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Elon Musk to Establish New University in Texas: Just What Our Country Needs

‘Exactly What Our ⁢Country Needs’: Elon Musk Planning New University in Texas

Sure,‌ Elon Musk bought the most important⁢ social media platform for sociopolitical discussion in the‌ West⁣ and made it a haven for‌ free speech — but​ if that⁢ speech is just regurgitated out of the mouths of those who ⁢have been ⁤through the leftist propaganda mill‌ of Western public schools⁢ and ‌elite universities, that hardly does much to guarantee the freedom​ of thought.

Musk apparently thinks‍ along the same‌ lines, which ⁤is why “Musk University” ⁤might ‌indeed be a thing⁤ sometime in the‍ not-too-distant future.

According to a Wednesday report ⁣ from Bloomberg, one of Musk’s charities has‍ filed forms‌ with the IRS to start an educational institution in‍ Austin, ⁢Texas — the billionaire’s new home after abandoning California.

While it will ​start with a primary and secondary‍ school focused on STEM education, ‌the unnamed⁤ institution “intends ultimately to expand its operations to create a university dedicated to education at⁢ the highest levels,” ⁢the filing from the⁢ charity,⁣ called The Foundation, reads.

The filing ‌ — which was​ just recently obtained, although it was filed over a year ‌ago in⁣ October 2022 and approved in March —‍ is “seeded with a roughly $100 million gift from Musk,” Bloomberg reported.

“The university will employ ‘experienced faculty’ and ⁢feature a traditional curriculum ‘alongside ⁢hands-on learning experience including simulations, case studies, fabrication/design projects and labs,’ according to the application.”

“This isn’t the first time‍ Musk, 52, has started a school or expressed interest in​ opening a university,” ​Bloomberg‍ added.

“About a decade ago, the Tesla Inc. co-founder created Ad​ Astra on SpaceX’s​ California campus for his five kids and a few children of his space company’s employees. When Musk moved to Texas in 2020, the school also moved.”

It ​also won’t‌ be the only experiment in non-woke education in Austin,‌ an emerging tech and education hub.

While the University of Texas⁣ at ⁣Austin has been around​ since 1883, the ‍new University⁢ of⁢ Austin — which has ‌been⁣ called “anti-woke” ⁤by the ⁤media ⁤and which touts itself as an alternative to the “illiberalism” of the educational mainstream — plans a fall intake‌ of 100‌ students in 2024.

“The reality is that many universities no longer have an ⁤incentive to create an environment where intellectual dissent is protected and fashionable opinions are​ scrutinized,” said university president Pano Kanelos ‍when he announced ​the institution’s⁤ founding in 2021 via former New York ⁣Times writer Bari Weiss’⁤ Substack.

“At our most prestigious schools, the ‌primary incentive is to ⁢function as finishing school for the national ‌and global⁢ elite.​ Amidst​ the brick and ‍ivy, these⁤ students entertain ​ever-more-inaccessible ⁤theories while often just blocks away their neighbors figure out how⁢ to scratch ‍out a living. ”

Musk’s university will come from one of the most vociferous critics of higher ⁢education — and be focused on STEM, to boot.

He’s also lamented the affirmative action on college campuses, particularly admittance discrimination against Asian students:

All of ​that⁤ is why the conservative social media​ account End Wokeness said, “This is exactly what our country needs.”

“Real education, not woke indoctrination,”⁤ they said in a post. “This is how you save ‍the empire.”

They’re⁤ not wrong. Free⁢ speech is meaningless if most people are taught to aim their torches and pitchforks ‍at anyone with heterodox views.

One‌ college may be a small start, but it’s still a start⁢ — and‌ proof that Musk wasn’t planning on stopping at saving X/Twitter from its ‍own⁣ censoriousness.

The post ‘Exactly What Our Country Needs’: Elon Musk ‌Planning New ⁣University in Texas ⁢appeared first on The Western Journal.

How does⁣ Elon⁤ Musk’s emphasis on hands-on ⁣learning experiences in STEM subjects differentiate his university⁣ from traditional educational institutions?

“Exactly What Our Country Needs”: Elon Musk Planning New ‌University ‍in Texas

Elon Musk, known for his groundbreaking ventures in technology and space‍ exploration, is now setting his sights on the education sector.​ Musk’s charitable ‌foundation has filed forms with the IRS to establish‍ an educational‍ institution in⁣ Austin, Texas, where the billionaire recently relocated after leaving California.

While the initial‍ focus of the institution will be⁢ on primary and secondary education with an emphasis on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects, the ultimate goal is to expand and create‍ a university dedicated to education at ⁣the highest levels. Musk has already⁣ committed around $100 million towards the project, ⁢making it a substantial investment.

The university aims to provide a traditional ‌curriculum, complemented⁢ by hands-on learning experiences such as simulations, ‍case studies, fabrication ⁤and design projects, and labs. ‍This holistic approach to education reflects Musk’s belief that practical application is ⁤just as crucial as theoretical‍ knowledge.

This ‍is not ‍Musk’s⁤ first foray into⁢ the field of education. In the past, he established‌ Ad Astra, a school on SpaceX’s‌ California ⁣campus ‍for his own‍ children ⁣and a few children of employees. When Musk moved to Texas in 2020, the school followed suit. This experience has likely ⁢informed his decision to create a larger educational institution⁢ in Austin.

Musk’s new university comes at a time when there is⁣ growing discontent with ⁢the state of‍ higher education in‍ the United States. Many critics argue that​ universities have ⁤become ‌echo chambers, promoting a singular ideology and‍ suppressing​ intellectual dissent. The launch of alternative institutions like the recently announced University of ⁣Austin, which positions itself as “anti-woke,” suggests ​a demand ‌for more diverse perspectives in academia.

Moreover, ⁣Musk’s ​focus on STEM education is particularly timely. ‌In​ recent years, companies like SpaceX and Tesla, both led by Musk, have observed a decline in the capabilities of college graduates in STEM fields. Acknowledging this gap in skillsets, Musk’s university aims to bridge it by providing a rigorous and hands-on STEM education.

By ‌establishing a new university in⁤ Texas, ‍Musk is demonstrating his commitment to reshaping the education landscape. ‌His ⁢emphasis on intellectual diversity, practical learning experiences, and ⁣STEM subjects is exactly ⁣what many ‍believe the country needs. With his ⁣track record of success and innovative thinking, it⁢ will be interesting to see how Musk’s ⁣university contributes to the future of education.

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