Conservative News Daily

NBC News criticized for terrible analysis of Democratic staffer’s scandalous gay Senate recording

Reality: Democratic Congressional⁢ Staffer Fired After Gay Sex Tape Surfaces

NBC News version of reality: Democratic senator parts ways with staffer ⁢after⁣ Republicans Pounce on report in conservative‍ media about him allegedly doing, you‌ know, something ‌untoward.

Yes, that’s a ‍bit⁤ of hyperbole, ‍but only a bit. As‌ you may or may not have⁢ heard — but⁣ hopefully haven’t seen — a staffer for Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin​ is⁢ jobless after he ‍was identified as one party in a two-man sex tape filmed in a room used ⁣by⁢ the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The story was initially‌ broken ⁣by The Daily Caller, which didn’t⁤ speculate on his identity. He was later positively identified ​by⁤ numerous outlets as 24-year-old Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a ⁢man who might have‍ to legally change ‌his name to G. Gordon Liddy to get past the résumé part of the hiring process.

Both Maese-Czeropski⁣ and Cardin’s office seem to have confirmed ⁢he was indeed involved by issuing nondenial nondenials.

“While some of ⁢my actions in the past have shown poor judgment, I ​love my job and would never disrespect my workplace,” Maese-Czeropski wrote on LinkedIn, ⁢according to Politico. “Any attempts to characterize my actions otherwise are fabricated and I will be exploring what legal options are available to me in these matters.”

As for Cardin’s office, its statement was a bit⁢ more impersonal.

“Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by​ the U.S.⁣ Senate,” the senator’s office said in ‍a statement, according to the Washington Examiner. “We will have no further comment on this personnel ‍matter.”

Yes, ​probably because 1)⁣ Cardin once railed ‌against the⁣ Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion by calling the Capitol a “sacred space” and 2) a report in The Post Millennial indicated that Maese-Czeropski ‍had a history of posting graphic material on social media that could have been easily identified with the scantest bit of vetting.

Give it⁤ to the normally liberal Politico, ‍after‌ quoting Maese-Czeropski’s statement that ​he’d “be exploring what legal options are available to me in these matters”: “Yeah, we’d definitely advise finding a lawyer,” the outlet ‌noted, not without a twinge of ⁤sarcasm.

Over⁢ at NBC News, however, the language used on social media to describe the order of events was⁢ on ⁤another level:

“Sen. Ben Cardin’s office has parted ways with a⁢ staffer who conservative‍ news outlets alleged was‌ shown in a leaked video having sex in‍ a Senate‌ hearing room.”

Note the order of events and the language used here by NBC News, signifying what’s important: “Sen. Ben Cardin’s office [no party mentioned] has parted ways [language indicating a mutual separation] with a staffer who ​conservative news outlets [REPUBLICANS POUNCE!] alleged [hardly just an ‘allegation’ when this was posted at a little before 4 p.m. Eastern on Saturday] was shown⁢ in a leaked video having sex⁣ [wow, this very pertinent fact is situated pretty late in the sentence] in a Senate ⁣hearing room [even later!].’”

For those of you unfamiliar with ⁤the “Republicans Pounce!” trope, ⁣it’s basically how establishment media organs will‍ use language​ that takes Democratic ‍scandals, weaknesses and/or other perfidies ​and instead blame Republicans ‍or conservatives — in this case, conservative media outlets — for ​noticing. Examples:

And, indeed, social media users certainly noticed this vibe with the NBC News story, as ‍well:

As for the story itself, ⁣it’s scarcely any better. The lede sets the ⁣tone, placing reportage ⁣before the reported act: “Sen. Ben ⁤Cardin’s office has parted ways with a staffer who conservative news outlets alleged was shown in a ‍leaked video having sex in ⁤a Senate hearing room.”

Then ​came the terse statement from Cardin’s office in which the‍ senator was finally identified‍ as ⁢a Democrat, then more reporting on‍ the reporting as opposed to reporting on an explicit video featuring two men having sex inside ⁣the “sacred space” that is the Capitol:

“On‍ Friday, The Daily Caller,⁢ a ⁤conservative news outlet, published what ⁤it said was video ‌showing‍ a ‍congressional ​staffer ⁤having ‘sex with an unknown man in the Senate hearing room.’ It added that ⁤the video was shared ‘in a⁣ private‌ group for gay men in politics.’

“Conservative outlets then ⁤alleged that Maese-Czeropski,‌ a legislative aide for⁣ Cardin, was one of the men in the video.

“NBC News has not confirmed the authenticity​ of the video or the identities⁢ of the participants.”

This, by the way, leads right into Maese-Czeropski’s LinkedIn statement — which strongly suggests he’s the guy in the ⁢video.

How daft does one‍ need to ⁤be? If the video ⁣is inauthentic or didn’t ​feature the⁢ Cardin staffer, he would have said one of those two things ⁤— not issued a vague apology on LinkedIn.

One doesn’t implicitly apologize publicly for ‍something one didn’t do, particularly if it’s‌ an allegation of being a star in an⁢ amateur porn clip filmed inside the Capitol. That’s a pretty easy thing to deny if you ⁤haven’t⁢ done it.

But no: It’s “REPUBLICANS POUNCE!” all ⁣over again. Quelle surprise.

The post NBC News Roasted for Horrible Take on Democrat Staffer’s Illicit Gay ​Senate Tape ‍appeared first ⁢on The Western Journal.

How does the framing of the article⁢ “Having sex in a⁤ Senate hearing room” raise questions about the prioritization‍ of information?

Having sex in a Senate hearing room.” ⁣This framing immediately raises‌ questions about⁣ the‌ prioritization of information and the intention behind it.

The article goes on to provide some background information on the‍ incident, stating that the‍ story was initially broken by The Daily Caller, ⁤a conservative media⁤ outlet, without speculating on the staffer’s identity. However, the staffer,‌ Aidan​ Maese-Czeropski, was later positively identified by other outlets.

Both Maese-Czeropski and Cardin’s office have issued statements regarding‍ the⁣ incident. Maese-Czeropski asserts that while he has shown poor judgment in⁤ the past, he would never disrespect his workplace and⁣ suggests that any⁣ characterization ‍of his actions otherwise is fabricated. Cardin’s ⁢office, ‍on the ⁤other‌ hand, simply stated that Maese-Czeropski​ is no longer​ employed ⁢by the U.S. Senate and ⁣will⁤ not comment further on‌ the matter.

The article then criticizes the⁣ language and order of events‌ used by NBC​ News in its reporting. It points out the use of the⁢ “Republicans Pounce” trope, where the blame is shifted onto conservatives or Republicans‌ for noticing Democratic⁤ scandals.⁢ Social media users also commented on this bias,‍ highlighting the⁣ responsibility of the individual ⁢involved ​and questioning why the blame is being placed on⁢ conservative outlets.

Overall, the article suggests that NBC News’‍ reporting prioritizes the conservative media outlets and their ⁣allegations ⁤over ⁢the actual incident itself. It raises concerns about the objectivity and ⁢fairness of the reporting ⁣and⁤ questions the intention behind such framing.

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