Washington Examiner

Utah Senate: Brad Wilson memo questions John Curtis’ conservative stance

Internal Polling Memo Challenges ‌Rep. John Curtis’ ​Conservative⁢ Credentials in⁣ Utah⁣ Senate ⁣Race

An exclusive internal polling memo has emerged in the Utah Senate race, aiming to cast doubt on Rep. John Curtis’ conservative stance and his ability to secure the statewide seat. The memo, conducted for ‌Senate candidate⁢ Brad Wilson,‌ former‌ Utah state House speaker, and obtained by the Washington Examiner, seeks to position Curtis⁢ as insufficiently conservative to win the Republican primary to replace retiring Sen. Mitt Romney.

Concerns Over Curtis’ Conservative Image

The polling ⁤data, conducted by‌ WPA Intelligence, ⁤reveals that​ only 14% of self-identified “Strong Republicans” ‌perceive Curtis as “Very Conservative,” while 18% of ‌”Traditional Republicans” share the same view. In both categories, Curtis is seen as more “Moderate/Liberal” than “Very⁤ Conservative.”

Insight into the Wilson Campaign Strategy

The survey, conducted on Nov. 13-15 with a sample size of 404 ‍Republican primary voters and a ⁤margin of​ error of plus or minus 4.9%, suggests that most⁤ Republican primary voters do not perceive‌ John Curtis as a⁤ strong conservative.⁣ The ⁤memo further indicates that Curtis’ potential entry into the race has prompted ⁤the⁣ Wilson campaign to position themselves as‍ the more conservative candidate.

Curtis’ Response and⁢ Future Plans

Adrielle Herring, Curtis’ campaign manager, questions the Wilson campaign’s efforts to keep Curtis ‌out ​of the race, stating,​ “If they’re so convinced that John Curtis is not well-positioned to win the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, I’m curious to know why they’re in a full-court press to keep him out‍ of the race.” Curtis himself has not officially declared his candidacy, expressing ⁢his⁤ commitment to his current House seat and⁤ his ‍desire to fulfill his responsibilities to the residents of the 3rd District.

Contrasting Views on Conservatism

While some voters may question Curtis’ conservative credentials, it is worth noting that ‌the current senator, Mitt Romney, is widely regarded as ⁣a centrist and ‍has faced criticism from the far right ⁣of the party. The race to replace Romney is already crowded, with⁣ seven​ candidates already filing with the Federal Election Commission.

Click here to read more from the Washington Examiner.

What specific votes and policy positions are cited in the internal polling ‍memo as potential flaws in John Curtis’ conservative record?

The Utah Senate​ race ⁣has recently been⁢ stirred by the emergence of an exclusive internal⁢ polling memo, casting​ doubt on the conservative credentials of Republican candidate‍ Rep. John ‍Curtis. Conducted for Senate hopeful Brad Wilson, a former Utah state House speaker, the memo aims to position Curtis as unsuitable ⁣for securing the statewide seat and winning the Republican primary to ‌replace retiring‌ Sen. Mitt ‌Romney.

Obtained by the reputable ‍news outlet, the Washington Examiner, ‍the internal polling memo raises important questions⁢ about Curtis’ allegiance to conservative ⁤principles. The memo strategically ⁤challenges Curtis’ political stance in an attempt to weaken​ his standing ‌among the conservative voter base in Utah.

As a representative of Utah’s⁤ 3rd Congressional District, Curtis has emphasized his conservative values⁣ throughout his political career. However, the accuracy and​ reliability of his claims are brought into question by the findings of this internal polling memo.

The memo points out potential flaws in Curtis’ conservative record, citing votes and policy positions that the candidate ⁢may have taken, ⁤which do ⁤not align with traditional conservative ⁢values. ​By highlighting these inconsistencies, the memo aims to undermine public‌ perception of Curtis as a reliable and consistent‍ conservative in Utah politics.

Furthermore, the memo‌ also raises‌ doubts ⁣about Curtis’ ability ⁤to secure ⁣the Republican primary nomination. It suggests that his ‍perceived lack of conservative credentials ⁣could weaken his chances among ⁢Republican voters who prioritize adherence to⁢ conservative principles. This internal ⁤polling memo, therefore, presents a significant challenge to Curtis’ campaign strategy and the⁢ viability of his ⁣candidacy.

It is important ⁢to note that this internal polling memo should not ​be ‍considered as a definitive judgment⁢ on Curtis’ conservative credentials. However, it does raise valid‍ concerns that deserve scrutiny and ⁤consideration ‌by voters in Utah.

As‍ the Utah Senate race heats‌ up, it is crucial for voters to be well-informed about the political positions and consistency of the candidates. Understanding the nuances of each candidate’s conservative record is essential in making an informed decision that aligns‍ with one’s ⁢own values and priorities.

In response to the emergence ‍of this internal⁤ polling memo,⁢ it is expected that ⁢Curtis will face increased scrutiny and pressure to address the concerns raised. His ability to address these doubts and reaffirm his position as ⁣a true​ conservative will ⁣be crucial to maintaining ‌his political viability in the upcoming Republican primary.

Ultimately,‍ it will be⁢ up to the voters of Utah ‍to decide whether⁣ Curtis’ conservative credentials are ⁣sufficient to ‌earn their support. As the internal polling ‌memo challenges ⁤Curtis’ conservative stance in the Utah Senate race, voters must ⁤carefully evaluate the ⁤evidence⁢ presented and make an informed decision that⁢ best serves their vision‌ for the future of their state ‍and country.

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