The federalist

Trump’s deportation plan for cartel and gang members is unconstitutional

Trump Vows to‍ Reverse Biden’s Border Disaster

In a blistering‌ op-ed in the Des⁢ Moines Register, Donald Trump has pledged ⁤to reverse “Joe Biden’s border disaster on⁤ day one.” Trump has, and deserves, ‍a tremendous amount ​of credibility on this subject;⁢ his record as president of enforcing the immigration laws and controlling ‌the border was ⁤sterling. He is also right to say that‌ Biden’s policies are causing a⁣ “nation-wrecking⁣ nightmare on ⁣our southern border,” and not only on our border,‌ but in our major cities.

No nation can tolerate for ​long the record-breaking number of illegal immigrants that this country ⁤has seen and continues to‍ see under Joe Biden. Trump’s proposed measures to stem ‍this illegal⁣ tide,‌ to defend America’s ⁣communities from the inordinate costs⁤ that it ‌imposes, ⁣and to enforce the laws as Congress ‌has written them, are long ​overdue.⁢ And even ​if, as Trump recognizes, bold measures including “record-setting deportation operations” that will result in “millions” of deportations will be needed, those actions are necessary and ​proportionate to​ the magnitude of ​the problems Biden has ⁤caused.

Trump’s Proposal ⁤Raises Concerns

  • One initiative that Trump proposes, however, should give pause even to his strong supporters (of whom I am one). This is‌ his pledge to “invoke the Alien Enemies Act ‍to remove known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or ⁣cartel members‍ from the​ United ‍States.”

The ⁢problem here ‌is that⁢ the law in question does not authorize the action Trump proposes. In ⁣the laudable effort to ⁣enforce the immigration laws​ as Congress has enacted them,⁢ a ​reelected President Trump should not himself stray beyond them into illegality. If he needs new legal⁣ authorities to take actions that will ⁢protect the ‌integrity of America’s borders ⁤and correct the disastrous ‍policies ⁢of the Biden administration, he should ‌ask Congress for those fresh authorities, not simply arrogate them​ to himself. He should be ‍aiming to restore the rule of law in ⁢the area of immigration ‍control (and elsewhere), not to compound Biden’s illegalities​ with ⁣his ‌own.

Trump’s first term began ​with a⁢ blunder​ on immigration law‍ (the misnamed “Muslim ban”): His original executive⁢ order had to​ go through two⁣ later rounds of ⁤ revisions before finally being ⁣ upheld by the Supreme Court. The episode caused​ avoidable ‍embarrassment ​at the start of Trump’s administration. The second‍ term should not ​replay ⁢the error of the first.

The Alien Enemies⁤ Act is ⁢an old statute, ⁤enacted in its original form ⁢in the administration of John Adams. In essence, it provides authority for the president ⁤to remove alien enemies (such as⁢ German, Japanese, or‌ Italian nationals in World War II) from the ⁤United States. The act requires⁤ that an antecedent condition be satisfied before the powers ⁣that it vests are ​activated. Those conditions are either‍ that (1) “there‌ is a declared war between⁤ the United States and a[] ‌foreign nation or government,” or that (2) an‍ “invasion, or‍ predatory incursion⁤ is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the ​territory of the⁢ United States by ​any foreign nation or⁣ government” (emphasis⁣ added).

Broadly speaking, the law provides authority to expel foreign‍ nationals either ⁣when there is ‍a declared war between the state ​of their⁣ nationality and the United States, or⁤ else​ an ⁤actual or threatened invasion of this country⁢ by that state.

The first condition is⁣ not⁤ met: There is no declared war between‍ the United States and the only nation — Mexico — on its southern border.⁣ But the second condition is also ​not met. Even if one considers the illegal border crossings of large​ numbers​ of gang members, ⁣drug dealers,​ and cartel members from⁣ Mexico into the United States to⁣ be an ⁤“invasion” (which,⁤ in a ‍legal sense, it might not be), their⁤ invasion is not being⁢ done ⁣ by ‍the nation⁣ or ​government of Mexico. This seems to⁣ be true even if it could ⁣be established that the government⁢ of Mexico has not taken (under Biden) adequate steps to police its border with the U.S. or to prevent millions‍ of illegal aliens from crossing it.

Mexico has assisted U.S. border control operations in the recent past: As‍ Trump’s op-ed points ⁤out, as president he “got the Mexican government to deploy tens of thousands of soldiers to the border ⁢free⁤ of‍ charge.” ​If Biden has been unwilling to continue such​ cooperation⁣ with the Mexican government, the fault is his: His failure does not make Mexico responsible for the flow of ‍illegal migrants.

Moreover, Trump’s proposal to use the Alien Enemies Act to ⁢remove “known or suspected” ⁢gang members and‌ the rest is not as easy⁤ to implement as it might seem. It has long been established ⁢that those facing ⁣removal are entitled to ‍at least a​ modicum of due process. While‌ such a process might be ‍truncated​ in the case of ‍those illegal entrants “known” to be ​gang members⁤ or the like, it ​would have to be ⁣more substantial for those merely ⁣“suspected” of such ​activities or associations.

None of this is⁢ to deny that gangs, cartels, and traffickers of drugs or human bodies entering this country from⁣ Mexico are ⁤not causing immense harm ⁤to the people and institutions of this country. They are, and​ our federal government should make every​ effort ‍to stop them. But‌ the Alien Enemies ​Act does not ​provide a legal fix for this ​problem.

A reelected President⁢ Trump will⁢ surely encounter ‌a buzzsaw of left-wing ⁢and ‌corporate opposition when he begins ​deporting millions‌ of aliens who have no legal right to be here. He should not undercut or compromise that program by entangling it with another initiative that the courts‌ are ​very likely to shoot⁤ down. He would be better advised to⁤ toss that ball⁣ to Congress. On day one, he ‌should offer a well-considered piece of legislation to Congress, aimed at the specific targets of cartels, gangs, ⁤and traffickers,‍ that would⁤ fully empower him ‌to ‌move swiftly and decisively against them.

What potential ⁣consequences could arise from invoking the Alien Enemies Act in ​the absence of legally justifiable conditions

Vent individuals involved ⁤in criminal activities from crossing into the United‌ States.

Therefore, while Trump’s intention of removing known or suspected gang members, drug‌ dealers, or cartel members from the United States is commendable, his proposal to invoke the ‍Alien Enemies Act is misguided. The act does not provide the legal‌ authority​ to take such actions under the ⁢current circumstances. As a leader who claims to prioritize the rule of law, Trump should not overstep the boundaries set by existing legislation.

If Trump⁣ believes that additional legal authorities ‍are necessary to address the problems caused‌ by the Biden administration’s ‌policies, he should seek the approval of Congress. It is crucial to restore the‌ integrity ⁤of ​America’s borders and correct the failures of Biden’s ⁣immigration approach, but it should be done within the confines of the law.

It is worth‌ noting that Trump’s first ‌term was marred by the controversial “Muslim ban” executive order, which⁣ faced multiple revisions before being upheld by the‌ Supreme Court. Such missteps should not be repeated in his second term. Taking actions ​that exceed the ‌legal boundaries would only undermine Trump’s credibility and invite unnecessary legal challenges.

The Alien ‌Enemies Act,⁢ enacted during John Adams’ administration, ‍was designed to address specific circumstances, namely a declared war‌ or an invasion ⁤from a foreign state. Neither of these conditions applies to the ⁤current situation with‌ Mexico.⁤ While the ​influx of gang members, drug⁢ dealers,⁤ and cartel members may be viewed​ as an invasion in a broader sense, it​ cannot be attributed to the​ Mexican ⁤government ‌as a deliberate act of aggression.

Therefore, it is imperative to carefully consider ⁣the ⁤implications and potential consequences of invoking⁢ the Alien Enemies Act in the absence of legally justifiable conditions.⁤ Trump ⁣should focus on​ implementing ⁢sensible and‌ lawful measures that prioritize border security and address the challenges caused by illegal immigration.

In⁤ conclusion, Trump’s commitment to reversing Biden’s border disaster is commendable, given his previous success in enforcing immigration laws. However, his proposal to invoke the Alien Enemies Act raises concerns due to the lack‌ of legal authority. Trump should seek congressional approval for any necessary⁤ legislative measures to address the immigration crisis while upholding the rule of law. By doing so, he can demonstrate true ‌leadership and restore confidence in America’s immigration system.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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