Washington Examiner

Biden ponders emulating Trump on China to safeguard EV objectives amid Green scare

President Biden Considers Tariffs on Chinese‍ Electric Vehicles ‍to Boost US Industry

The Biden administration is exploring the idea of increasing tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles in order to support the growth of the domestic electric vehicle industry in the United States. ‍This move comes as President Biden aims to protect ‌his administration’s ambitious green energy goals from China’s dominant position in the global market.

Biden’s Stance on Chinese Trade Practices

President‌ Biden has been vocal about his concerns⁤ regarding China’s unfair trade practices, particularly⁤ in the electric vehicle market. In a speech to United Auto Workers members, he promised to prevent China from dominating this industry through unfair means.

“China is determined to dominate the electric vehicle market by using unfair trade practices, but I will not let them. I promise you.”

While the Biden administration has maintained‌ several tariffs implemented during the Trump era, there is a push to further increase tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles. Currently, the tariff⁣ stands at 25%.

Exploring Other Green Energy Products

In addition to electric vehicles, the administration is also considering targeting other⁤ green ⁣energy ‍products from China, such as solar products and electric vehicle batteries. This broader approach aims to bolster the ⁣domestic green energy industry and reduce ‍dependence on Chinese imports.

China’s Response

China has expressed opposition to any potential tariff increase, warning that it could ⁢lead to a trade war‍ with no winners. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin emphasized that China​ will closely monitor the situation and take necessary measures to protect its rights and interests.

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What‍ are the potential implications of imposing tariffs⁣ on Chinese electric vehicles ⁤and other green energy products for the global electric vehicle⁢ market and the relationship between the United States and China

The Biden⁤ administration is reportedly considering imposing tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles in⁤ order⁤ to ‌bolster the ⁣domestic electric vehicle industry in the United States. This ​move comes as President Biden aims to safeguard‍ his administration’s ambitious green⁣ energy goals from China’s dominant position in the global market.

President ⁢Biden has been vocal about his⁤ concerns regarding China’s unfair trade ⁣practices, particularly in the electric vehicle market. In a speech to United‍ Auto Workers members, he made a promise to prevent China from dominating ‍the industry through unfair means. He stated, “China is determined to dominate the electric vehicle market by using unfair trade practices, but I will not let them. I promise you.”

While the Biden administration has maintained several tariffs implemented ​during the Trump era,‍ there is ​now a push to further increase tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles. Currently, ⁢the tariff stands at ‌25%. The administration believes that increasing⁢ tariffs will ⁤serve as a deterrent against‌ China’s unfair trade practices.

In addition to electric vehicles, the administration is also exploring the‌ idea of imposing tariffs on other ‍green energy products from ⁢China, including solar products and electric vehicle batteries. This broader ​approach aims to ‍strengthen the domestic green energy industry and reduce dependence on Chinese‌ imports.

Unsurprisingly, China has expressed opposition to any potential tariff increase. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman​ Wang​ Wenbin warned that such an action could escalate into a trade war with no ⁢winners. ‍He emphasized that China⁤ will closely monitor the situation and take ‌necessary measures to protect its​ rights and interests.

The potential imposition⁤ of tariffs on Chinese ⁢electric vehicles and other green energy products​ marks a significant step by the Biden administration in its efforts​ to support ​the growth of the domestic ⁤electric vehicle industry and protect its green energy goals.⁢ The outcome of this ⁢debate will​ have ⁣far-reaching implications for the future of the global electric vehicle market and the relationship between the world’s two largest economies. Only ⁤time will tell how this issue unfolds.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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