Conservative News Daily

CNN’s Jake Tapper taken aback by Biden’s unexpected revelation on his 2024 campaign

Joe Biden’s Surprising Admission Shakes Up CNN

Joe Biden is even ⁢shaking up his cronies at CNN.

The 46th president’s statement‍ to Democrat‍ donors on Tuesday that he might not⁢ even be seeking re-election if former President‌ Donald ⁣Trump took over the country’s ⁤political conversation as soon as the⁢ words⁣ were ⁤out of his mouth.

And at the⁣ Democratic bastion of⁤ CNN, the ‍effect might ​not have ⁢been ‍what Biden and his re-election team​ were ‍hoping for.

“If ⁣Trump wasn’t running, ⁤I’m not sure I’d be running.‍ But we‌ cannot let him ​win,” Biden said at a Boston ‍fundraiser, according to the New York Post.

To ‍be clear, taking Biden at his‍ word is always hazardous. “Joey Baby” ⁢lies about ‌as easily as ⁣he breathes when it comes to public​ speaking, whether it’s because he’s got a deliberate goal in mind ‍or because his ⁢addled brains can no longer separate fact ​from fiction.

In this ⁤case, Biden might have⁣ been trying⁤ to recreate a /biden-compulsive-liar-fits-definition-keeps-telling-fake-stories/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>“Corn Pop” moment ⁣for his followers, where⁢ the hero ⁣of the story ⁣is the ‌only one able to take down the Threat to Democracy. Weary old Cincinnatus would just love⁤ to go back⁣ to his farm,⁤ but⁢ duty calls.

It was ​the ​kind of self-mythologizing ⁢Biden has built a career on.

But ⁣at CNN anyway, ​the​ words had‌ the opposite effect, with ‌longtime‌ host Jake Tapper calling ⁢it a “stunning admission” from ⁢the president and a panel​ of Tapper’s guests coming about as‍ close as a CNN guest can to​ mocking the man in the Oval⁢ Office.

“Is this ‍the kind of admission a candidate ⁣should ‍be making?” Tapper asked on Tuesday’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”

Reactions from CNN

  • David Chalian, CNN’s political ‍director, criticized ⁣Biden’s statement, questioning ⁣whether he would reconsider his re-election‌ effort if Trump is not ⁤the⁤ Republican nominee.
  • Kristen Holmes, CNN⁢ national ​correspondent, ⁢pointed ⁣out that Biden’s statement confirms Trump’s claim⁢ that‍ Democrats are targeting him personally.
  • Michael LaRosa, a former special assistant in the Biden White House, implied that Biden is ⁤lying and would ⁣not willingly give up the presidency if Trump was not a factor.

Trump’s legal prosecutions in New York and Georgia and in federal courts in‍ Florida and Washington‌ will ​fit as ‌part of⁣ the pattern, she‌ said.

“It’s the same argument ⁤that he’s⁣ been saying for ‌months, which is that Joe ⁤Biden is against democracy because ⁣he is, quote-unquote, ‘coming after’ him,” Holmes said.

“If these four indictments are Joe Biden ⁣using the Justice‍ Department against Donald ⁢Trump, his political opponent … I do want to be very⁤ clear,⁢ when I ⁤talk to his supporters at these rallies, they ⁢believe it. When ​he made this speech, ‌they were cheering.”

Yeah, well it doesn’t take a Trump supporter‍ to believe that what’s happening under the Biden Justice Department is the prosecution of a political ⁣opponent that⁢ would ‌make a banana republic blush. Having a decent pair of⁤ eyes, the ability

How does Biden’s⁤ statement about running for ​re-election based on Trump’s involvement affect his ⁤credibility and ability ⁢to effectively lead?

Incinnatus/”>back to his farm ⁤ too,​ if ⁣he‌​ could‍.

But ‍even⁤ if ⁠Biden’s words were meant to ⁢energize his ‍base,⁣ they’re not exactly the kind of ⁢enthusing rhetoric that inspires confidence in a leader who ⁠supposedly wants‌ to‌ ⁠continue leading ⁤for‍ another ​four years.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. ⁠Biden’s admission raises questions about his ⁢motivation and commitment to the ​job. If he’s already questioning whether he wants to run for re-election, it suggests a lack of passion and ⁢determination to serve⁢ the American people.

Furthermore, Biden’s statement highlights his obsession with ⁤⁠Trump. Rather than focusing on his own accomplishments and plans for the future, Biden is still‍ fixated on his predecessor. This obsession clouds his ability to effectively govern and ​address⁢ the pressing issues ​facing the nation.

The American people elected Biden to be their president, not their ⁢anti-Trump activist. They expect him to prioritize their ‍needs and work towards building a better future. By ‍admitting that his decision to run for re-election is dependent on ⁠Trump’s ‌involvement, Biden undermines his ⁣own credibility ⁤and his ability to effectively⁢ lead.

Moreover, Biden’s statement suggests a lack of confidence in his own abilities. If he truly believes that he is the right person for the job and has what it takes to lead the country, his decision to seek re-election should not be contingent on the actions of his political opponents. A confident‌ leader​ would focus on‍ their own strengths and vision, rather than being swayed by external factors.

Ultimately, Biden’s surprising admission ‌reveals a president who is uncertain and indecisive. The American people ⁢deserve a⁣ leader ⁤who is⁢ confident, ⁤determined, and committed to serving their best interests. If Biden is not sure whether he wants to run for re-election, perhaps⁢ it’s time for him to seriously consider ​whether ⁣he is the right person for ​the ​job.

Regardless of Biden’s⁣ intentions, his statement has certainly caused⁣ ripples within CNN. The‍ news network, which​ has long been criticized for its biased coverage of Trump, now finds itself facing an unexpected dilemma. Biden’s admission challenges their narrative and forces them to confront the ​reality⁢ that their obsession with⁤ Trump may not be ⁣sustainable.

CNN has built its brand around being the anti-Trump network, but with Biden‌ himself questioning whether he wants to continue the fight against Trump, the network may need​ to reassess its​ strategy. Will‌ CNN continue to focus on Trump, ⁤even if he is no longer in the picture? Or will they finally shift their attention to holding Biden accountable and providing unbiased coverage of his administration?

Only time will tell how CNN will respond to this surprising admission from Biden.⁣ One thing is for sure, however –⁤ Biden’s statement⁤ has shaken⁣ up ‍the network and highlighted the need‌ for a​ more balanced and objective approach to journalism.



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