Governor withdraws gas car ban proposal, a setback for electric vehicle advocates

Governor Forced to Pull‌ Gas Car Ban Proposal in Major Defeat for Electric Vehicle Pushers

When ⁢even Ned Lamont believes phasing‍ out ⁤internal combustion⁢ cars by 2035⁣ is a lost cause,⁣ you’d better believe it’s⁣ a lost cause.

Lamont is ​currently Connecticut’s governor; those ​with long memories might⁣ remember that, in 2006, having‌ decided that then-Sen. Joe Lieberman — formerly Al Gore’s running mate — was insufficiently lefty, challenged him in the Democratic primary.⁤ (Lamont won‌ the primary, although Lieberman prevailed by‌ running as an independent in ​the general ⁣election.)

In office, he’s been along for the ride during‍ the Northeast’s leftward drift in the 21st century. This included regulations to, as local publication Connecticut News Junkie noted, “incrementally phase​ out ⁣the sale of new gas-powered vehicles” by the⁣ magical date of 2035, when everyone seems to believe ICE cars can‍ stop being ⁢sold.

However,‍ according to WTNH-TV, Gov. Lamont announced he was withdrawing the ban‌ proposal on⁣ Monday.

“The Legislative Regulation‍ Review Committee, which is made up of 14 lawmakers was set to have a hearing and vote on ⁢Tuesday regarding the ban on the sale of gas-powered cars ⁣in 2035,” the Hartford-based station reported.

“On Monday afternoon, legislative sources told News 8 ‌that the committee would hold off on the scheduled vote.”

The move was⁤ celebrated as a victory for⁢ “common sense” ‍by legislative Republicans.

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly said that Lamont’s “decision to withdraw the regulations is ⁣a reasoned⁢ approach to address‌ the growing concerns raised ⁤by working and middle class families.

“Common sense‌ has prevailed,” ‌he said. “Adopting California emission ⁤standards which ban the sale ⁢of gas-powered cars⁣ is ‌a substantial policy shift which​ must‍ be decided by the General Assembly,”⁤ he added.

“There⁢ are too many questions regarding the capacity of our electric⁣ grid, the cost and location of grid‌ improvements, and the negative impact on urban,⁢ rural and working poor families.”

Sen. John A. Kissel, the GOP co-chair of the panel, called the decision to abandon⁣ the EV timeline a “prudent step.”

“The people’s elected representatives are ‌the ones⁣ who ⁢should ‍be making this decision,” Kissel said.

“Something so life-changing —⁤ something that will take our choice away — needs to be⁤ decided ‍by the ⁣full‍ legislature. Ask anyone on Main Street anywhere in Connecticut⁢ those questions.⁤ They will they you that they — the people — should get to decide.

“It should be the people’s choice,” he concluded. “I thank my colleagues⁤ on the⁣ committee — and the ‌governor — for withdrawing these regulations.”

Lamont isn’t throwing in the towel yet, however, promising to try again.

“I really look ⁢forward to working with our friends in‍ the legislature,” Lamont said after abandoning the push, realizing it lacked sufficient​ support in the legislature’s Regulation Review Committee.

“You’ve been⁤ amazing. You took the lead on this before, you’re taking the ‌lead on it again. Reach across the aisle, see if we can satisfy some of the naysayers, get them on board,” Lamont⁣ said.

The problem is that the idea of ​getting people “on board” with EVs seems to have hit a wall.

After early adopters snapped up the first wave of EVs from mainstream auto companies, consumers⁣ seemed‌ to be generally uninterested in the supposedly eco-friendly models carmakers ⁢were pushing.

Earlier‍ this month, The Wall Street Journal reported that, given that “sales growth has‌ slowed​ for battery-powered models,” dealers were slashing prices with discounts on ⁤EVs, with ⁤Ford and‍ Hyundai offering⁢ up to $7,500 rebates on ‍cars that ‍were previously flying off lots.

Even Tesla, the Journal reported, had “slashed prices” due to waning demand.

The 2035 date was always an unrealistic deadline randomly picked somewhere in the not-too-distant future by Democrats as an ⁤opportunity to switch everyone to⁣ battery cars. To the extent it wasn’t random and based in ⁤reality, it was based on an adoption rate roughly similar to the⁣ curve of early adoption.

That’s not how​ it works. That’s never been how it works. And⁤ when it can’t get support in deep-blue Connecticut — and the ⁣guy who‍ found Joe Lieberman insufficiently liberal for⁢ his tastes decides to drop the push for​ now — it’s time for the ⁣Democrats to⁢ acknowledge⁣ the hurdles to the magical date are insuperable.

The ‌post Governor Forced to Pull Gas Car Ban Proposal in⁤ Major Defeat for Electric Vehicle Pushers ‌appeared first ⁣on The Western Journal.

​What are the main factors contributing ​to ⁤the decline ⁤in interest and ⁤sales of ⁣electric vehicles?

​” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>losing interest. The⁣ high cost⁢‍ of electric vehicles, the‍ limited infrastructure for charging,⁢ and the concerns over the environmental impact of EVs have dampened enthusiasm among consumers.

Furthermore, ⁤the issue of phasing ​out⁣ internal​ combustion cars by ⁣2035 has faced significant backlash. Critics argue that such a ban would‍ hurt working and middle-class⁤ families who cannot afford ⁣the ‌expensive ⁤electric⁢ vehicles and that‌ it would have a ‌negative impact on the economy.

There are also concerns over the capacity of the electric grid to support​ a‍ large-scale transition to electric vehicles. A recent report ⁤by the New England Independent System Operator (ISO) warned that the electric grid ‍in the region may not be able ⁢to‍ handle ‌the increased demand for ‌electricity ⁤from ⁤EVs without significant investments in grid infrastructure.

In addition, the​ push for⁣ EVs has been met with‌ skepticism from rural and urban communities alike. Rural ⁤areas often‌ lack the necessary ⁣infrastructure for ‍charging stations, making ⁢EVs ⁣impractical for residents in those areas. ⁢Urban communities, on ‌the other hand, are ​concerned about the negative⁤ impact of ⁤EVs on air quality, ⁤as the production of electricity for charging EVs ⁣still relies heavily on fossil fuels.

Despite these challenges, proponents of electric vehicles remain hopeful and determined. They⁢ argue that⁣ transitioning to electric vehicles is⁢ essential ‍to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions. They believe ‍that​ with the right policies, incentives, and investments, the obstacles can ⁤be overcome, and a greener⁤ transportation system can be achieved.

However, the defeat of the gas car ban ​proposal in Connecticut is a clear indication that the road to widespread adoption of electric vehicles will not be easy. It requires addressing the concerns and challenges faced by consumers and communities while also ensuring that the necessary infrastructure ‍and support are in place.

Ultimately, the success of electric vehicles ⁤relies ‌on ⁢a comprehensive and balanced approach that takes into⁢ account the ​needs and‌ realities ‍of all stakeholders. It ‍requires collaboration between government, industry, and consumers to create a sustainable and ​efficient transportation system for the future.

As the debate over the future of transportation continues, it is crucial to listen ⁣to all ‌perspectives ⁢and find common ground. Only through open dialogue and collaboration can we find solutions ⁣that benefit​ everyone and move ⁤towards a ⁢cleaner​ and greener future.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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