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Democrat Senator delays bill punishing Iranian regime

Senator Cardin Faces Backlash for Stalling Bill Sanctioning Iranian Leaders

A Maryland Democrat senator has sparked anger among Iranian dissidents who oppose the despotic Iranian regime.​ Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), chair of the Senate Foreign ​Relations Committee, recently informed Iranian-American activist ‌Nick Nikbakht that he would not be moving​ forward with⁢ the ​MAHSA‍ Act, a bill aimed at sanctioning the leaders of the Iranian government for​ their decades of human rights abuses.

Despite ⁣the efforts of Maryland constituents who‍ sent letters, held meetings, and made heartfelt pleas, Senator Cardin has shown no movement on the ‍bipartisan human rights bill. Nikbakht expressed his disappointment, stating, “We’ve been‍ informed that they will not ⁣be moving forward ⁣with the bill,” in an⁢ interview with the Washington Free⁢ Beacon.

Meanwhile, Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) criticized Senate Democrats for delaying aid to Israel while⁣ refusing ​to sanction Iran, the leading state sponsor of ‍terrorism and a sworn enemy of Israel. He ‌warned that this approach leaves ⁣our ⁤allies vulnerable and creates ⁢chaos.

The MAHSA Act, which aims to impose sanctions on the Supreme Leader of‍ Iran and ⁤the President‌ of Iran for their human rights abuses and⁤ support for terrorism, was overwhelmingly passed by ‍the House on September 12,⁤ 2023. The Act⁢ highlights the tragic death of Mahsa Amini,‍ a⁤ young woman​ who died in the⁢ custody of the Morality Police, ⁣triggering widespread protests across Iran.

On September 16, 2022, a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa ‌Amini, ‌died in‍ the detention of the Morality Police ⁢after being⁤ beaten and detained for ‍allegedly transgressing discriminatory dress codes for women. ‍This tragic incident​ triggered widespread, pro-women’s rights, pro-democracy protests across all of Iran’s 31 provinces, calling for the end to Iran’s theocratic regime.

In the course of the‍ protests, the Iranian security forces’⁤ violent⁤ crackdown includes mass arrests, well-documented beating of protestors,‍ throttling of the internet and telecommunications services, and shooting protestors with​ live ammunition. Iranian‌ security forces have reportedly killed hundreds of protestors and ⁣other civilians,⁢ including women and ⁣children, and wounded many more.

Rep. Banks emphasized the⁤ need to hold⁢ the Iranian regime accountable for its crimes and urged the Senate to pass companion legislation introduced by Senator Rubio and​ Senator Padilla. He called on President Biden to take action against the perpetrators of Mahsa Amini’s‍ murder.

The National⁤ Union for Democracy in Iran also voiced their support for the MAHSA Act, stating that it is an important step⁤ in exposing ‌the brutal dictatorship of the Islamic Republic ⁢regime.​ They ⁢emphasized that the people of Iran, who continue to fight for freedom and democracy, deserve America’s⁣ solidarity.

How does the bipartisan support for ⁤the⁣ MAHSA Act contrast with Senator Cardin’s decision to block ⁢the ⁢bill, and ‍what implications does⁤ this have for ⁢U.S. foreign policy and the protection of human rights

Y Police in⁢ Iran. Her death sparked outrage ‌and led⁣ to widespread protests across ‌the⁢ country.⁤ Demonstrators demanded justice⁣ for Mahsa and an‍ end to the human​ rights abuses committed by the Iranian ​regime. In response⁤ to ‌this tragedy, lawmakers introduced the MAHSA Act, a bill that seeks to hold Iranian leaders accountable for​ their actions.

The decision by Senator Cardin to‍ block this bill ‍has drawn sharp criticism from Iranian⁢ dissidents and human rights advocates. They argue that by stalling the legislation, Cardin is effectively enabling⁢ the Iranian‌ regime ⁤to continue⁤ its oppressive⁣ practices and evade consequences ⁣for‍ its actions.

Cardin’s refusal‌ to support the​ MAHSA Act⁣ is particularly troubling considering his position as chair of ⁤the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. As a key player in shaping‍ U.S. foreign ‌policy, his actions – or lack thereof – have far-reaching implications. By failing to condemn the Iranian regime’s ⁤human rights‍ abuses, Cardin sends a message⁤ that the⁣ United ‌States is willing to turn a blind eye to such atrocities.

Furthermore, Cardin’s⁤ decision to block the bill ⁣contradicts the ⁢widespread bipartisan support‌ it has received.⁢ The House of Representatives passed the MAHSA Act with an overwhelming majority, demonstrating that both Democrats and Republicans recognize the importance of holding Iranian leaders accountable for their actions. It is concerning that Cardin, a Democrat himself, ​is standing in the⁤ way of progress on this critical ⁢human rights issue.

It is not only Iranian dissidents and ‍human rights advocates who are expressing their disappointment in Senator⁣ Cardin’s decision. Rep. ⁣Jim Banks rightfully points out that by ​prioritizing aid to Israel while⁢ neglecting to sanction Iran, Senate Democrats are leaving our⁣ allies vulnerable. Iran has long been a threat to ​Israel and has actively supported terrorist organizations that seek to undermine regional ‍stability. Failing to take action against Iran not only puts Israel at risk, but it also creates an environment of chaos and uncertainty in the‌ region.

The MAHSA Act represents an opportunity for the United States to take a strong stance against the ‌Iranian regime’s human rights abuses and support for terrorism. By imposing ​sanctions ⁢on top Iranian leaders, the‌ bill aims to hold them accountable for their actions and ⁣send a clear message that the international community‍ will⁤ not⁣ tolerate such behavior.

Senator Cardin’s refusal to support ‌this bill is not only a disservice to the Iranian people who‌ have been suffering‌ under the‌ oppressive regime,⁣ but it ‍also undermines the credibility ‌of the United‍ States as⁤ a⁣ champion of human rights. It is crucial that lawmakers prioritize the protection of human rights and work towards holding ‌responsible those who⁢ commit such heinous acts. The​ MAHSA ‌Act ‍provides an opportunity​ to do just that, and it is disheartening that Senator Cardin has chosen not to seize this​ moment.

As pressure grows⁤ on ‍Senator Cardin ‍to reconsider⁤ his position, it is⁣ our hope that he‍ will‌ listen ⁤to the voices of Iranian dissidents, human rights advocates, and his fellow lawmakers who recognize the importance of​ taking action against the Iranian regime. The United States must be a beacon​ of hope for those who are oppressed and struggling for justice,‍ and supporting the MAHSA Act is a⁤ crucial step towards that goal.

Read More From Original Article Here: Dem Senator Stalls Bill Sanctioning Iranian Regime

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