Washington Examiner

Poll: Trump wins seven swing states against Biden in 2024

Trump Leads Biden in Swing States, Posing⁣ Challenges for Biden’s Reelection

Former President Donald Trump is ​currently ahead ⁤of President Joe Biden by an⁤ average of​ 5% among registered voters in seven crucial swing states. These‍ states are expected to play a significant⁣ role in determining the outcome of the upcoming presidential election​ in 2024.​ This latest poll, conducted by Morning Consult on​ behalf ‍of Bloomberg News, highlights the⁢ uncertain‌ nature of Biden’s reelection campaign.

Trump’s Dominance in Swing States

The poll reveals that Trump is outperforming‌ Biden in all the swing states combined, with a 47% to 42% lead. Looking at⁤ each ⁢specific ⁣state, Trump⁤ maintains his dominance. He leads by 3 percentage points in Arizona, 7 points in Georgia, 4 points⁢ in Michigan, 5 points in Nevada, ⁤11 points in ⁣North Carolina, 1 point in Pennsylvania, and 6 points in Wisconsin.

It’s important to note ⁣that the poll’s margin of error applies⁤ to the seven states,​ excluding Georgia and North Carolina. Within each‌ state, the results fall within the ⁣margin ⁢of error.

Third-Party Candidates and Voter Preferences

The poll included hypothetical matchups with third-party candidates,‍ such as Robert F. Kennedy ‌Jr., ⁣Cornel West, and Jill Stein.‌ Approximately 1 in 10 voters in ‌the swing states supported Kennedy, while 1% to 2% of voters in each state backed West. Stein received support ‌from 1%‌ to 3%​ of voters, and an additional 1% to 3% supported candidates not‍ listed. Even when these third-party candidates ⁣were removed from the ballot, Biden still trailed Trump in all seven swing states, except for Georgia, where the results fall ⁣within the ⁢state’s margin of error.

This poll⁤ brings positive news for Trump as he dominates the ⁢GOP primary ahead of the Jan. 15 Iowa caucuses. Voters in the swing states expressed greater trust in the former president over Biden when it comes​ to the economy, a topic deemed “very” important by ‍at least 6 in 10 voters.

On the issue ​of healthcare, another crucial⁢ factor for​ voters, Biden narrowly leads Trump in Arizona ⁣by 1 point,‍ in Michigan by 7 points, in Nevada by 3 points, in Pennsylvania by 4 points, and in Wisconsin by 4 points. However, Trump leads Biden by ⁣1 point in Georgia and by 5 points in North Carolina.

It’s worth mentioning that‍ the poll did not include hypothetical matchups between ⁢Biden and other GOP primary ⁢candidates, such as Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and ⁣former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

In ‌recent surveys, some non-Trump candidates have shown that voters have a greater inclination towards their candidacy over Biden. For instance, in a Wall Street Journal poll,‍ Haley had a 17-point advantage over Biden, with 51% to⁣ 34%. Her campaign ⁢proudly ⁢highlighted this‌ result in ⁤a new ​ad.

The Morning Consult/Bloomberg poll surveyed 4,935 ⁢registered voters online between Nov. 27 and Dec. 6. The margin of error for all seven states is plus or minus ⁢1 percentage point, while for individual states, ‍it⁤ ranges between 3 and 5 percentage⁢ points.


How significant is the percentage of respondents ⁣who‍ indicated ⁤they‍ would vote for a third-party candidate in determining the ⁢outcome of a close race?

5%-20% of ⁣respondents indicated that they would vote for a third-party candidate, depending on the state. While this may not ⁣seem like a significant number, it ​could play a crucial role in determining the outcome in a close​ race. If these voters were to lean towards Trump, it could⁢ further strengthen his ⁢position in ⁣the ⁢swing states.

Furthermore, the poll also shed⁣ light ​on the ⁣preferences of different demographic groups within‍ these swing⁣ states. Trump remains popular among white voters, particularly those⁢ without a college degree. Biden, ‍on the other hand, maintains‌ an advantage among younger voters and minority communities. These discrepancies ‌in preferences could impact the final outcome of ‌the⁣ election ​if either‌ candidate⁢ fails to capture the support of these key demographic groups.

Challenges for Biden’s Reelection​ Campaign

Trump’s lead in the swing states poses ​significant challenges for Biden’s reelection campaign. The results ‌suggest that despite his loss in the 2020 election, Trump still holds considerable sway among voters in‌ these crucial battlegrounds. Biden will ⁤need to work hard to gain back the support of swing⁣ state⁢ voters⁤ and convince ‌them that his ​policies and leadership are‍ the right choice⁢ for their ⁢future.

Another challenge for Biden‍ is the potential emergence ⁤of strong⁣ third-party candidates. While‌ unlikely to win the election outright, ​these candidates could divert crucial votes away from either Biden or Trump, ultimately impacting the‍ final outcome.

It’s⁤ important​ to note that the 2024 presidential election is ⁤still several years away, and ⁢these poll ⁤results do not necessarily reflect the future political landscape. Public opinion can be ⁤fickle, and ⁤a lot‌ can happen in ⁢the ‌intervening years that could shift the​ dynamics of the race. However,‌ the current data cannot be‍ ignored and should‍ serve as a wake-up call for⁢ the⁤ Biden ‍team as they strategize for the road ahead.

In ⁢conclusion, the latest​ poll results indicate that⁤ former President Donald⁣ Trump is leading President Joe Biden in‍ crucial swing states, posing challenges for Biden’s‍ potential reelection in 2024. Trump’s dominance in these states, coupled with the preferences of ⁢different ⁢demographic groups and the potential ‍presence of third-party⁤ candidates, highlight the​ uncertainties that lie ahead​ for Biden’s campaign.⁢ As ​the 2024 election approaches, Biden will need to work⁣ hard to regain the favor of swing state voters and ‌navigate the complex political landscape to secure his reelection.

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