Conservative News Daily

Romney cements RINO status, reveals stance on Biden impeachment inquiry

Mitt ‍Romney: A Disappointing RINO

Mitt Romney ⁣can’t ⁢stop making Republicans regret him.

The ⁤former GOP presidential nominee, who should ‍know better than most how a biased establishment media reflexively attacks conservatives, has been going out of his‌ way to court mainstream‌ media attention as⁤ he nears the end of his single Senate term.

And in the process, he’s proving why so many Republicans don’t ​trust him.

In an interview Sunday on NBC’s⁢ “Meet the ⁢Press,” the lifelong Republican — a Massachusetts governor⁤ before he was​ a presidential candidate before ⁤he ‍was a Utah senator — ⁣reiterated that he would not rule out voting for Democratic​ President ⁣Joe Biden’s re-election, despite the ⁣obvious damage‍ Biden’s presidency is doing⁤ to the country.

An ‌ ongoing invasion over the southern border, inflation eating the wages of working ⁤Americans,⁢ and a disastrous foreign policy that’s witnessed the United ⁢States humiliated on a global scale is apparently nothing to ⁣Romney‌ compared to his ⁣ personal distaste for former ‍President Donald Trump.

Romney was the only Republican ‌ to⁣ vote​ to convict Trump in his 2020‍ impeachment.‍ He was one of seven Republicans to vote to convict in Trump’s 2021 impeachment.

In both cases,‍ the legal​ cases against Trump were‌ paper-thin, but they were enough for Romney.

Yet he sees no ‍grounds for an ‍impeachment​ inquiry into ‌Biden — despite the mounting evidence that ​Biden⁢ and his family have profited enormously from the​ sale of ‌Biden’s influence during his vice presidential days.

“Have you seen‍ any evidence that President ‍Biden has ​committed high crimes‍ and misdemeanors,” host Kristen Welker​ asked.

“No, I don’t see any evidence of that at all,” Romney answered. “I think before you begin an impeachment inquiry you ⁣have to​ have some evidence, some inclination, that there’s ​been wrongdoing.

“And so far, there’s nothing⁤ of that nature that’s been provided.”

Romney allowed that Biden’s son, the⁣ notorious Hunter​ Biden, is not exactly a national role model, ​but “we’re not going to impeach someone because of the sins of their kids.”

That’s just deliberate dishonesty‍ —⁢ and anyone paying attention to ⁣the news knows it.

Yet Mitt⁣ Romney, a⁢ man who could ⁤somehow discern a reason to convict Trump of ginned-up, partisan charges involving Ukraine (a country the Bidens have enormous interest in) and do the‍ same thing the following year on an equally baseless charge of “incitement to insurrection,” can find ⁢no reason to even begin ‌an‍ impeachment inquiry into Biden?

His comments were not well received. Here’s a fair sample of comments on X.

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