Washington Examiner

GOP moves to bar undocumented immigrants from receiving VA benefits

Top Republicans Introduce⁤ Bill to Exclude⁤ Illegal Immigrants from Veteran ⁣Affairs Healthcare Benefits

Attention was⁤ brought to the forefront regarding the issue of illegal immigrants receiving Veteran Affairs ⁤healthcare⁤ benefits during‌ a recent Senate⁤ Veterans Affairs Committee hearing. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)⁤ raised concerns about the possibility of the‍ VA providing ⁢services to‍ undocumented ⁢individuals. In response,⁤ Tuberville and Representative Mike Bost ‌(R-IL), chairman of ⁢the ⁣House Veterans‍ Affairs Committee, have introduced a bill to prohibit illegal immigrants from accessing these benefits, as reported by Fox News.

The No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act

The legislation, known⁣ as the No VA Resources for Illegal ‌Aliens Act, aims to address this​ issue.

“Joe Biden is putting illegal immigrants over America’s veterans,” ​Tuberville stated. “It is outrageous. Our veterans should ⁢not have to endure long wait times ‍at VA medical centers and clinics​ while​ illegal⁤ immigrants freely ⁣cross our open border ‍and receive taxpayer-funded​ healthcare that they have not earned.”

Bost echoed Tuberville’s sentiments, drawing on his own experience as a former marine.

“Joe Biden’s failed ​border policies have resulted in a ‍humanitarian and national security crisis. Now ​it seems that he is diverting resources away from our veterans to provide⁤ healthcare⁤ for illegal migrants,” Bost ⁣expressed. “As a Marine, I firmly believe⁢ that taking ​away even a single dollar from​ a veteran is a broken promise to those who have​ served.”

The‍ legislation has garnered support from other lawmakers, ⁢including Senators ​Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), as well as⁤ Representatives Keith Self (R-TX), Jack Bergman (R-MI), Scott Franklin ‌(R-FL),⁢ and Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), who have co-sponsored the ⁢bill.

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