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GOP has enough votes to impeach Biden, says Speaker Johnson

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson: Impeaching President Joe Biden is a ⁢Necessary Step

In a recent interview‍ with Fox & Friends, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson addressed the question ⁣of‍ impeaching President Joe Biden.​ He provided an update on the idea and expressed his belief that the House Republican majority has​ the votes necessary to launch‍ a formal impeachment inquiry.

According to Johnson, the lack of cooperation from the Biden administration ​with Congress is ⁤the reason ⁢for initiating an​ impeachment‌ inquiry. He stated, “Now we’re ‍being stonewalled by the White House, because they’re‌ preventing at least two to three Department⁣ of Justice witnesses from ​coming forward. A formal impeachment ‍inquiry vote on ⁢the floor will allow us to take it to the next necessary step, and ‌I think it’s something we‍ have ⁢to​ do at this juncture.”

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Johnson previously indicated that congressional​ investigations of Biden had not found evidence warranting impeachment, ‌but he now believes it is necessary. He emphasized the need ​for ⁣transparency and deliberate ​due process for any potential inquiry.

Impeaching Biden⁤ would require near-unanimous support from Republican members of the House, assuming no Democrats would ‍cross the aisle. ⁣Johnson ‌believes ⁢they will secure ⁣enough votes for ⁤beginning ⁤a House impeachment inquiry,⁤ although ‌he⁣ does not expect any Democrats to assist in the effort.

Johnson cited the Biden family’s extensive business deals with foreign ⁤individuals and businesses, accusing the president of lying about his direct ​knowledge ⁢of‍ these⁤ dealings. A simple majority for impeachment in ⁣the ‌House would lead to a ​trial in the Senate, where two-thirds of ⁣senators would ⁢have to vote to convict Biden and remove him from office.

Rep. Ralph Norman has indicated that a vote to begin an impeachment inquiry could come ⁤as early ‍as next week, ‍according to NBC News. Johnson also addressed other topics, such as the expulsion of former Rep. George Santos⁤ and ⁢the need to secure America’s borders.

Read more: GOP Has ‍Votes to⁣ Launch Biden Impeachment: Speaker ⁣Johnson Says, ‘I Believe We Will’

Source: The Western Journal

What factors are being cited by supporters of the impeachment ‌inquiry as⁤ potential ⁢wrongdoing by‌ President Biden?

Uiry. Johnson said, “We need to bring these witnesses​⁢ ‌forward, allow the public ‍to⁢ assess their‍ credibility, and ⁢make ⁢an informed⁢ judgement ‍on ⁢the​ need for impeachment.”

Many ​critics argue that⁣⁠‍⁢ impeaching President Biden ⁢is​ an extreme​ and unnecessary step that will only further divide ⁢the country. They believe that the focus ⁢should ⁣be on addressing key issues‍ such as the economy, healthcare, and infrastructure, rather⁢ than engaging in a partisan battle. These critics highlight the ‌importance of unity and collaboration to move the nation forward.

However, supporters of ⁣the impeachment inquiry argue​ that it is essential to hold ​the President accountable ‌for any‍ potential wrongdoing. They point to Biden’s handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the border crisis, ‍and his response to inflation as areas that warrant further scrutiny. They believe that a formal impeachment inquiry will⁢ help shed ‌light on these ​matters and ensure transparency in the government’s actions.

Speaker‍ Johnson’s stance on initiating an impeachment inquiry is not shared by all Republicans. Many GOP lawmakers have expressed their opposition to the idea, stating that it is premature and politically motivated.⁢ They argue that it is more productive⁤ to work towards finding common ground and advancing conservative policies rather than focusing on impeachment⁤ efforts.

Regardless of one’s position on the matter,⁢ it is important to note that launching impeachment proceedings against a sitting President is a‌ serious and consequential decision. It requires ⁤careful consideration, thorough investigation, and the establishment of​ clear evidence of wrongdoing. Impeachment is a constitutional process that has significant implications for⁤ the future of the country and should not be taken lightly.

In conclusion, Speaker of the⁣ House Mike Johnson’s belief that impeaching President Joe Biden is a⁢ necessary step has generated considerable debate. The lack of cooperation from ⁣the Biden administration and the need for transparency and⁣ accountability have amplified calls for a formal impeachment inquiry.⁤ However, opponents argue that such action will only further divide the nation ⁣and distract from pressing issues. Ultimately, ⁣the decision to‍ launch an impeachment inquiry requires thoughtful consideration and​ adherence to due process to ensure the integrity of the democratic system.

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