Washington Examiner

Trump to be on Colorado primary ballot despite appeal, says secretary of state

The Colorado Secretary⁣ of State Stands Firm: Trump’s Name Will Be ​on the 2024 Primary Ballot

The Colorado Secretary of ⁤State, Jena Griswold, made a bold‌ announcement on Thursday. Despite the ongoing appeals process, she confirmed that former President Donald ⁢Trump’s name will be ⁢included as ⁣a ⁣candidate on ‍the state’s 2024 primary ballot. This decision comes after the‌ Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump ‌was ineligible ​to appear ⁣on the ballot​ due to‌ his involvement in the January ⁣6th insurrection.

Griswold’s office released⁢ a press statement stating that unless the U.S. Supreme Court intervenes or upholds ‌the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling, Trump’s ⁤name will be printed on the primary ⁢ballots, which are set ​to be ‌certified on January 5, 2024.

Appealing the Ruling

The state ​Republican Party wasted no time ‌and filed an⁣ appeal⁢ to the Colorado Supreme ​Court’s⁤ decision. They ⁢argue that Trump‌ should not be disqualified under the 14th Amendment. The court’s ⁣ruling, issued on December 19th, ⁢stated that Trump’s actions​ constituted insurrection and therefore rendered him​ ineligible to ‌run for ​president.

However, ‍the court also granted a stay on ‍its ruling until January 4, ​2024, the ⁣day before the state ‍finalizes ‌and prints the primary ⁣ballots. They further⁣ specified that the stay⁤ would ​remain in place if an appeal was initiated, which the Colorado GOP promptly did.

The Colorado justices made it clear that‌ if the⁤ Supreme Court is ⁤petitioned for review before the stay expires, ⁢Griswold‌ will be required to include Trump’s name on the primary ballot ‍until further orders are received.

Griswold’s Stance and Urgency

Griswold, a Democrat, expressed her agreement with ⁣the ⁣state Supreme Court’s ruling and emphasized the need for swift ‌action from the U.S. ⁤Supreme ⁣Court. She stated, “Donald Trump engaged ‌in insurrection and ‍was disqualified under the Constitution from the Colorado Ballot.‍ The Colorado Supreme ‌Court got it right.”

While acknowledging that ⁢the decision is being appealed, Griswold urged the U.S. Supreme ⁢Court⁤ to​ act⁢ quickly, considering the upcoming presidential primary election.

The timeline for the ⁤U.S. Supreme Court’s response to the appeal remains uncertain.

A spokesperson⁣ for Trump’s campaign⁣ criticized the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling,⁢ calling it “completely flawed.” They confirmed⁤ that Trump ⁢himself will be⁣ filing an appeal in the coming days and expressed confidence that ‍the⁣ U.S. Supreme Court ⁤will rule in their favor.

Only time​ will tell ‍how this legal battle unfolds,​ but for now, Trump’s ⁤name remains on the Colorado primary ​ballot.

Click here to read more from ⁣The Washington Examiner.

​What implications does this case ‍have ⁢for the boundaries of free speech and the rights of individuals involved⁤ in incendiary actions

Can Party immediately filed‌ an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court following the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision. They argued that the ruling was unconstitutional and violated Trump’s First Amendment rights. ‌The appeal is currently pending, and⁣ it is unclear when the U.S. Supreme Court will make a decision on the matter.

In response to the appeal, Secretary Griswold stated, “We respect​ the appeals process and⁣ understand the importance of allowing ‌it ⁤to play out. However, ⁢unless there is a clear directive from the‌ U.S. Supreme Court instructing us otherwise, we will proceed with printing Trump’s⁣ name on the primary‍ ballot.”

Griswold’s decision to include‍ Trump’s name on the ballot has received both support and criticism ⁢from Colorado ‍residents and political experts. Supporters⁢ argue​ that ⁢it is crucial to uphold democratic⁤ principles and allow all eligible candidates to participate in the political process. They believe that voters should have the‍ opportunity to decide whether⁢ Trump deserves a chance for another term in office.

On the other⁤ hand, critics⁤ argue that Trump’s involvement in the January 6th insurrection should disqualify him from appearing on the ballot. They argue that his actions resulted in the loss of lives and the undermining of ​democracy. They believe that allowing ⁢him⁢ to run for office again sends the wrong message and sets ⁤a dangerous precedent.

The Role ‌of the Secretary of State

The decision ‍to include or exclude a candidate’s ⁢name‌ from the ballot lies ​in the hands of the Secretary of State. As the chief ⁣election official, the Secretary ‌of State⁣ is‌ responsible for ensuring fair and transparent‍ elections. In this case, Secretary Griswold determined that Trump’s name should be included unless directed otherwise by the ‌U.S. ⁤Supreme Court.

It is worth noting that this is‌ not ⁢the first time Griswold has taken a firm stance on election⁤ matters. During the ​2020 presidential election, she actively advocated for mail-in voting and fought against attempts to ‍suppress voter turnout.​ Her commitment to⁢ upholding the integrity of the electoral ⁤process has garnered praise from many Coloradans.

The Implications and Future Outlook

The inclusion of Trump’s name on the 2024 primary ballot will undoubtedly have significant implications for Colorado’s ‍political landscape. It will spark further debate and discussion over Trump’s eligibility and the role of the state ‌in determining who can ​run for office.

Regardless of the U.S. Supreme ⁣Court’s decision, this case raises important questions about the boundaries of free⁤ speech and the rights of individuals‌ who have been ⁢involved in incendiary actions. It also ⁢underscores the power and ⁢discretion wielded by the Secretary of State in shaping the electoral process.

As the appeals process continues and the 2024 primaries draw nearer, all eyes will be on Colorado to see⁣ how this contentious ⁤issue unfolds. Whether or not Trump’s name ultimately appears ‌on the primary ballot, this case serves as a⁤ reminder of the⁤ ongoing debates ‌surrounding democracy, accountability, and the⁢ future‌ of American politics.

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