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Is Trump’s Disqualification Possible Before the Election Begins?

2024: The Most Election ⁢of Our Lifetime

Yesterday, Kamala Harris uttered ⁤something remarkably insightful. It was a rare moment of brilliance from our historic vice president:

“Every election cycle we talk about this is the most ⁢election ​of⁢ our‍ lifetime,” she blathered.

Indeed, 2024 is shaping up to be the most “election” of our lifetime.

Not⁣ just any election. The‌ most election.

In other words, a s***show.

While America awaits the Supreme Court ruling⁤ on whether or ‍not Colorado can ⁣bar ​Donald Trump from the ​ballot, other states are considering how they ​can follow Colorado’s ​suit ⁤and prevent the leading Republican candidate⁣ from running. According‍ to the New York Times,‌ at least 16‍ other states are contemplating barring Trump from⁤ the​ ballot. ⁣This includes four state lawsuits in Michigan, Oregon, New Jersey, and‌ Wisconsin,​ as well as 11 federal lawsuits ‌in Alaska, Arizona, Nevada, New York, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont,​ Virginia, West Virginia, and ‌Wyoming. The cases in Arizona and Michigan have been ‍dismissed in Trump’s favor but are currently under appeal. Maine has also joined ⁢the list.

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If the Supreme Court doesn’t intervene in the Colorado ‌case, Trump will remain off the ballot there — and we can ‍expect this madness to spread wherever there is a Democratic Supreme Court ⁢or legislature and governor. Just yesterday, California’s ​lieutenant governor Eleni Kounalakis penned a letter to the California Secretary of State, urging her to “explore⁤ every ⁢legal option to remove former‌ President ‍Donald Trump​ from ​California’s 2024 presidential primary ballot.” Ironically, Kounalakis seems ⁣to be illiterate, as she initially wrote, “The‌ constitution is clear: you must be 40 years old and not be an insurrectionist.”

Actually, you have to be 35.

But close⁤ enough.

Now, it’s evident that the Colorado Supreme ⁣Court is legally wrong. Even Trump’s detractors admit it. Trump’s former‌ attorney general, Bill Barr, who hasn’t exactly been a Trump‍ ally since the 2020 election, stated, “I⁢ think that this case ⁢is legally wrong and untenable. And I think this‍ kind of action⁣ of⁢ stretching the law, taking these ​hyper-aggressive positions to try to knock Trump out of the race are counterproductive. They backfire.”

And Chris Christie, who is running a campaign solely to antagonize⁣ Trump, concurred, saying, “I do not believe Donald ​Trump should ​be‍ prevented from being president of the United States by‌ any court.”

But that doesn’t matter: Those who despise Trump ⁣genuinely believe it is morally justifiable to use any means necessary to ⁢keep him out​ of​ the White House. ⁣According to a new poll ‍from YouGov, 54% of Americans approve of the​ Colorado State ⁢Supreme Court’s decision‌ to exclude Trump from the ballot, ⁤including‌ 84% of Democrats. It’s not because they believe in the legal theory behind it. It’s because ⁣they​ believe any weapon available to strike Trump must be​ utilized.

They’re in the same ⁣camp ⁢as Mary​ Trump, Trump’s‌ niece,‍ who has made a career out ​of bashing her uncle. She gushed:

Fabulous news today from the Colorado Supreme Court who ruled that Donald Trump,⁣ yes, Donald Trump, the insurrectionist, anti-American anti-Democratic fascist, who for some bizarre reason is‍ leading ⁣the Republican nominating contest by 50⁢ points, is not eligible to be on the ballot for the Republican⁤ primary in that ⁤state. This is amazing news!

Joe Biden is fueling ‍all of this​ by‍ supporting the reasoning behind the Colorado ban. When ‍asked about the ⁣ruling, he declared ​that Trump was undoubtedly an insurrectionist, which would presumably ‌disqualify him from the⁤ ballot. “I think that was certainly self-evident,” Biden stated. “You saw ⁢it all. Now whether the 14th Amendment applies,‌ I’ll let the court make ⁤that decision. But he certainly supported⁢ an insurrection. No question about it. None. Zero. And he seems to⁢ be doubling down on about ⁢everything.”

No ​wonder Republicans are outraged. If Democrats are going⁢ to argue that the law can be wielded as a weapon — and that ⁣they are law-abiding citizens​ merely‌ following the law — then Trump supporters ⁢will also pick up any weapon at their disposal. That’s why Trump fans⁣ are increasingly cheering ‌his applause line‌ about⁣ temporary ‌dictatorship.

And if Democrats genuinely seek to bar Trump from‍ the ballot‍ nationwide, Republicans will likely do the same. As Texas Lieutenant ‌Governor Dan‌ Patrick stated:

Seeing what ⁢happened in Colorado makes me think — except we believe in democracy in Texas — maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing eight million people⁣ to cross the ​border ‌since he’s‍ been president, disrupting our state more than anyone else has done in recent history.

America is indeed teetering on the edge‌ of​ something truly ⁢perilous. Are there ⁤any circumstances under which Republicans will accept a Biden victory ‍at this point? Are there any conditions under which Democrats will ‍accept a Trump victory?

If not, what comes next?

Nothing good.

2024 ​is undoubtedly ⁣going⁤ to be​ an incredibly ⁢”election.”

The most election, ⁢as Kamala ‌Harris said.

So buckle up.


What tactic are MP supporters using against Democrats in response ⁢to a recent bill introduced by Republican‍ lawmakers in Arizona?

Mp​ supporters will be quick to use the same tactic against Democrats. And that’s‍ exactly what is ⁤happening. Just yesterday, a group of ​Republican lawmakers from⁣ Arizona introduced a⁤ bill ‍ that would ban Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from running for re-election in 2024.

This is a dangerous​ game. Using⁣ the law to exclude political opponents ⁣from running for office goes against the principles ⁣of democracy. It sets a dangerous precedent ⁣and undermines the very foundation of our democratic system.

But it’s not just the exclusion of candidates that makes 2024 the most “election” ⁣of our ‌lifetime. It’s the level of​ division and polarization that exists in our country. The political climate is toxic, with both sides demonizing each other and resorting to extreme measures to⁢ gain power.

Social media and the 24-hour news cycle have ⁢fueled this division, creating echo chambers and exacerbating our differences. It seems that there is no longer any room for civil discourse and the‍ exchange of ideas. Instead, we‌ are left with shouting matches and a complete disregard for facts and truth.

The stakes are high in 2024.‍ The issues facing our country, such as climate ​change, racial inequality, ‌and economic disparity, ⁢are complex and require thoughtful solutions. But instead of ⁣engaging in ‌meaningful debates and working ​towards common ground, ⁢politicians and pundits are‍ focused on winning at any cost.

While it’s true that​ elections have always been contentious, there is something uniquely troubling about the current state of our democracy. The level of tribalism and the erosion ⁢of trust in our institutions are deeply concerning. It feels‌ as though we are on the brink of a breaking point.

So, what can we do to change course? It starts with each and every one of us. We​ must ⁢reject the politics of division and seek common⁣ ground. We must demand civility and respect from our leaders. And‌ we must actively engage in the political process, not just by voting, but by participating‍ in local politics, supporting candidates who prioritize unity ​and collaboration,‍ and holding our elected officials accountable.

Our democracy is at a critical juncture. It’s up to us to ensure that‌ 2024 ‌is not remembered‌ as the most divisive and destructive election of our ⁤lifetime, but rather‍ as the turning ⁣point towards a more inclusive, compassionate, ⁣and united ​America.

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