Kevin McCarthy’s House resignation becomes official, further cutting GOP’s slim majority

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s Congressional Resignation Official

On the last day of 2023, former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) congressional resignation ⁢became official,‍ leaving the House Republicans with ⁣an even more difficult ⁤razor-thin majority to navigate in 2024.

In early December, McCarthy announced in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that he would be‍ leaving Congress⁤ later in the ⁤month, choosing not⁣ to complete his​ term as a rank and file member of ​the⁣ House.

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“It is in this spirit that I have decided to depart the House at the end of this year to serve America in new ways. I know my work is only getting started,” he wrote at the time.

The move was not surprising as the California Republican had kept​ his future plans under wraps after⁢ being unexpectedly removed from⁣ his speaker position ⁣by eight renegade Republican members.

Of the motion to vacate the speakership, filed by fellow Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) ⁤and the‌ chaotic series of⁢ speaker nominees and votes ⁣held following, McCarthy ⁢told the⁣ Washington⁣ Examiner in a farewell interview, “In the end, history will write what’s true.”

“We all know it’s the ethics complaint on Gaetz. He’s doing everything to make sure it doesn’t come out, and ⁢that means he doesn’t care ​about anything else,”​ he‌ said.

During his‌ farewell floor ​speech earlier this month, McCarthy showed ⁣no remorse for his decisions as speaker.⁢ “I ‌would do it all again,” he asserted.

Newly minted Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) responded to McCarthy’s decision following his initial announcement, writing on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, “Kevin served the American people and his constituents in California’s Central Valley with honor for⁣ nearly two decades.”

“As the Republican Leader, he helped secure the House Republican majority twice,⁤ and as ⁤Speaker ​he⁤ led the People’s House in ⁣its‍ return to⁣ regular order after ‌Pelosi’s Covid lockdowns. Kevin and Judy have served faithfully ​and sacrificed substantially for the good of our country and our cause, and Kelly and I wish them the very best in⁣ their ⁢next ⁤endeavors,” he said.


Johnson will face an even smaller majority than McCarthy did upon his departure. McCarthy’s resignation now leaves the ratio at ‍220 Republicans to 213 Democrats. ⁢In future partisan votes, Republicans can only afford to lose the support of ‌three members.

And with⁢ the laddered continuing resolution approach taken by the new speaker, which pushed key appropriations deadlines into the ⁣early days of 2024, such a‍ narrow ​margin for ⁢victory could prove to be ⁣his downfall.

‌What challenges did Kevin McCarthy face‌ as Speaker of the House​ and how‌ did he navigate them?

M his ⁣position as Speaker of⁢ the House⁤ in November 2023. ‍McCarthy’s resignation comes at a crucial time for the Republican Party, as ⁣they try to maintain control of the House with just a ⁤slim majority.

McCarthy’s tenure as Speaker was marked by controversy and divisions within his own party. From the ‍outset, he faced challenges from the more⁤ conservative members of the House ‍who felt that he was ⁣not pushing a ‍strong⁢ enough conservative agenda. These divisions were further exacerbated by the ‍ongoing battles within the Republican ‌Party over‍ issues ⁢such as ​immigration and healthcare.

Despite these challenges, McCarthy ⁣was able to ⁤navigate the rocky political landscape⁣ and maintain a semblance ​of unity within the party. His resignation will undoubtedly leave a void in ‍the leadership of the House Republicans, and it remains to be seen who will step up to fill his shoes.

McCarthy’s departure comes at a time​ when the Republicans are facing an uphill battle to maintain control of ⁣the House in the upcoming 2024 elections. With⁣ just a razor-thin majority,⁢ every seat ⁣will‍ be​ crucial in ‌determining the ‌balance of power in Congress.⁤ The ⁢loss of ⁢McCarthy’s seat adds an additional challenge for the⁤ party, as‌ they will now have to defend a​ traditionally Republican ⁤district in ⁣California.

The resignation also raises questions about the future ‍direction of the Republican Party. ‍McCarthy was seen by many as a bridge between the more moderate and conservative factions within the party. ​Without his leadership, it remains to be seen how the party will navigate these internal divisions and move forward‍ cohesively.

In his op-ed, ⁤McCarthy indicated that he intends to continue serving⁤ America⁤ in new ways. This leaves open the possibility that he⁢ may seek another political office or take on a leadership role⁢ in the private sector. Whatever path he chooses, McCarthy’s departure from Congress is ​sure to have‌ ripple effects throughout the political landscape.

In conclusion, Kevin McCarthy’s resignation as a member of Congress officially ends his tenure in​ the House of Representatives. ​This‌ departure leaves the House Republicans ⁣with an even more precarious ​majority and raises⁣ questions ‍about the future direction of the party. As the 2024 elections loom, the Republican Party will need to find ⁢new leadership and navigate the challenges ahead in order to maintain ‍control of the House. McCarthy’s resignation marks the end of an⁤ era but also opens up⁤ new⁤ opportunities for ‌him to continue‌ serving America in different capacities. ⁢Only time will tell⁢ what ‌lies ahead for both McCarthy ‍and the ⁤House⁢ Republicans.

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