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Ex-Israeli PM Urges Overthrow of ‘Evil’ Iranian Regime

The United ⁤States and Israel Must Target Iran to Curb Terrorism, Says Former Israeli Prime Minister

In order to combat ‌the ⁣terrorism that plagues the Middle​ East, both the United States and Israel need to focus‌ their efforts on Iran, according to Naftali ⁤Bennett, a Knesset member and former Israeli Prime Minister.

“The Iranian ⁣regime is at the center of most of the Middle East’s problems and much⁣ of global terror. Yet inexplicably, almost nobody is touching it. For the past 45 years, the regime has been the source of endless war, terror and suffering throughout the world. I’ve come to realize that enough is enough. The evil ‌empire⁤ of Iran must be brought down,” Bennett said.

Bennett, who served as prime minister ⁤of Israel from 2021 to ⁣2022, expressed his views in an op-ed published in The⁣ Wall​ Street Journal. He emphasized the importance of targeting Iran directly, rather than just its terrorist proxies​ such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

The Iranian regime has been responsible for supporting⁤ various acts of terrorism in the region.‍ For example, they supported the October 7 terror attack on ​Israel, carried ​out by Hamas⁣ and the Islamic⁢ Jihad in Gaza,⁢ which resulted in the deaths of⁣ approximately 1,200 Israelis and the hostage-taking of hundreds more. Additionally, Iran-backed Hezbollah has launched hundreds of rockets at Israel⁢ from the north, leading to the evacuation of tens of thousands of Israeli citizens.

Iran’s influence extends beyond⁤ Israel, as they have also supported the‍ Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen, who ⁤have disrupted shipping lanes‌ in the Red Sea​ by⁤ launching ⁣rockets and drones against cargo ships. Furthermore, Iran-backed militias in Iraq and Syria have targeted U.S.‌ bases with numerous strikes.

“Iran constantly attacks Israel via its proxies in such places as Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Gaza and Yemen. Iran’s terrorist proxies have waged war on every moderate element in the Middle East. They’ve attacked the​ Saudi oil company Aramco, the United Arab Emirates, the Kurds ‌and Israel on many occasions. The most amazing part: Iran has largely gotten away with it,” Bennett wrote.

To address this issue, ​Bennett suggests that curbing Iran’s terror network does not necessarily require war with the Iranian regime. Instead, he proposes using other means to pressure and weaken Iran’s ruling class, such as empowering domestic opposition, ensuring internet continuity during riots against the regime, strengthening its enemies, ‌and increasing sanctions⁤ and economic pressures.

“Iran’s tyrants are softer⁣ than one might expect. They gleefully send others ‍to die for them. But when they’re hit at home, suddenly they become timid,”​ he⁤ continued. “The U.S. and Israel must set the clear goal of bringing ⁢down Iran’s evil regime. Not only is this possible. It is vital for the safety and security of the Middle‌ East — and the entire civilized world.”


What are the main reasons highlighted by Bennett ‌for ‍focusing on ‍Iran in the fight​ against terrorism, including their ⁣nuclear ambitions and ‍support for terrorist⁤ organizations

As‌ been involved in⁣ numerous terrorist activities, including​ the bombing of the U.S.⁤ Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983, which killed 241 American servicemen, and the 1992 and 1994⁢ bombings of the Israeli Embassy and a Jewish community center in Argentina,‍ respectively. These are just a few examples of Iran’s long history ‍of supporting and orchestrating terrorism.

Bennett argues that ⁢the United States and Israel cannot continue​ to ignore Iran’s role in destabilizing the ⁤region and⁤ promoting terrorism. He believes ​that‌ targeting ​Iran⁣ directly is crucial⁣ in⁣ order to effectively combat terrorism in ⁢the Middle ‌East and ensure the safety and security ⁤of ​both nations.

In his op-ed, Bennett outlines‍ several ⁢reasons why Iran must be ⁢the primary focus in the fight ‍against terrorism.​ Firstly, he‍ points ‍out⁢ that Iran has taken advantage of the power⁢ vacuum created by ⁢the U.S. ⁣withdrawal from Afghanistan to ⁢expand its influence and support terrorist groups. He argues⁤ that if action is not taken now, Iran will ​continue⁤ to grow stronger and pose an ‍even greater ‍threat to global⁤ security in the future.

Secondly, ​Bennett emphasizes the importance of stopping Iran’s nuclear ambitions. ⁢He warns that a nuclear-armed Iran would not only‌ be a direct threat to Israel’s existence, but also to the entire free world. ‌He stresses⁤ that ‍preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons should be a top ‌priority​ for both the‌ United States and ​Israel.

Moreover, Bennett highlights Iran’s support ​for various terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Hezbollah, and their use of these proxies to carry out attacks against innocent civilians. He asserts that targeting these terrorist groups ⁢alone is not ‌enough,​ as ⁢Iran will​ continue to provide them with funding, training, and weapons ⁢unless⁤ the root cause of the problem ​- the Iranian regime -​ is⁣ confronted.

Bennett’s call for action against Iran is grounded in his deep concern for ‌the safety and security of ‍both Israel and the ⁣United States. He‌ believes that a ⁤united front against Iran, with both⁣ nations working together to curb‌ its⁣ terrorism and nuclear ambitions, is essential in order to achieve lasting peace and stability in the region.

In conclusion, Naftali ‌Bennett, the former ​Israeli Prime Minister, ‌argues that in⁢ order to effectively combat terrorism in⁢ the Middle East, both the ​United States and ⁤Israel‌ must target Iran directly. He ‌points to Iran’s long history of supporting ‍terrorism and its nuclear ambitions as reasons why action against Iran is imperative.​ Bennett’s call for action serves as a reminder that in the face of global ​terrorism, unity ‍and‍ determination are crucial in order to ensure​ the safety and⁢ security of⁢ both nations and the entire world.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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