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MIT urges students and faculty to undergo ‘LGBTQ+ 101’ training

The Massachusetts Institute of⁤ Technology (MIT) Imposes Mandatory ⁣”LGBTQ+ ⁤101″ Training

The Massachusetts Institute of⁤ Technology (MIT) is‌ making‍ waves by requiring ⁢students and faculty to complete‌ a training ‍course called “LGBTQ+ 101.” This course has sparked controversy due to its promotion of radical ideas, such as labeling the use of a transgender individual’s birth name as an “act of ⁤violence.”

Titled “LGBTQ+ 101: Education,⁣ Allyship, and Self-Advocacy,” this online‌ training module is a⁣ prerequisite for teachers,⁣ staff, and graduate students to prevent sexual harassment. It ⁤consists of ‌engaging videos, vocabulary ‌lists, and thought-provoking reflection questions. The⁢ training emphasizes⁤ that everyone, including staff, faculty, and postdocs, must participate in this educational resource.

What sets this training apart is its push for left-wing perspectives ⁢on sex⁢ and gender. Trainees must pass “knowledge checks,” multiple-choice questions that challenge their understanding of these radical views. The Daily Wire​ obtained and reviewed ⁢the entire private training module.

Understanding “Deadnaming” and the Importance of Gender Identity

One section of the training delves into the concept of “deadnaming,” which refers to using a transgender individual’s birth name instead of their chosen name. The training defines it as “the‌ act of referring to a transgender or⁤ nonbinary person​ by a ⁤name they used prior ‌to transitioning.” It goes further to explain that “deadnaming” ⁢is ⁢not only invalidating but can also trigger a trauma response. The training warns against “misgendering” as well, emphasizing the importance of respecting an individual’s gender identity.

However, the training goes beyond ‍mere offense, claiming ‍that ​”deadnaming” is a violent act. Even if done accidentally, it brings forth all the negative experiences associated with that name, making it a considered violent act.

The⁣ training also ⁤highlights the distinction between sex and gender, stating that ‌”male” ⁢and‍ “female” describe ​sex, while “woman” and “man”​ describe​ gender. It boldly asserts‍ that gender ‌is a spectrum, challenging traditional notions.

Another topic covered ⁤in the training is “gender-affirming ⁢care,” ​which encompasses various interventions​ to⁢ support and affirm an individual’s gender identity when it ​conflicts with their assigned gender at birth. The training emphasizes that⁢ these interventions help transgender⁣ individuals ⁤align different aspects of their lives⁤ with ⁢their gender identity.

The training also ⁤introduces the term “non-binary,” ‌which refers to diverse gender identities that exist outside the traditional gender ⁢binary.


An MIT spokesperson informed The Daily Wire that completing a training module ‌to prevent sexual harassment‌ is mandatory‌ for faculty, staff, and graduate students in their third year. However, they clarified that ‌there are ⁣two ​alternative training options available alongside “LGBTQ+ ⁤101.”

The other ⁣ trainings include “Responding to Disclosures at ⁣MIT,” which explores behaviors⁢ constituting sexual harassment and how to support someone who discloses such experiences, and “Power Dynamics,” which examines‌ power dynamics in relationships and ​attitudes⁢ towards power and authority.

Furthermore, staff and faculty​ are​ encouraged to create more inclusive workplaces ‌by using specific ‍terms and ​avoiding others. The training advises providing regular opportunities for ‍individuals to share their pronouns and discourages the use of binary gendered language, suggesting ‍the use of gender-neutral terms like ⁤”they” ‍and “people.”

The ​training challenges participants to ​reflect on their allyship and contribution to LGBTQ+ belonging at MIT. It ‌emphasizes that allyship takes various forms and that​ queer cisgender individuals can support trans and non-binary individuals, while⁣ white queer and heterosexual individuals can⁤ be allies to ⁣queer and trans people of color.

Finally, the training urges trainees⁣ to take action to advance the⁣ LGBTQ+ agenda, asking them ⁣to consider how⁢ they can influence policies within their lab, department,‌ or classroom to be more LGBTQ+ ⁤inclusive.

‍In what ways does the training module promote inclusion and respect for non-binary individuals while also allowing for differing perspectives and respectful ‍discussions?

To individuals ‍who do not identify as exclusively male or female. It explains that non-binary individuals may identify⁤ as a combination of genders⁤ or reject the concept of‌ gender altogether.

The ‍controversial aspect‍ of this training lies​ in its promotion of‌ radical ideas and ​labeling certain actions as ⁢”acts of violence.” ⁣By classifying ‌the use of a transgender individual’s birth name as an act of violence, the training module may stifle free speech⁢ and⁣ open dialogue ‌on important issues surrounding gender identity.

While it is important to educate individuals about gender identity and promote inclusion and respect, it ⁤is ‍equally important to ⁣maintain a balance ​and allow for differing perspectives and respectful discussions.⁤ By ‍labeling certain actions as violent, the training module may contribute to a⁣ chilling effect on free speech, as individuals may be hesitant to engage in open and honest conversations for fear of being accused of violence.

Furthermore, the training module’s heavy emphasis on left-wing perspectives may exclude and marginalize individuals ⁢with‌ different beliefs or opinions. It is important to ​provide a diverse range of perspectives and​ foster an environment where ​all viewpoints are⁤ respected and valued.

In conclusion, the Massachusetts Institute of⁤ Technology’s mandatory “LGBTQ+ 101” training ‍has sparked controversy due to its promotion of radical ideas and labeling ⁢of certain actions as violence. While ​it is important to ​educate individuals and ‍promote⁤ inclusivity, it ‌is crucial to maintain a‍ balanced approach and foster an environment where diverse perspectives are respected. This​ can be achieved by encouraging open dialogues‌ and allowing for respectful discussions on complex ​issues surrounding gender identity.

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