Washington Examiner

Biden administration likely to postpone menthol cigarette ban

Controversial‍ Ban on Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars Likely Delayed

The highly debated ban on menthol cigarettes and ⁣flavored cigars, proposed ​by President Joe ⁣Biden, is expected to face a delay until spring, according to‌ sources. The announcement‌ of the delay is‌ set to be made by the administration on Wednesday, as the Office of Management and Budget finalizes the rule. This‌ decision comes after political‌ pressure led to a second postponement, despite initial plans‌ to finalize the ban⁢ earlier in the fall.

Opposition ‌and Concerns

The ban, presented⁤ as ‍a public health initiative, has faced strong opposition from various groups.⁢ Drug ‍policy experts, black ‌law enforcement​ officials, community leaders like the⁢ Rev. Al ‍Sharpton, and the American Civil Liberties Union have all vehemently⁢ opposed the measure. Experts have also raised concerns about‌ the unintended‌ discriminatory effects on black people and communities of color.

Elliott Boyce, a 35-year veteran​ of the New York State Police and CEO of Diverse Perspectives, along with Art Way, a drug policy expert with⁣ Equitable Consulting, have expressed worries that the proposal lacks cessation measures for smokers and may ‌lead to an ‌increase ​in ⁤the ‌black⁣ market‍ trade of menthol products. This, in turn, could result in confrontations between users and law ⁣enforcement. It is estimated that black and Latino individuals consume around 80% of the products included in Biden’s ban.

Administration’s ⁤Response

Officials from ⁣the Biden administration have countered these ​concerns by stating that the‍ responsibility ‍for enforcement would primarily fall on tobacco companies,‌ rather than targeting ⁢individual tobacco users.

Delay Amidst Campaigning and Waning Support

This latest delay comes as President Biden intensifies his campaigning for the 2024 election, facing dwindling support. Former President Donald Trump, who is⁢ likely to be Biden’s opponent in 2024, currently holds a lead over the ​president in the RealClearPolitics ⁢polling average. Additionally, polls‌ from CNN, ⁢the New York Times, NPR, ‌and ‍others indicate ⁣that Trump has significant leads over Biden in five out of six battleground ‌states.

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What are the concerns ⁢raised by opponents of the ban regarding ​its potential impact on minority communities⁢ and personal freedoms?

Ter facing backlash from various stakeholders, including tobacco companies and civil rights groups.

The ban on menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars has been a topic ​of intense‍ debate since it was first proposed⁣ by‌ President Biden as part of his efforts to reduce smoking rates and improve public health. The argument in favor of the ban‌ is that these flavored tobacco ‌products are particularly appealing to young people, leading to an increase in smoking rates among this demographic. Proponents argue that by removing these flavored options ⁢from the⁤ market, it will be⁣ easier ‍to prevent young‌ people from picking up smoking habits.

However, opponents of the‌ ban argue that it would disproportionately impact minority communities, as research shows ‌that menthol cigarettes are more ‍popular among ‌African American smokers. They argue that such a ban could lead to unintended consequences, such as‌ driving these individuals ⁣towards illicit markets​ or other potentially harmful alternatives. Civil rights groups have also ⁢expressed concerns ​over ⁢potential⁣ enforcement disparities and the infringement on personal freedoms.

The delay⁢ in implementing the ban is seen as ⁤a positive step by some, as it allows for more time to carefully ⁣consider the potential implications and address the concerns raised by various stakeholders. ​Supporters⁤ of the ban argue that this delay will provide an opportunity⁤ to further study the impact of ‍flavored tobacco products on public health and to develop strategies that ensure ⁣equity and protect‌ vulnerable populations.

The Office of Management and Budget’s finalization of the rule is crucial in determining the ⁤specifics of the ban, such as the​ timeline for implementation and any potential exemptions. It is hoped that this delay will allow for careful consideration and ‍thoughtful decision-making to address the complex issues surrounding the ban.

In conclusion, the controversial ban on‌ menthol cigarettes and flavored‍ cigars, proposed by President​ Biden, ‍is likely to face a delay ⁣until spring. ‌This decision comes after facing opposition⁢ from tobacco companies and civil rights groups. The delay provides an opportunity ‍to address concerns raised by stakeholders and develop strategies that ensure equity and protect vulnerable populations. The finalization of the rule by the Office of Management ⁤and Budget⁢ will determine ‍the specifics of the ban. Ultimately, the ⁢hope is that this delay will lead⁤ to a well-informed and carefully implemented⁤ policy that effectively addresses public health concerns while considering the potential impact on various communities.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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