
Hamas shares video of 4 Israeli teens held captive

(Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN’s Brooke Mallory

3:23 PM ⁢– Tuesday, ‍January 9, 2024

The families of four Israeli teens kidnapped by⁤ Hamas in the Gaza Strip⁤ were ⁤interviewed by the UK’s Daily Mail outlet‍ on Monday. They made a plea to parents everywhere, asking for help and further ⁢assistance in saving their loved ⁣ones.


Shortly after their abductions on October 7th, Liri Albag, 18, of Moshav Yarhiv, Karina Ariev, 19, of Jerusalem, Daniella Gilboa, 19, of⁢ Petah ​Tikva, and⁤ Agam Berger, 19, of Holon, were featured ​in⁢ a propaganda video released by Hamas.

The four were shown with their wrists tied behind them, lined up ‌against a wall in the footage.‍ A few were even battered ​and covered‌ in dried blood.

Additionally, each woman’s pre-captivity photo was shown next to a screenshot ‌taken from the video.

The four are thought to ⁤be the youngest female captives that Hamas and ⁤other ‌terror ⁢organizations from Palestine are still ⁣holding ⁣in ‍Gaza.

“Imagine if it was your daughter, your little girl in their hands,” said Orly,‍ the⁤ mother of Daniela Gilboa, a pianist ‌who wrote songs and dreamed of becoming a musician. “What would you imagine?”

In an attack ⁢on October 7th, ⁢hundreds of ⁣Hamas terrorists broke‍ across Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip, killing at least ‍1,200 people, the majority of them ​civilians. The terrorists massacred as many nearby civilians⁤ as possible during their deadly rampage in the southern regions.

The Islamic extremists reportedly tortured and disfigured ⁤many victims.

A temporary‌ ceasefire⁤ accord has resulted in the release of many women and children who ⁤were among the 240 people who were kidnapped and held as hostages in⁤ Gaza.

“We ​understood‌ exactly‍ what they did on October 7,” Orly said. “If they are capable of this, ‌what have they been doing for 90 days? I don’t want to imagine what is going on.”

The family expressed worries that some⁣ female prisoners might have had limbs severed or that they had been raped at gunpoint.

“We heard ⁢about the sexual abuses,” said Shlomi Berger, Agam’s father. “As ​a⁢ father, I ⁤can’t imagine these things. The family ⁣is torn apart.”

He ⁢also asserted that the family was ​“torn apart, ​ [and] ​not functional,” and ​that the‌ circumstances⁤ had a⁣ profound effect on⁣ each⁣ and ⁢every​ one ​them.

“It’s misery; it’s helpless[ness]. My mother’s in a ⁣terrible situation; she doesn’t know⁢ what to do,” said Karina’s sister, Sasha.

Karina is “very ​kind, very humble, and an innocent, pure creature. I can’t⁤ stop thinking about her, and I will do⁣ anything to⁣ get her back,” according‍ to her sister.

Other liberated hostages have provided ​the ​families with some information ​regarding their ⁣children. After being⁣ released from Hamas on⁣ November 26th together with her three children,‌ Chen Goldstein-Almog claimed to have seen the four⁤ teens ‌at‌ a residence in Gaza.

“Some of them ‍are close in age to my daughters, ‍and I⁢ hugged them so ⁤hard,” ⁤she ‌told reporters.

However, Goldstein-Almog also returned with horrifying information about‌ the ‍conditions of the hostages.

“Some of the girls were​ badly ⁤wounded and haven’t been getting proper medical care,” she said of hostages she ​saw. “Gunshot wounds, even lost limbs. They said they can ⁣cope with the disability but not with the manner they were constantly violated.”

Although not all of the 132 hostages taken on October 7th are believed to be alive, ​it is thought that ‌they are still in Gaza following the release of 105 ⁤civilians from Hamas custody during a week-long ceasefire in late November. Before then, four hostages had been freed, and one had been rescued by military forces.

Eight captives’ bodies have also been found.

Relying on new ‍data ‌and discoveries from soldiers stationed⁣ in Gaza, ‍the​ Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have verified the demise of 25 of the individuals who were being detained by Hamas.

Kfir Bibas, who was kidnapped at the​ age of nine months, and‍ his brother Ariel‍ Bibas,‌ who is four, are believed to be the youngest hostages held. Their⁤ parents, Yarden and ‍Shiri, were also abducted from Kibbutz Nir⁣ Oz.

Israel began its military campaign to destroy Hamas, drive ​it out of Gaza, and free the captives⁢ in reaction to the ‍attack⁣ on‌ October 7th.

In the interview’s ‍concluding moments, Orly recalled the days when her ‌daughter used to play⁣ the⁤ piano in their house and lead singing⁤ performances with ‌her sister.

“I wish it would be [like this] today,” she ⁢said.

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How has Hamas treated the abducted Israeli teenagers, according to reports, and what atrocities have they⁢ faced?

Title: Families of Israeli Kidnap Victims Plead for Help and Assistance


In a​ recent interview,‍ the families of four Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped by Hamas in the Gaza Strip made a⁢ heartfelt plea for ‍assistance​ and help in saving their loved ones. The families shared their concerns regarding the condition and well-being of the captives, shedding light on the horrific experiences they have endured. As the world watches with bated breath, their story reminds us of the importance of standing together ‌against terrorism and advocating for the safe return of innocent individuals ⁤held against their will.

The Abductions‌ and Propaganda Video:

Liri Albag,‍ Karina Ariev, Daniella Gilboa, and Agam Berger ⁣were kidnapped by Hamas extremists on October 7th. ​In‍ a ​propaganda video released shortly after their abductions, the four​ young women were shown⁢ bound and battered, with their wrists tied behind them. Their pre-captivity‍ photos were ⁤placed alongside screenshots from the video, highlighting the stark contrast between their lives ‌before and during captivity.

Hamas’s Reign of Terror:

The captives, thought to be the youngest female hostages currently‍ held by Hamas and other terror organizations in Gaza, have faced unimaginable atrocities. The extremists have reportedly tortured, disfigured, and even sexually abused their victims. Over 1,200 people, ⁣primarily civilians, lost​ their lives in the attack on October 7th, as Hamas militants broke across ‌Israel’s border with the Gaza‍ Strip.

The Plea for Help:

The families of the kidnapped teens implored parents worldwide to imagine the⁤ anguish they are⁣ going through, urging​ them to empathize and support their cause. ⁤Fearful for the safety and well-being of their daughters, ⁢the parents expressed concerns that the hostages might have suffered severe physical injuries or been ‌subjected to sexual abuse.

Seeking Answers and Hope:

The families have​ relied on information provided by freed hostages to gain insights into the conditions faced​ by the captives. One released hostage claimed to ⁣have seen the kidnapped teenagers,⁣ stating that some were badly‍ wounded and lacked access to appropriate medical ‌care. While not⁤ all 132 hostages taken on October 7th are believed to be alive, a week-long ceasefire in late November resulted in the release of 105 civilians from Hamas custody.

Israel’s Response:

Israel launched a military campaign ​to destroy Hamas⁤ and free ⁣the hostages in response to the⁢ attack. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have verified the deaths of 25 individuals among those detained by the terrorist group. ⁤The youngest captives, Kfir and Ariel⁢ Bibas, aged four and nine months respectively, are still ​being held, along with their⁤ parents.


The harrowing plight of the kidnapped Israeli teens remains ⁣an urgent concern ⁢not only for ‍their families but also for the international community. As their loved ones ⁢plead for assistance, it is crucial for the world to stand together against terrorism, support efforts to secure their release, and ensure their safe return. ⁤The families’ heartbreaking stories emphasize​ the need ⁤for continued vigilance and determination to combat the forces that threaten innocent lives.

Read More From Original Article Here: Hamas Releases Video Of 4 Israeli Teen Hostages

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