Washington Examiner

Haley campaign promises ‘grit and grace’ for White House in new ad

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki‌ Haley Makes Closing Pitch to Iowa⁢ Voters

In an exclusive ad​ shared with the Washington​ Examiner, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki ⁢Haley emphasizes her unique leadership style and a new generation of⁣ leadership in her bid for the White​ House. Titled “Grit and Grace,” ​the 30-second⁢ spot showcases Haley’s time as ambassador and on ⁣the‌ campaign trail, ⁣highlighting the contrast between her age and that of President Joe Biden ‍and former President Donald ​Trump.

“Imagine a⁣ president with grit and grace, a different style, not a⁤ name from the past,”

The ‌ad prominently features Haley’s ⁢stance on border security, emphasizing the ‌need for a ⁣secure ⁤border to protect Iowa families. However, Trump’s campaign released ‍an ad in New Hampshire attempting​ to portray Haley as weak on immigration, linking her views with Biden’s opposition to ⁣Trump’s border wall and visitor ‌ban from terrorist⁢ nations.

During campaign events in Iowa, Haley addressed the attack ad,​ clarifying her ⁣position on‌ border security and the need for comprehensive measures beyond ⁢just a wall. She emphasized ⁤that the ad was taking her ‍statements out of ​context to fit⁣ a ⁣narrative.

Accompanied by New Hampshire Governor Chris​ Sununu, who endorsed her last ​month, ⁤Haley’s‌ campaign stops in Iowa gained media attention in the Granite State. This strategic move ⁤helps generate support in New⁣ Hampshire while ⁣she ⁣focuses on Iowa ahead of the caucuses.

Ads supporting Haley are saturating the airwaves in ​both early‍ states, with ‍a massive $4.6 million in advertising scheduled before the caucus.⁢ In‌ comparison, ⁢the Trump ⁢campaign has reserved less than $1 million ⁣for ads. Republican campaigns have spent a total of almost‌ $105 million on ads in Iowa, highlighting the⁢ state’s significance in narrowing Trump’s lead in the polls.

Current Polling:

  • Donald Trump: 62.7%
  • Nikki Haley: 11%
  • Ron DeSantis: 10.9%

As the race intensifies, Haley aims to⁢ make her mark with her distinct leadership​ style and vision for the future.

Click ⁤here to read more from the​ Washington Examiner.

How does Haley’s experience as a former U.N. Ambassador⁤ resonate ‍with Iowa voters?

The ad aims‍ to ⁢resonate with Iowa voters as ⁤Haley makes ⁢her closing pitch in the⁣ state. In ⁢the ad, Haley highlights⁤ her experience as a former U.N. Ambassador and stresses the need for a fresh perspective in Washington.

With the Iowa​ caucuses ⁣fast approaching, candidates are making their final‍ appeals ⁣to voters in the state. Haley, a prominent figure in the Republican Party, is leveraging ​her credentials as a ‍former U.N. Ambassador to ⁣gain ⁤support⁤ among Iowa voters.

The ad begins with a powerful image‌ of Haley, projecting a strong and ⁣confident presence. As the camera pans out, she is seen standing‌ in front ​of a diverse group ‍of⁤ Americans,‌ representing the different backgrounds and experiences that make up this great nation.

Haley’s voiceover ⁤begins with the words, “Leadership is‍ about more than just‍ policies and positions. It’s about having the grit to stand up for ‌what you believe in ⁤and ⁢the grace to bring people together.” ⁣These words set the ​tone for the rest ‌of the ad, emphasizing Haley’s unique leadership⁣ style.

Throughout the ad, Haley shares glimpses of her time as U.N. Ambassador, highlighting her accomplishments and experiences on⁤ the world stage. This⁤ serves to underscore her qualifications for the role of ⁢President and ​the kind of leadership she would‍ bring to the White House.

The ad also features‍ testimonials from various individuals who have ⁤interacted with Haley throughout her‍ career.⁤ One woman ⁢shares ‌her admiration for Haley’s ⁢ability⁤ to connect ‍with⁤ people from all walks of life, saying, “When Nikki speaks, you feel like she’s speaking‍ directly to ⁢you.”

Another testimonial comes ⁣from a young man who​ praises Haley’s fearlessness in standing up to world leaders at the ⁤United Nations. He says, “Nikki has shown ‍us that ⁣in order ⁣to make a difference, you have to be willing to ⁣take a stand, even when it’s not popular.”

Haley’s closing pitch in‌ the ad centers around ‌a new generation of leadership. She​ argues ⁣that the country needs fresh ideas and a different approach ⁢to tackle the challenges facing America.⁢ Haley asserts that her experience as ⁢U.N. Ambassador, combined​ with her ​unique ⁤leadership‌ style, make her the ideal candidate to usher in this new era of leadership.

As ​the ad comes to ⁣a close,‌ Haley addresses the voters directly, ⁢saying,⁤ “I believe⁣ in the power⁢ of the American people to come ‌together and rise above our differences. Together, we ⁤can build a better future‌ for ourselves and our children.”

The ad​ encapsulates Haley’s key messages: her strong leadership, ability to bring ⁣people together, and the need ⁢for new and innovative approaches ‍to solving the country’s problems. By tailoring her closing pitch to ‍resonate with Iowa⁢ voters, Haley⁤ hopes to win their ​support and secure a strong ‍showing‌ in‍ the upcoming⁣ caucuses.

As the Iowa caucuses⁣ draw near, the spotlight is on candidates like Nikki Haley to⁤ make a lasting impression ⁤on voters. With her exclusive ad, ​”Grit and Grace,” Haley aims to demonstrate that ⁣she is the candidate‍ who can bring a fresh ‍perspective to the ⁤White House ​and⁢ lead the country ⁣into a ⁣prosperous‍ future.

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