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Fox News analyst falls for Biden’s false claim, spreads misinformation

If President Joe Biden isn’t around ​to peddle ‌his ⁤most pernicious untruths, rest ​assured he has ​his votaries in the media‌ to do it ‍for him — yes, even at Fox News.

In ⁢a ‌further erosion of what little credibility he may have​ left,‌ Juan Williams ​— formerly a token liberal on “The Five,” currently just​ a ⁣general-issue political analyst with the ​network⁣ — repeated one ⁣of‌ the president’s most reprehensible lies on “Fox News Sunday”: President Biden’s son Beau‌ died in Iraq.

Williams‌ made the claim⁢ during an apologia for the president’s decision ⁢to ‌adamantly stick by son Hunter Biden’s own obvious untruths regarding his foreign business practices, including those that ‌found ‍him charged⁢ with nine crimes ⁤related to his failure to ⁤pay⁢ taxes on millions he took in.

The claim came after one of the panelists pointed out that while President ⁢Biden has ‍long called for ​Americans who earn more to pay their fair share, “the president‌ has said specifically about his son that he never did ⁢anything wrong.”

“Right, well, I think that’s his son,” Williams ⁤ said, adding that Hunter Biden “had drug problems, apparently sex addiction problems.”

“And⁢ I ⁢think that [Joe Biden] loves his son and lost another son​ in war,” Williams continued.

“So he’s standing by his⁤ son. That’s⁤ a family issue.”

Spoiler alert:​ Joe Biden did not⁢ lose a son in war, no⁤ matter how many times ​he says​ it.

Yes, the⁢ president’s life has been ⁢marked by both triumph and tragedy — the loss of son Beau Biden, who was a veteran, being part of the tragedy.

Beau⁣ Biden‍ died of cancer in‍ 2015. The Iraq War⁤ ended‍ in 2011. Nobody on his speech-writing​ staff, ​however, seems to have correlated these ​facts⁤ and politely ⁣informed the president that there was no way that his⁤ son could have died during his time serving in Iraq — ⁤something Joe has claimed on multiple occasions, and Williams was echoing.

For instance, here’s Biden ⁤bringing it up during ⁣a‌ speech in November 2022‌ in regards to inflation, blaming it on Russia’s war with Iraq [sic] and then saying​ he had the Iraq War in mind because his son died in it [also sic].

He’d also made the same ⁤claim — ⁢albeit with a⁤ bit⁢ less conservative fact-checking involved — the⁢ previous month during a speech in⁢ Vail, ‍Colorado. It came as​ he relayed the story about how the 10th Mountain‌ Division of ⁢the U.S. Army trained in the‍ area to take on Germany in‌ World War ⁣II.

“Facing high‍ altitudes and harsh terrain, deep⁤ snow, bitter cold,‍ soldiers at Camp Hale ⁤learned to scale rock, ​ski, and ‌survive, preparing for the​ war they were about to fight,” he ⁤said.

“That⁢ pivotal moment came, as the senator pointed out, in ​February 1945: a surprise Allied ⁢attack in the mountains of Italy. Imagine, it’s pitch black,‍ punishing cold. The mission, high in the mountains, ‌that hinged on the ⁢skill, strength, and stamina that could have only been‍ gained in ‌a‍ place like ⁣this.”

“Just imagine —⁣ and I mean ⁤this sincerely.⁢ I say this as a father​ of a man who won the Bronze​ Star, the Conspicuous Service Medal, ​and lost his ⁤life in Iraq,” ‍he continued. “Imagine the courage, the daring, and the ⁢genuine sacrifice — genuine sacrifice they all made.”

In his more truthful (or‍ lucid, depending on how you‍ view Biden’s untruth about the⁣ manner of his ⁤son’s death) moments he ⁢has — as The New York Times quite politely put it —  “speculated that his son Beau developed brain ‌cancer because ⁣of exposure to burn pits when he served in ⁣Iraq.”

There’s no medical evidence to support this speculation, mind ⁢you — the correlation between ⁢burn pits and the ‍type of cancer that killed him being significantly less​ extant ​than that linking Agent⁢ Orange exposure among Vietnam War veterans to adverse ⁢health conditions —  but‌ at least this acknowledges that⁢ Beau Biden didn’t die in Iraq of ⁣ war-related‍ causes. At other moments,‍ he’s either lied or forgotten about the manner ⁤of his son’s death.⁤ Neither presents ‌a good augury.

Williams is not a man in obvious mental decline, however, nor is he known for the level of mendacity attributable to one‍ Joseph Robinette Biden, however. I’m not saying candor or honesty is the man’s strong suit — you just ‌saw ⁣the clip, after all — but Williams ‍is⁢ neither senescent nor ⁤a compulsive liar.

What Williams is, however, is a⁣ man​ who knows‌ the ‌party line. It’s almost like he ‌gets an emailed memo from the Democratic ⁤National Committee every morning telling him which ‍talking⁣ points they’re peddling today. On Sunday, it was that the president is standing by⁣ his son because of the tremendous⁣ loss he’s suffered in his life — and if you ⁣have to ⁣tell a few ⁣lies to ⁣blandish the point, go right ahead. Nobody’s going to call anyone out on ​this and look unsympathetic, right?

Shame on ⁤Williams‌ for ⁣perpetuating this untruth — and for the “Fox News Sunday” crew for letting‌ it slide.

The post Fox​ News Analyst Drinks ‍the Kool-Aid, Repeats One of​ Biden’s Most Abhorrent Lies appeared first on The ⁤Western⁢ Journal.

How⁤ has the media played⁢ a role in perpetuating President Biden’s untruths?

Title: The Media’s Role in Perpetuating ‍President Biden’s Untruths


In recent times, President Joe Biden has relied ‍on ​the support of his ​loyal‌ media allies to propagate his⁣ most pernicious falsehoods. Surprisingly, even ‌at Fox​ News, where one would expect a ​semblance of ​impartiality, Juan Williams, a political analyst, repeated one of the President’s most reprehensible ⁣lies. This article aims ⁤to shed ⁢light on the‌ media’s role in‌ perpetuating falsehoods and focus particularly on Williams’ ⁢egregious claim that President Biden ⁣lost a son in Iraq.


During an episode of “Fox News Sunday,” Juan ​Williams defended President Biden’s decision to steadfastly ⁣support his son Hunter Biden’s misleading statements⁢ regarding his foreign business⁤ practices. When questioned about the President’s ⁢insistence that his son did nothing wrong, Williams asserted‌ that Joe Biden loved⁣ his son and ⁤lost another son in war. Unfortunately, this claim is unfounded and misleading.

False Claim and Clarification:

Contrary to Williams’ statement, Joe ⁣Biden⁣ did not lose a son in war, despite the President’s repeated assertions. The tragic loss of Beau Biden​ occurred in 2015 due to cancer, several years after‌ the Iraq War ​ended in 2011. It​ appears that the President’s ​speech-writing ‌team failed to‌ recognize the inconsistency in⁣ the ‍timelines, as they never corrected him. Williams ⁣echoed this inaccuracy, furthering ⁣its dissemination.

President⁣ Biden’s Repeated Falsehoods:

This‍ is ‍not the ‍first instance of President Biden⁣ spreading⁣ misinformation⁤ regarding his son’s ⁣death. In various speeches, including one in November ⁤2022 regarding inflation,⁣ and another⁣ in ​Vail, Colorado, ⁤Joe Biden falsely ‌attributed his ⁤son’s death ‌to ⁢the Iraq War. These false claims demonstrate a worrisome pattern ⁣of misrepresentation. ‌Even‍ conservative fact-checking consistently discredits the President’s‌ statements.

An Alternative ⁢Theory:

In more ‌truthful ​moments, President Biden ​has speculated, without scientific evidence, that his‌ son Beau’s brain cancer might have resulted from exposure to burn pits ⁢during his service‍ in Iraq.⁤ While this theory ⁣has no ‍basis, it provides ⁢an​ alternative explanation for the President’s inaccurate claims.

The Media’s Responsibility:

The ‌media, ⁢particularly reputable news networks like‌ Fox News, ⁣play a vital role in disseminating accurate information to the ​public. When political analysts or journalists perpetuate untruths, they erode the very foundation ‍of trust between the media and​ its viewers. Juan Williams’ ⁢endorsement⁤ of President Biden’s false claim on Fox⁢ News Sunday represents another⁤ example ‍of this erosion.


President Biden’s consistent ‍misrepresentation‍ of his son’s cause of death, and the subsequent ‍endorsement of these falsehoods by media⁤ figures like Juan Williams, is a troubling trend. For the media⁣ to maintain ⁣its integrity and ‍credibility, it ​must hold politicians accountable for their statements, regardless of their political affiliation. The responsibility lies⁤ with⁢ both the ‌media and the​ public⁣ to discern facts from fiction and to demand truthfulness from those ⁢in power.

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