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Israeli woman gang-raped by Hamas pleads for death; they mock, fatally shoot her: Report

An ⁣Israeli Survivor Speaks Out About the Horrific Hamas Massacre

A survivor ‍of the brutal Hamas massacre⁣ that claimed the lives⁣ of 1,200 Israelis on October 7 is sharing his harrowing ⁣story. Yoni‍ Saadon, a shift manager in⁤ a foundry⁣ and a father of four, found himself hiding under the stage at the Supernova music festival when the ‍attack occurred. Next to him, a young woman ⁣was shot ⁣in the‌ head and fell to ⁤the ground.

Desperate to survive, Saadon⁢ pulled ‌her body over⁢ him and covered himself in her blood, hoping​ to appear ⁣dead. The image of her face haunts him every night, and he apologizes to her in his dreams.

After an ⁢hour, Saadon dared to look out and witnessed a horrifying scene. A beautiful woman, with the face of an ‌angel, ⁤was being brutally beaten and raped by eight or ten Hamas fighters. She pleaded for death, but they laughed and ⁢one of them shot her ​in the head.

The thought that it could have been one of his own daughters or his sister, who had almost attended the festival, torments ⁤Saadon. Later, while hiding in the bushes, he witnessed another act of terror as two⁤ more Hamas terrorists attacked ⁤a young woman. They beheaded her with a shovel, ⁣and her head rolled along the‌ ground.

Investigation into the Mass Rape of ‌Israeli Women

The ​Israeli police are currently investigating the ​mass rape of Israeli women⁢ by‌ Hamas terrorists.⁢ Lead investigator ⁢Shelly Harush stated that sexual crimes were part of⁤ the terrorists’ plan to⁣ terrify and humiliate people.⁤ The⁣ evidence includes statements, photographs, and videos that depict the horrors inflicted by Hamas. Some of the victims had suffered such brutal rapes that their pelvises were ⁢broken.

Haim Outmezgine, the commander of a special unit that collects the remains of the dead after massacres and terrorist attacks, revealed the extent of⁣ the horror they witnessed. They collected 1,000 bodies ‌in just ten days, and it was clear that⁣ the terrorists ​aimed ‍to spread as much terror as possible through killing, burning alive, and rape.

One ⁣of the volunteers ‌who prepared the female corpses for burial described the gruesome scenes they encountered. The bodies of young women, many barely clothed or in tattered clothing, were ⁢covered in‌ blood, particularly around their underwear. Some had been shot multiple times in the face, as if​ to mutilate them. Broken pelvises and legs were common, and there ⁤were women who had been shot in the crotch and breasts.

The Times, which was shown graphic evidence by the Israel Defense Forces, reported ⁤that‌ some ⁤festival⁣ survivors had taken their own lives, while others required treatment in mental institutions.

Video Evidence Confirms Hamas’⁢ Intentions

Video footage captured by ⁢Israel⁣ shows a Hamas terrorist admitting to the kidnapping and rape of women during their‍ attack. The terrorist, seemingly unharmed, was questioned by Israeli investigators. When asked what they wanted to do with the women, he confessed that ⁤their intention was ‌to dirty them and rape them.

How is the Israeli police working with international law‌ enforcement agencies to ‌ensure justice⁢ is served for the perpetrators of​ the Hamas ⁢massacre

Te the Israeli⁤ population. She expressed the commitment⁤ of the‍ Israeli police‍ to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure the ‍safety of Israeli citizens.

Harush further mentioned that the‍ survivors of these horrific acts of violence are receiving the necessary support and care from both the government‍ and​ non-governmental organizations. Specialized trauma counseling services ‌have been made available to help them cope ‍with the psychological and emotional impact of their ⁤traumatic experiences.

The⁢ investigation into⁤ these ‌crimes ‌is being conducted ​meticulously, with‌ the collection of evidence and testimonies from survivors. The Israeli police are⁤ working closely with international law ‌enforcement agencies to ensure ‍that justice is served. Harush emphasized the significance of bringing these criminals to trial to prevent such atrocities from happening again⁣ in the future.

The Hamas⁢ massacre that took‍ place on October 7 shocked the world and highlighted​ the brutality and inhumanity of terrorist organizations. It is​ crucial for the international community to unite and⁢ condemn such acts‍ of violence, regardless of political or religious affiliations.

In response to this horrific event, the​ Israeli government has taken measures to​ strengthen security and prevent future attacks. The safety⁢ and well-being of⁣ Israeli citizens remain a top‍ priority, and every effort ⁤is being made ​to ensure their protection.

Yoni‍ Saadon’s harrowing story serves as a reminder of the atrocities committed by terrorist organizations like Hamas. It is ​a testament to the resilience and strength of​ the Israeli people, who refuse to be intimidated by acts of terror.

As the investigation into the Hamas massacre ​continues, it is ⁤essential that the⁣ international community supports the efforts to⁣ bring the perpetrators to justice. By‌ standing together against terrorism, we send a powerful message that such acts will‍ not be tolerated, and those⁢ responsible will be held accountable for their crimes.

It‍ is only through unity and collective action that we can hope‌ to eradicate terrorism from‌ our world and create a safer⁤ future for all. The survivor’s courage in sharing​ his story serves as a call to ⁤action⁤ for us all to remain‌ vigilant and stand against those‍ who⁣ seek to perpetrate‌ violence and spread‍ fear.

The​ memories and trauma experienced by Yoni‍ Saadon and other survivors of the​ Hamas massacre will never be erased. ⁣However, by speaking out and shedding light on these terrible events, ⁢we honor the victims and ensure that their voices are heard.

In the face of‌ such unspeakable violence, it ‍is imperative⁤ that we remember ⁣the importance of compassion, understanding, and resilience. As we continue to‌ pursue justice for the victims and survivors of‍ terrorist attacks, let us strive to‌ build a ​world ⁢where peace and harmony prevail over‍ hatred and violence.

Together,⁢ we can make a⁣ difference and ‍create a⁣ future where no individual or community lives⁢ in fear of such horrific acts.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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