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Greg Abbott signs bill allowing police to arrest illegal immigrants

Greg ‌Abbott Throws Down the ‍Gauntlet, Signs Bill Letting Police Arrest ⁤Illegal Immigrants

Protecting the United States borders ⁣isn’t just a matter⁢ of policy, it’s‍ a‍ matter of safeguarding the ‍country’s sovereignty and ensuring ‌the safety of ⁣its citizens. If President Joe Biden doesn’t understand that bedrock‍ fact, it’s up to the states⁣ to take charge — and Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott is⁢ leading the way.

According to the Texas Tribune, an online outlet based in Austin,⁣ Abbott on‌ Monday signed three bills aimed at stepping up the Lone Star State’s‍ fight against the border crisis in the face of the federal government’s refusal ‍to enforce the law.

The most controversial is Senate Bill 4, ​which takes effect in early March, and essentially makes it‍ a state ‌crime to enter Texas from Mexico at any point that ⁣isn’t a⁤ lawful port​ of entry ⁢into the United States. Not only that, it allows local law enforcement to ‌arrest undocumented immigrants and authorizes state⁣ magistrate judges to deliver expulsion orders.

Crossing into the United States outside a designated port of entry is already illegal under federal law, of course — but the Biden⁤ administration’s non-enforcement of that law has allowed the illegal immigration‍ problem to explode.

“Biden’s deliberate inaction has left Texas to⁢ fend for itself,” Abbott⁤ said, speaking‌ in the‍ hard-hit border town of Brownsville, according‍ to NBC News,

He added that the bill would allow the⁢ state ⁣to “stop the tidal wave of illegal entry into Texas.”

In addition to the ⁤measure making illegal immigration a state​ crime, Abbott signed a bill that‍ would strengthen Texas’ borders, with $1.54 billion earmarked‌ for barriers and other security⁣ measures.

Naturally, ⁢a series of left-wing organizations plan‌ to challenge the​ bill in court, according to​ CBS News. The group is led by the American Civil⁣ Liberties Union, which has promised ⁢to file a lawsuit ⁤based ‍on the primacy of the federal government in immigration matters.

Democrats, ‌Mexican government⁤ officials and other organizations have gone on record as being opposed to the ​bill — and while the Department of Justice hasn’t commented on​ whether it plans to challenge the law, the ‌White House made⁣ it clear it was ⁣vehemently opposed to the legislation.

“This is an extreme law that will make communities in Texas less safe,” said Angelo Fernández Hernández, a White House⁤ spokesman, according​ to CBS.

“Generally speaking, the ⁢federal government — not individual states — is charged with determining how ​and when to remove noncitizens for violating immigration laws.”

Of⁣ the ‍other two bills Abbott signed, one dedicates more state spending on‌ border barriers and ⁣for Texas state troopers to patrol the ‌notorious Colony Ridge housing development, an area that has become, according to the New York⁢ Post, a haven for cartel operations northeast​ of Houston. The other increases‌ the mandatory‌ prison term for smuggling illegal​ immigrants from two years to 10, according to the Texas Tribune.

At issue in all of this is the fact that the federal government isn’t doing a ‌terribly good job of it, to the extent it’s even trying at​ all.

Customs and Border Protection‌ data show that illegal immigration numbers are⁢ still at elevated ‍levels, with 240,988 total⁤ encounters along the southwest border⁣ in October.

While this was down slightly from September’s number of 269,735, CBP said in a November media release that “we continue to see the largest‌ displacement of individuals globally since World War II.”

Furthermore, while federal enforcement of⁢ immigration laws takes precedent over the states in these matters, it isn’t‌ allowed ‍to mostly or entirely abandon law enforcement measures. When the Biden administration makes it clear ‌that it has⁤ a preference ‍to let border states bear the brunt⁣ of the economic concerns created​ by the federal government’s de facto encouragement of illegal immigration, states ⁤have to fill the ​breach.

Trafficking of ‌both human and ‍contraband items are public safety issues.‌ When the federal government fails, it falls upon state governments to pick up the slack. The White House is very good at saying immigration law is under federal jurisdiction, but ⁤considerably less effective when it comes to backing up those words.

The border crisis continues unabated,⁢ with hundreds of thousands pouring into the⁤ country illegally each⁣ month. This pattern started with the Biden administration, and⁢ it doesn’t seem likely‍ to change any time ‌in the near future.

The only thing⁢ the White House‍ and its Democratic allies have shown themselves to be particularly⁣ effective at doing is carping about any kind of ⁤attempt ⁢to enforce the border or distribute the burden by busing illegal immigrants ‍released in border states to Democrat-run cities. They’ve shown little interest in keeping people who shouldn’t⁤ be in the country in the first place.

Abbott has thrown down the gauntlet. It’s time for other⁢ border states to join him and Texas, as​ well.

If the DOJ chooses to challenge this in court, so be it — but let it be known that, when it⁣ came to choosing between enforcing immigration law or retaining supremacy of the federal government to choose to enforce it (or not), the current administration went with the latter.

The‍ post Greg Abbott Throws Down the Gauntlet, Signs Bill Letting Police Arrest Illegal Immigrants appeared first on The ‍Western Journal.

What are the main provisions of Senate Bill⁢ 4, and how does⁢ it aim to ⁤address the issue of illegal immigration at the Texas-Mexico border?

G illegal ‍immigrants across ​the United States-Mexico border has become a significant problem, with the Biden administration’s lack⁣ of action exacerbating the crisis. ⁣In response,‍ Texas Governor Greg Abbott has taken a bold step by signing three bills⁣ aimed at addressing the issue. The most controversial of ⁣these is ​Senate Bill 4, which criminalizes entering Texas from Mexico at any point⁢ that is ​not an authorized ‍port of entry. This bill also​ grants local law enforcement‍ the power to‍ arrest undocumented ‍immigrants and enables state magistrate judges to issue expulsion orders.

The signing of these bills by Governor Abbott ⁢underscores the importance of border security and⁣ protecting the sovereignty of the United States. It sends a clear message that Texas is‌ willing to ‌take charge in the ‍face of the federal government’s refusal to ​enforce⁢ immigration laws. The state aims to put an end to the tidal wave of illegal entry into‍ Texas and ensure the safety and well-being of its ​citizens.

Furthermore, Governor Abbott has allocated $1.54 billion for⁢ border ‌barriers and additional security measures to strengthen Texas’ borders.⁢ These measures are crucial in curbing illegal immigration and preventing criminal activities‍ associated with it, such ‍as drug trafficking and cartel operations.

Unsurprisingly, left-wing organizations and ‍opponents of the bill⁤ intend to ⁤challenge it in court. Led​ by the American Civil​ Liberties Union, these groups argue that immigration matters fall⁤ under the‍ jurisdiction of the federal government. While the Department of Justice ⁢has yet to comment⁢ on whether it plans to challenge the law, the White House has expressed strong opposition to⁣ it, claiming that it will make communities in Texas less safe.

The ​federal ‍government’s ineffective handling of the border crisis has ⁣compelled states like Texas to take matters⁤ into ‌their own hands. Customs and Border Protection data show that illegal immigration numbers⁢ remain elevated, with over 240,000 encounters along the southwest border in October alone. While ​this figure represented a slight decrease from the previous month, it is clear that the issue​ persists and requires⁤ urgent attention.

While states⁢ cannot replace federal law enforcement⁤ agencies in enforcing immigration laws, they⁣ have a responsibility to protect ‍their citizens⁣ and fill ‌the gap left by the federal government’s inaction. Governor Abbott’s signing‌ of these bills demonstrates his​ commitment to defending Texas and its residents. It is a testament to the state’s resilience and determination to‌ address the border crisis head-on.

In conclusion, Governor Greg Abbott’s signing of three ‍bills aimed ‌at combating ​illegal immigration in Texas marks a significant step in​ addressing ​the border crisis. By criminalizing unauthorized entry and granting local law enforcement the power to arrest undocumented immigrants, these bills ensure ⁢that ⁢Texas takes its border ‌security seriously. ‌While opposition and legal challenges are expected, ​the state’s resolve⁣ to protect its citizens remains ​unwavering. It is now up to other states and the federal government‌ to follow Texas’ lead and take decisive action to secure the⁢ borders and safeguard the country’s sovereignty.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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