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Jeopardy host and Big Bang Theory actress criticize ‘progressive feminists’ for ignoring Hamas atrocities

Jeopardy Host and⁣ Big Bang ‌Theory Actress Slams ‘Progressive Feminists’ for Silence on Hamas Atrocities

“Jeopardy” host and ‍”Big Bang Theory” actress Mayim Bialik recently took​ to social media to issue⁢ a powerful statement about the Israel-Hamas war. Bialik, who comes from Jewish immigrant⁢ parents, used her platform to express her outrage at the “abhorrent ⁢and conspicuous” ‍silence surrounding the atrocities committed by‍ Hamas terrorists, particularly against women.

In a post shared on November 25, Bialik did not hold back in addressing‍ this silence. She boldly‍ stated, ⁢”There‍ has ⁢been⁢ an abhorrent and conspicuous absence of women’s organizations around the ​world ⁢unequivocally⁢ condemning the systematic rape and ⁤torture of women on October 7 by Hamas. Brutal⁣ gang rapes, sexual torture, and murder⁣ of fetuses happened – period.”

Bialik ⁤further questioned ‍the lack of support ⁣from the “BELIEVE THEM” voices, highlighting that these crimes against women were documented by the terrorists themselves ​and broadcasted for the world to see. She expressed her ‍astonishment at the silence from the international community, especially from those who have fought for women’s rights.

Notably, Bialik called out the United Nations Entity for Gender​ Equality ‍and⁣ the Empowerment of ⁤Women (UN Women) for taking 50 days to express “alarm” ⁢about the‍ situation. She concluded her scathing post by asking, “Progressive feminists of the ‍world: where are you?”

Bialik’s post comes seven weeks after the brutal invasion of Israel by Hamas terrorists ‌on⁢ October⁤ 7, which has since escalated into a ​bloody and ongoing‌ war. Recent developments have seen Israel negotiating the‌ release ⁢of hostages held by Hamas, including defiant‌ women. However, one of the most tragic examples of‍ Hamas atrocities against women is​ the heartbreaking ⁤story of Shani Louk,⁢ a​ 22-year-old German-Israeli tattoo artist ⁣who was​ a victim of ⁤the initial invasion.

Videos circulating online showed Louk’s⁣ lifeless ‌body being paraded around on the back of⁢ a truck, with ⁢Hamas militants sitting on her and onlookers‍ spitting on ‌her. Additionally, Hamas ‌terrorists reportedly tortured ​Louk’s mother by sending menacing messages from her‌ daughter’s boyfriend’s phone.

Bialik’s powerful statement sheds light on the need for global condemnation of these horrific acts and calls for action from progressive feminists. It ⁣is crucial‌ to address and raise awareness about the atrocities committed by Hamas and stand in solidarity with the victims.

The post Jeopardy Host⁣ and Big Bang Theory Actress‍ Slams ‘Progressive Feminists’ for Silence on Hamas Atrocities ​ appeared first on The Western Journal.

How did Mayim Bialik’s statement on the silence of​ progressive feminists regarding ⁢atrocities committed⁣ by ‍Hamas spark a dialogue ‌about consistency and the importance of⁤ addressing⁢ all forms ‍of gender-based violence

Nst women should be denounced by all⁤ feminists, regardless of their political ideology. She emphasized the importance of solidarity and denounced the selective outrage displayed by some feminists who‌ choose to remain silent on these heinous acts.

The actress also pointed ​out the double ⁢standards when it comes to holding Israel accountable for their actions while ignoring the atrocities committed ⁢by Hamas. Bialik acknowledged that she is not an expert on​ the ​Israel-Hamas conflict, ⁢but she believes that⁢ addressing the issue of violence against ‍women should not be political. It should ‌be a universally condemned act, ‌no ‌matter ‍the​ circumstances.

Bialik’s statement attracted‍ both support and criticism from ‍social media users. ⁢Some praised her for speaking out and calling out the⁤ hypocrisy​ in the feminist movement. They applauded her for using ⁤her ‍platform to shed light on the suffering of ⁣women under Hamas rule. Others, however, accused her of being biased and ignoring ‌the⁤ plight of the Palestinian people.

This ⁣controversy comes at a time when tensions​ between Israel and‍ Palestine are escalating, with both sides experiencing loss ⁤and tragedy. ⁤Bialik’s decision to speak out on this issue highlights the importance of⁢ considering multiple⁤ perspectives ‍and seeking a comprehensive understanding ‌of the ⁤conflict.

It ​is vital ​for activists and feminists to address all forms of ​violence against women, regardless of geographical location or political context. The silence surrounding the actions of‌ Hamas is ⁣indeed concerning, as it undermines the global fight for women’s rights. It is‍ essential to create a‍ climate where all acts of gender-based‍ violence are condemned and ‌survivors​ are supported irrespective of political considerations.

In conclusion, Mayim Bialik’s public statement regarding the silence of “progressive feminists” on​ the ⁤atrocities committed by Hamas is a powerful call for unity and ​condemnation of violence against⁤ women. Her words sparked a dialogue about the importance of consistency and the need to address​ all forms of ​gender-based violence, regardless‌ of the⁤ political climate. As⁢ the Israel-Hamas conflict continues,‍ it is⁤ crucial for individuals and communities to seek empathy, understanding,‍ and justice ⁤for all those affected by the violence.

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