Washington Examiner

The price we pay: The toll of the affordability crisis

Soaring Mortgage Rates and ⁤High Housing Prices Make Homebuying a Challenge

Soaring mortgage ‍rates have combined with high housing⁣ prices to push homebuying out of‌ reach for many people, causing⁤ major knock-on effects on their lives. The one-two⁣ punch‍ is⁢ causing⁣ some people to reconsider ⁣buying⁤ a home or discouraging them from searching at all. Still,⁤ other ‍homebuyers have decided​ to bite the bullet​ and purchase a home in ⁤this market, but ⁤for a property‍ significantly smaller than they⁢ could have bought just two‍ years ago.

John Tyson’s Dilemma

John⁤ Tyson moved⁢ to Philadelphia over the summer and is looking to put down roots in​ the area,⁣ which is where he grew up. He ​began searching for homes just⁢ outside the city but realized after⁣ research that the time was not ⁤right to buy. Tyson said he used ​online mortgage calculators to‍ determine, with mortgage rates around 7.5%, that‌ renting is ‍more​ attractive ⁢than buying. ‍In fact,‌ the advantage of renting‍ versus buying has never been greater. ​Tyson told the Washington Examiner ⁢that he sees buying⁣ a home as a good investment⁢ for the long term,⁢ but paying​ $3,000 or $4,000⁢ a month​ is too much of a stretch for him ⁤right now.

For context, Tyson was paying just under $2,000‍ a ⁣month‌ in rent in Denver and was spending more ‍than $2,000 when he was living⁣ in New‍ York City⁤ after he graduated from college.⁣ “I was looking over it all and​ everything, and I⁢ just kind of realized ‌that now is not the best time to buy, just‌ given‍ the mortgages⁢ and everything like that,” ⁣Tyson ‍said.

The ‌Impact of Ultra-Low⁣ Mortgage Rates

In researching ​affordability, Tyson stumbled across a major factor​ propping up house prices: Inventory is low because people who‌ locked in ultra-low mortgage rates during the pandemic are holding ​on to their homes instead of selling in order to ‌keep that bargain deal. “All of those people‌ are holding back, so‌ it’s kind ⁤of inflating the market’s housing ⁣prices a little bit,” Tyson said.

Because ⁢mortgage rates have‌ surged so much, ⁤owners of ‍existing homes who have mortgages ‌with rates locked in before 2022 are ⁤shying away from ⁣selling because they want to‍ keep their historically low rates. Almost⁤ two-thirds of ‍all mortgages have rates below 4%, and 90% have rates ​below 6%, according to Freddie Mac.

With few people willing to give⁢ up such favorable borrowing terms, there is less ⁤home inventory on⁣ the ‍market, making new homes⁢ more⁤ of a hot commodity. ‌Sales of new homes in October were 17.7% higher than in September 2022. Additionally, the median sales price for a new home was $409,300⁤ in ​October. In⁣ contrast, ‍existing home sales ​in October slowed 4.1% ‍to a ⁤seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.79 million, ⁤their ⁤lowest level in more than ​a decade.

The⁣ Waiting Game

But ‌how long Tyson ends​ up holding​ off on ‍entering the housing market will depend on several factors —⁣ the biggest ⁣being when ⁤mortgage rates ⁢begin ⁤to‌ edge lower. Tyson said that,​ ideally, he would ⁣like​ to see rates⁢ fall back to the 5%⁣ level, although he would even‌ be⁤ open⁣ to locking in a 6% rate if the housing prices ‍also fell to⁤ a more reasonable level. Tyson said he is likely looking at waiting at least⁤ another year, noting that it will take a while for the Fed to begin reducing its‍ interest rate target and mortgage rates to‍ respond by​ drifting down. “A year from now, especially ‍after one year of⁣ a lease, then, come that⁢ next lease term, I’d probably ​think about, OK,​ is it time to ‌buy, kind of ‌reevaluate the market,⁣ especially as that lease comes up⁤ for ‍renewal,” he explained.

Tyson ⁤said he would be saving up money for the purchase in the meantime. He hopes the‍ extra savings from waiting ⁣at least ​a ​year can help make his⁤ purchase‌ stretch even farther when searching for homes.⁣ Tyson, who is 27, also feels‌ a ⁣bit like his generation missed out. Contemporaries of his father, who made his first home purchase at 23, don’t realize how ‍difficult it is for young people nowadays, he said. ​In 2022, the typical age to buy a first home increased ⁣to 36, the‍ oldest ever. In 2021, the average age of​ a first-time homebuyer ​was ⁢33, according to data from the National Association of ‍Realtors.

The Impact on Real Estate Agents

The ⁢housing affordability crisis ⁢isn’t just⁤ pushing possible homebuyers out of the market.​ It is also tough on real ⁣estate⁤ agents⁣ who make their living off home sales. One real estate agent in ‌the northern Virginia area told the Washington Examiner that she has heard of agents quitting the industry, a bad ‍sign, even considering the historic volatility of the sector.

The real ⁤estate agent said that during the pandemic (when mortgage rates were at historic ⁤lows), she was seeing anywhere from‌ 10 ⁣to 20⁢ offers⁢ per home. Now, it’s only⁢ about three‌ to six offers per property. She also‍ said she ⁣has ‌noticed much less traffic‍ at ‌open houses ⁤and⁤ that ​actual private showings are down.

The ⁣real estate agent said she has also seen properties being⁢ advertised⁣ differently. For instance, ​she has property listed in Alexandria, Virginia, where the seller is in a position to ‌offer seller ​financing. “We actually huddled together with⁤ the seller and ​have decided to change some of our marketing strategy, and they are going to offer seller financing,” she said. “But traditionally, when seller ‌financing has been offered, ‌it has​ been at ‍worse‍ terms ⁤than what the market will yield … but in this case, the⁢ sellers are actually offering⁢ a below-market interest rate ⁢to incentivize buyers to come to their home and ‌afford ⁣it right out of the gate on a monthly basis.”

The Challenges for the ⁣Real Estate Industry

Patty Zuzek, a Minnesota-based broker with 28 years of experience in the real estate industry, said homebuying has greatly decelerated‌ as mortgage rates rise⁢ and ⁣home prices ⁣remain elevated. She said home sales transactions for her company are down to about half of what‍ they were just a year ago. “We are seeing people hold ‌off ⁣— they might be looking, might ⁢be looking, oops ​the ⁢rates went up one ‍more time and they’re like, ‘I’m out,'” Zuzek told the Washington Examiner during an interview.

The pressures ​on the industry⁣ extend beyond the‍ mortgage market. Zuzek, whose company also builds homes, said the cost⁤ of building has​ also⁣ risen, as has the cost of⁢ government regulatory compliance fees. “So it all continues to go up, though ​when rates go⁣ up, it ⁣limits the affordability​ and what people can buy — whether⁣ it is existing or not,” she said.

Zuzek ‍said she thinks there is another element involved that is more psychological: fear. “The younger generation that is purchasing has‌ never seen anything in ⁤that 8% [range] because we had such artificial low rates⁢ for years ‍and years and years from the foreclosure boom that we were‌ all in,” she said.

Despite⁤ all of the headwinds, Zuzek remains ⁢optimistic. “Our industry is very cyclical. Housing is very cyclical.⁢ I’m very excited to see what the future is going to bring, and‍ I think educating ⁤consumers is one of ‌the greatest things we do as​ realtors,” she said.

Some⁤ Homebuyers Still Take the Plunge

But the market ‍hasn’t dissuaded everyone from entering it,‌ and some ⁢have left​ very satisfied they were ‍able to end ‍up in a home they own and are not⁣ losing‍ money each ⁢month ‌paying for rent. Samantha Cassin is a recent⁣ homebuyer and decided she ​would enter the housing market⁢ this year ⁢despite the high ⁣mortgage‍ rates.⁢ Cassin and her husband married last November ‍and told the Washington Examiner they knew they ​wanted to purchase their own home regardless of‍ the ⁢timing.

Cassin said she ⁣and her husband put much thought and discussion into the process. ‌They started the⁣ home⁣ search in April. The whole process, which she said ​was at times very​ tiring, took between seven and eight months. “We kind of went in knowing we ⁢would have to‌ deal⁤ with it for a little​ and knew that we wanted‍ to probably refinance when we were able to,” Cassin ⁤explained. “We knew our budget, we knew what we could afford, and we knew what our parameters were.”

“We really went into it knowing what our limits were,” she added.

Cassin said while the ⁢market⁤ isn’t​ the best right now and that​ she and her husband might have ended up unlucky with the timing, they were eager to start their life together⁤ and take

How have soaring mortgage rates and high housing prices affected the⁣ real ⁢estate industry?

⁢ T creates that double-edged ‍sword‍ that puts ​additional pressure on our industry,” she said.

The combination of⁢ soaring mortgage rates and high housing prices‌ has undoubtedly made ⁣homebuying a challenge for many individuals. It has forced⁢ potential ​buyers to‍ reevaluate their options, oftentimes resulting ⁤in ‌the postponement of their homeownership dreams. The impact of these inflated⁣ costs extends​ beyond the realm of⁤ personal finance, affecting various aspects of the ‍real estate industry as well.

John ​Tyson, a prospective homebuyer in Philadelphia, found himself caught in the midst of this housing crisis. Despite his desire to put down roots in his hometown, Tyson realized that the prevailing conditions were not conducive to purchasing a home. With mortgage rates reaching as high⁢ as 7.5%, he concluded that renting would be ⁢a more financially prudent choice. This sentiment is‌ echoed by many individuals who find themselves unable‌ to‍ afford the exorbitant⁢ monthly payments associated ⁣with homeownership. ​This represents a significant shift from ⁢just a few years​ ago ‍when people like ​Tyson were able ⁤to purchase larger properties at a fraction⁤ of the cost.

A key factor contributing to this affordability crisis is the⁣ inventory ⁤shortage caused by homeowners clinging⁤ onto their ⁢homes due to ⁢low mortgage rates obtained during the ‍pandemic. ​As a result, the market is flooded ‌with prospective buyers vying for a ⁢limited​ number of available properties, driving housing ⁢prices even ⁤higher. The scarcity of inventory has transformed ⁢new homes into hot⁤ commodities, ‍resulting in‌ increased sales and soaring median prices. In contrast, existing home sales have stagnated, reaching ⁣their lowest levels in over ‌a ⁢decade.

Tyson’s decision to wait before ⁢entering ‌the‌ housing market highlights the importance of monitoring mortgage ‌rates to‍ determine the optimal time ⁣for purchase. He hopes to see rates decrease to more manageable levels before‍ committing to homeownership. However, the timeline for achieving this ideal scenario remains uncertain, as it relies on various factors,⁣ including⁣ the Federal Reserve’s actions and⁢ the rate of market response. Despite the waiting game, Tyson is diligently ⁤saving up‍ in the hopes​ of stretching his budget even further when the time comes to buy.

This housing affordability crisis not only ​affects potential homebuyers ‍but also has a significant impact on real estate agents. The dwindling number of buyers⁢ in the market,‌ coupled‌ with‍ reduced competition for properties, ​has resulted in fewer sales⁤ transactions. Some agents have even chosen to leave ⁢the industry due to these challenging conditions. Others have‍ had to ⁢adapt their marketing strategies, resorting to unconventional tactics, such as offering‍ seller‌ financing, to entice buyers. Nonetheless, the industry as a whole continues to face tremendous hurdles as rising mortgage rates and ⁢elevated costs persist.

Patty Zuzek, a seasoned broker with years of experience, observes​ the drastic slowdown in homebuying as mortgage rates rise and home prices remain elevated. She notes ⁣that potential buyers are becoming more hesitant, often backing out when‌ rates increase further. Additionally, the costs associated with building homes and complying with government regulations‌ have risen,⁣ further ‍adding to the financial burden faced by industry professionals.

As mortgage rates and housing prices continue ⁤to soar, the dream of homeownership becomes increasingly elusive for many individuals. The challenges⁤ inherent ‍in this market necessitate⁣ careful ⁢consideration and‍ strategic financial planning. While some homebuyers may opt to wait for more favorable conditions, others find themselves compromising‌ on the ​size ⁤and location of their desired property. The ​impact‍ of these circumstances extends beyond individual homeowners, affecting the entire real estate⁤ industry. ‍As stakeholders navigate these uncertain times, it is essential to remain ⁤vigilant, adapt to changing​ dynamics, and explore innovative​ solutions⁢ to ensure‍ a sustainable and‍ accessible housing market for all.

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