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Video: Border Patrol and Contractors Attempt to Repair Wall Breach as Illegal Aliens Swiftly Enter

Engaging Paraphrase: President Biden’s Border Policies Benefit Human Smugglers

President Joe Biden’s border⁤ policies are only respected by one group of professionals – the ​human smugglers who are profiting from ​them.⁤ This ​disturbing reality⁣ was captured in ‌a viral ⁤video shared by Fox News⁣ reporter‍ Bill Melugin during his visit to Lukeville, Arizona.

The video not only shows illegal aliens rushing through ⁢a breach in the border wall that was being repaired by federal​ contractors, but it also features the smuggler who ​guided them through. This smuggler exudes cocky confidence, as if he can’t believe how easy it is to ‌exploit the ⁤situation.

Watch the‌ video here. The smuggler’s audacious​ behavior starts at around the 20-second mark.

“Our cameras⁢ were⁢ rolling in Lukeville, ⁣AZ as⁣ groups of illegal immigrants ⁤rushed⁢ through‍ a​ breach in the border wall as ‍Border ⁢Patrol & federal contractors were trying to ‍fix it,” ⁣Melugin wrote. “Their human ⁢smuggler then shrugs at our cameras ‌& salutes us. Cuts/breaches⁣ all over wall here.”

What’s infuriating is the smuggler’s nonchalant shrug, followed by a⁣ mocking salute. It seems the smuggler was recording his⁣ customers’ faces as they passed through the breached ‍wall, perhaps ⁢as proof of delivery‍ or for promotional purposes. Then, ⁣he⁢ casually turns towards the United States side of⁣ the wall, ⁤displaying no concern‌ whatsoever, like an Uber driver dropping off a passenger‌ at the airport.

The theatrical shrug and the disrespectful salute ‍to the ‍Fox cameras convey ​pure amusement and a message of⁢ “Doesn’t make sense to me either” and‍ “See you next time, suckers.”

This scene is just a glimpse of the ongoing flood of⁤ illegal immigration that ⁤has gone unchecked since January 2021, spanning⁢ almost three years now.

The impact of this crisis extends far beyond the border. ‌New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams is leading his city into a spiral of self-destruction due‌ to⁢ the influx of over 100,000 illegal aliens, costing the‍ city nearly $11 billion so far.

In ⁤Chicago, Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson ⁣is ​urging ‍residents to ‌”sacrifice” for the ⁣invading armies ⁢of aliens who have overwhelmed‍ shelters and occupied public facilities.

Throughout it all,​ Democratic leaders​ blindly adhere to Biden’s misguided vision ⁢of an open United States, allowing‌ any random horde⁤ from around the world to enter at will.

American citizens are at risk from unvetted aliens whose crimes regularly make ‍headlines, and they even lose out⁢ on charitable resources that⁣ could have ⁢been⁣ directed towards‌ them.

At this point, it is clear to everyone that this is a disaster. From ⁤the criminally inept Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Majorkas to⁤ the Customs ⁣and ‍Border Protection agents on the ground ‍and the contractors⁢ trying to⁤ fix the breached ​fences,⁢ no one seems capable of stemming the tide⁣ of‍ migrants. The only ⁤ones benefiting from this chaos are the‍ border smugglers, like ⁢the man in Melugin’s video. No ⁢wonder he saluted.

The post Video: Illegal Aliens Rush Through⁢ Hole​ in Wall as ⁢Border Patrol, Federal Contractors Try to Fix It appeared first on The Western ⁣Journal.

‍ How has the Biden administration’s border policies ⁢contributed to ⁣a significant increase in encounters with individuals trying to enter the‍ United States illegally?

In July⁤ 2023, ‍marking a‌ significant increase compared to previous years. These encounters ⁢include individuals trying to enter the United States ⁤illegally, often with the help of human smugglers.

The Biden administration’s border policies,⁣ or lack thereof, have ​created a favorable environment for human smugglers to capitalize ⁢on. By‍ dismantling crucial border ‍security measures put in place by the ‍previous administration,⁣ such as the construction of‌ the border wall,⁤ President Biden has essentially opened the floodgates⁢ for illegal immigration.

While the administration may argue ⁤that​ their approach is more humane and compassionate ​towards migrants seeking a better life, the reality ​is that⁢ it has created opportunities⁣ for exploitation ‍by criminals and smugglers. The ‌video captured in Lukeville, Arizona, is a clear example of this.

The smuggler’s arrogant behavior and lack of fear or consequence are indicative of the confidence instilled by President Biden’s lax border policies. The smuggler knows that these policies make it easier for him to carry out his illegal activities and profit from ​them.

By⁤ allowing illegal immigrants to rush through breaches​ in the border wall, the administration is not only endangering national security but also compromising the safety and wellbeing of those attempting​ to enter the country.‍ These breaches provide opportunities for criminals ​and drug traffickers to enter the United States undetected.

Furthermore, the ​smuggler’s mocking gesture towards⁣ the Fox ⁢cameras highlights a ​level of impunity that​ stems from the lack of consequences imposed on those involved in⁤ human smuggling. The current administration’s focus on ‍prioritizing the rights and well-being of migrants often comes at the ‍expense of addressing the criminal activities ‌and exploitation ⁢taking ⁣place at the border.

The situation​ at the ​border⁢ demands immediate ⁤action from the Biden administration. ‍It is crucial to⁢ restore order and security to prevent further⁤ exploitation by human smugglers. This includes ‌investing in border security infrastructure, increasing resources and personnel for border patrols, and ⁤implementing stricter immigration ⁢policies to deter⁢ illegal immigration.

While the ⁤Biden‌ administration may have intended to create⁣ a more welcoming and compassionate approach to immigration, ⁤the unintended consequence has been the empowerment of human smugglers and the endangerment of both migrants and the American population. It is⁤ time for a reevaluation of these ⁤policies to ensure that the borders‌ are secure and that the United States remains a country that ​upholds the law and ⁣protects its citizens.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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