Conservative News Daily

Eric Swalwell’s past statements haunt him as Hunter Biden’s actions may have severe consequences

The Embarrassing Actions of Eric ​Swalwell and Hunter Biden

The incredible thing about‌ Eric Swalwell‌ is that he continually manages to find⁤ new ways to humiliate himself. It’s not ⁢sufficient that he has been​ implicated in a supposed relationship with a Chinese spy ‍or that he has been removed from ⁣the House Intelligence Committee alongside‌ notorious liar Adam Schiff.

But recently, Swalwell took on a ⁢new role as Hunter Biden’s⁢ wingman, and once again, he embarrassed himself, contradicting his own previous statements. Swalwell ​admitted to reserving space​ for Hunter Biden’s news conference, which coincided ⁣with Biden’s scheduled appearance before a closed-door ‍hearing of the House ⁣Oversight Committee.

Swalwell’s actions directly aided Hunter in defying a House subpoena, ⁢something he himself condemned⁢ just a year ago when it involved someone on the opposite side of‍ his political spectrum, Steve Bannon. Swalwell even emphasized in a social media post‍ that ignoring a lawful subpoena should result in jail time.

So, according to Swalwell’s own standards, both Hunter Biden and Swalwell himself should be facing criminal charges. As law professor Jonathan Turley pointed out,​ Swalwell’s actions⁤ with‌ Hunter Biden were ​even more egregious than his involvement ⁣with the Chinese spy. Turley argued that‍ Swalwell’s actions constituted a criminal act against the House itself.

While Turley didn’t claim that Swalwell committed⁣ an actual crime, he emphasized that some form of congressional action was warranted. Swalwell’s own words from 2021 have now come back ‍to haunt him.

Swalwell, who has been ⁢in Congress since 2013, has a​ history of embarrassing moments. ‌From his failed presidential‍ campaign ⁢to his role as an impeachment manager, Swalwell‍ has repeatedly‍ been the subject of ridicule. He has been fact-checked by social media platforms, ‌publicly challenged by Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Lauren Boebert, and now he has ⁤aligned himself with Hunter Biden, who is notorious for his questionable activities.

Swalwell’s association with Hunter Biden, who is accused of engaging in ⁤influence-peddling schemes⁤ and receiving millions from foreign entities, is a new low for Swalwell. It’s clear ⁤that Swalwell has no qualms about contradicting his own principles and aligning himself with individuals who ​engage in questionable‌ behavior.

While the Republican​ Party has its fair share of controversial figures, conservatives can ‌at least be grateful ‌that they are not associated with​ the likes of Hunter Biden, ​Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell. Swalwell’s actions have ​once again brought embarrassment upon himself, and⁤ it’s ‍a relief that conservatives are not ​on the same side as him.

Now, that would truly be too embarrassing.

The post Eric‌ Swalwell’s Own Words ‍Come Back to Bite Him Amid Hunter Biden Move That Could Prove Costly appeared first on The Western Journal.

How does Swalwell’s alleged assistance to Hunter Biden in evading a subpoena potentially constitute obstruction of ‍justice?

And former federal prosecutor Jonathan Turley pointed out, Swalwell’s actions‌ could potentially be seen ‍as obstruction of justice. By⁤ assisting Hunter Biden in evading a subpoena, Swalwell has shown a complete disregard for the rule of law and continued ⁢to protect those‌ in his political circle at all costs.

But this is not the first time Swalwell has been involved in embarrassing actions. His alleged relationship with a Chinese‍ spy raises serious concerns about his integrity and ability to serve in public office.⁢ Swalwell claims that he was unaware of the spy’s true identity, but the fact remains that he had a close and personal relationship with ⁢someone who had ties to the Chinese government. This raises questions about Swalwell’s judgment and ability to safeguard our national security.

Furthermore, Swalwell’s removal from the House Intelligence ‌Committee speaks volumes about his credibility. Alongside Adam Schiff, Swalwell perpetuated the Russia collusion narrative,⁢ spreading false information and misleading the American people. Their actions during the impeachment proceedings against former President Trump showed a complete lack of integrity and a willingness to put politics above the truth.

It is deeply concerning that ‌someone like Swalwell,⁢ with a track record of embarrassing actions⁢ and questionable behavior, continues to hold public office. His actions not only undermine the trust of ⁢the⁣ American people but also call‍ into question the integrity of our government institutions.

In the‌ case of Hunter Biden, the son of‌ President Joe Biden, the embarrassing actions⁤ are numerous.‌ From his questionable business dealings with foreign entities, including a prominent Ukrainian energy company,‌ to his questionable use of drugs and his alleged involvement in illicit activities, Hunter Biden has ​consistently been a⁢ source of embarrassment for the Biden family.

The infamous ‍laptop scandal, which revealed emails and documents suggesting corruption and influence-peddling, was a serious blow to the ‍Biden campaign during the‍ 2020 ‍presidential election. Despite the efforts of the media⁣ to downplay the scandal, the evidence presented on the laptop ‍raised serious questions about Joe Biden’s involvement and knowledge of his son’s activities.

Additionally, Hunter Biden’s problems with substance abuse have been widely publicized. His admission of using drugs, including crack cocaine, and his alleged involvement⁤ with prostitutes‍ further tarnish the Biden family’s ‍image and raise concerns about the potential for compromised national security.

Both Swalwell and Hunter Biden’s embarrassing actions highlight a greater ‌issue within ⁣American politics – the lack of ⁤accountability for those in power. It is deeply⁤ troubling that individuals who engage in⁢ questionable and potentially illegal activities are able to evade consequences, while average citizens are held to a higher standard.

The American people deserve better. We deserve elected officials ⁤who uphold the rule of law and prioritize the best interests of the country‌ over personal gain and political agendas. The actions​ of ‌Swalwell and Hunter Biden highlight the need for‌ greater ⁤transparency and accountability in our government, as well as the importance of holding our elected officials to the highest ethical standards.

It is time for the American people to‍ demand better from those who represent⁢ us. We must hold our elected officials accountable for their actions, regardless of their political affiliation. The ⁢future of our democracy depends on it.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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