⁣ Carlson as a debate moderator is ‌not⁤ only unfair, but it also reeks of bias and personal vendetta. They argue that Ramaswamy’s campaign has devolved into​ a‌ bid for social​ media fame, implying that he ⁣is more interested in gaining attention than discussing important issues. However, their⁣ argument is⁢ weak and lacks⁤ substance.

Ramaswamy’s suggestion to have ⁢a debate‌ on social media is not as ⁤outrageous as the New ‍York Post’s editorial ‍board makes it out to be. In fact, it is a move ‌that could potentially reach a ‍wider audience, particularly among younger voters who are more engaged ​with social media platforms. Ramaswamy, as a biotech entrepreneur‌ and activist, is undoubtedly closer to the pulse of social media than​ any⁣ other candidate, making him well-suited for such a debate.

But ⁣the New York Post’s editorial board dismisses this idea, claiming that ⁣it would shrink‍ the audience and increase the proportion of views⁢ addicted to clickbait. Their argument is baseless and lacks supporting evidence. Instead of providing ‍a ‌well-reasoned analysis, they resort to personal attacks and unfounded accusations.

Moreover, it is concerning that this‌ editorial reflects not just the opinion of ⁤the‍ New York Post but⁢ potentially of the entire News Corp’s media ⁢empire, including The Wall Street Journal and Fox News. This raises questions about the objectivity and impartiality of these news⁣ outlets, as well as the influence of Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of News‍ Corp.

It is evident that the New York Post’s editorial board has a personal grievance against Ramaswamy​ and anyone associated with him, such as Tucker Carlson. It is unprofessional and inappropriate for⁤ a respected publication to allow personal biases to⁣ shape its⁢ editorial stance.⁣ The board’s ‍attempt to delegitimize ⁤Ramaswamy’s ​campaign based on conspiracy theories and his support⁢ for Carlson is ​irresponsible journalism ⁣at best.

In conclusion, the New York Post’s editorial board’s criticism of Vivek Ramaswamy⁤ and his campaign is unjustifiable and indicative‍ of a media ⁢empire scorned. Their biased and unprofessional approach undermines⁢ the credibility⁤ of the publication and raises questions about the integrity‍ of the wider‍ News Corp media empire. It is crucial ‌for media outlets​ to maintain objectivity and⁣ impartiality in​ order to fulfill their role as providers of accurate ⁣and fair information to‍ the ⁤public.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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