
Michigan school district sued for changing child’s name and pronouns without parental consent

(Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

OAN’s Abril Elfi
5:32 PM ‌– Thursday, December 21, ‍2023

Parents of an⁢ eighth-grade autistic girl ⁤are taking​ legal action against a Michigan public school district for using​ male ⁣pronouns to refer ⁤to their⁣ daughter⁤ without their knowledge or consent.


The ​Rockford Public School District is facing a lawsuit filed by Dan and Jennifer ⁢Mead, parents of‍ an eighth-grade autistic ‍girl, after they discovered that the ⁢school had been consistently using “he/him” pronouns to refer‌ to their daughter.

The lawsuit argues ⁤that the school’s actions violate the parents’ 1st⁣ and 14th Amendment ‍rights.

The ⁣Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)‍ is representing ‌the⁣ parents in this case. According to the lawsuit, staff ​members at East Rockford Middle School referred to their daughter by a ‌male name⁢ and ⁤used masculine pronouns for at ‌least⁣ two months. The parents became aware of this in October 2022⁣ when a school psychologist accidentally included the child’s “masculine name” in a report that was sent home. The rest of ⁤the document used the child’s assigned⁣ feminine ⁣name.

“At first, the Meads thought this was a mistake — that another child’s information had been included in their daughter’s documents,” said‌ the ADF in a statement. “When the Meads asked district employees to refrain from using the masculine name and male ⁣pronouns, the‌ district refused to‍ comply with their wishes.”

The student, ​who began counseling at East Rockford Middle School in 2020, was recently​ diagnosed with autism.

The Meads had been in regular communication with the‌ school‍ staff⁣ and had placed significant trust in the counselor ⁣and other employees over the ⁤past two years. However, the complaint alleges that‌ the school withheld important information from the parents and that their daughter expressed a desire to ‍be referred to ‌as a ​boy with a male name and masculine pronouns after starting ‍counseling sessions.

According to‍ the ⁣Washington Times, the Meads claim that homeschooling has ‍resulted in financial loss, and they are seeking compensatory damages, the⁤ amount of which‍ has not been disclosed.

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How ​did the Michigan School ⁤District‌ violate the constitutional rights ⁢of the autistic eighth-grade student?

​ Title: Michigan School District Faces Lawsuit for Misgendering Autistic Eighth-Grade Student


The Rockford ⁣Public School ‍District in Michigan is currently under legal scrutiny as the ⁤parents⁢ of an eighth-grade ​autistic girl have filed a lawsuit against the district. Dan and Jennifer Mead allege that their daughter was consistently referred to using male pronouns without their knowledge or consent. The lawsuit‌ argues that this action violates the parents’ constitutional rights and seeks‌ resolution for the emotional distress caused to ⁣their daughter. The ‍case brings to light the importance⁤ of respecting gender identity and the rights of individuals with autism.

Details of the Lawsuit:

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is representing the Mead ⁢family in this case. The​ lawsuit claims that staff members at East Rockford Middle School referred to the girl ​using a male name and masculine pronouns for at least two months. The Meads learned about this when ‍a school psychologist mistakenly included the child’s “masculine name”⁣ in a report that was sent home. The parents requested that the district stop using these pronouns and name but met refusal from the school administration.

Violation of Constitutional Rights:

The Meads argue ‌that the school’s actions infringe upon their 1st and 14th⁤ Amendment rights. The First Amendment protects freedom of expression, including the ⁣right to be referred to with correct pronouns ⁣that‌ align with one’s gender identity. Additionally,‌ the 14th Amendment ensures equal protection under ‍the‌ law, guaranteeing that individuals are treated fairly and without⁢ discrimination. By not respecting the girl’s‍ preferred pronouns, the district is accused of ‌violating these constitutional rights.

Trust Broken‍ and Withheld Information:

The Meads had established open communication with the school staff during their ‍daughter’s time at East Rockford Middle School⁣ and had placed trust in the counselor and other employees. However, the lawsuit⁢ alleges that the school withheld crucial information from the parents. It is claimed that their daughter expressed a desire to be referred to as a boy with a male name and⁤ masculine pronouns after beginning counseling sessions, which was not shared with the parents.

Impact and Seeking Compensation:

Due to the misgendering incident, the Mead family ​made the decision to homeschool their daughter, resulting in financial loss. The lawsuit seeks‍ compensatory damages for the emotional distress caused to their daughter. The exact amount ‍of compensation sought has not been disclosed, as reported by the Washington Times.


This lawsuit highlights the importance of respecting an individual’s gender identity and the rights of individuals with autism. It underlines the need for schools to ensure proper communication and transparency with parents,⁣ especially regarding sensitive matters concerning a child’s well-being. As ⁣the case progresses, it will shed‍ light on the legal protections ‌and rights afforded to individuals ​with autism and reinforce the importance of fostering an inclusive and supportive educational environment.

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