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Taylor Swift fans tricked by AI-generated ads featuring the singer’s image in a phony cookware giveaway

AI-generated videos of Taylor Swift’s likeness ⁣promoting a fraudulent Le Creuset cookware giveaway‍ have tricked several fans into purchasing it.

The deepfake videos feature what appears to be Swift doing a promotional⁤ pitch, per a CBS ​News report. The‌ videos have been circulating on Facebook.

“Hey y’all, it’s Taylor Swift here,” the Swift replica can be heard saying in the video. “Due to a packaging error, we can’t sell 3,000 Le Creuset cookware sets. So I’m giving them away to my loyal fans for free.”

Viewers,⁣ whom the AI‌ image addressed as “Swifties,” were then ‌instructed by the faux ‍Swift to click a button⁣ below the ad to⁤ complete a survey. The ad conveys a sense of urgency, saying that “supplies are running out.”

People who clicked on the ad were sent to websites⁣ that appeared to be legitimate, like ‌The Food Network. They were next shown fake ⁤news coverage of the product and testimonials by fake customers, per The ⁢New York Times.

Scam victims were asked to ​pay a “small shipping fee of $9.96” for the cookware. They didn’t realize that paying⁢ that fee would lead to a hidden recurring charge and would not result⁤ in getting the pricey cookware at all.

A Facebook account called “The most profitable shares” promoted⁤ the deepfake video, though CBS News noted that it’s unclear who is behind it.


Fans were likely duped in part ⁤because Swift is known for her love of Le Creuset. In 2020, the brand shared an image on​ Facebook from the Grammy Award winner’s Netflix documentary “Miss Americana.” The post showed⁣ her in⁤ the kitchen using the brand’s round Dutch oven.

This is not the‍ first deepfake ad⁤ scam featuring a celebrity ⁢to make the rounds on social media. In October, Tom Hanks warned fans that he was not promoting a dental plan and⁤ that any ads‍ featuring his likeness were fake, as The Daily Wire previously reported.

“BEWARE!! There’s a video out there promoting some dental plan with an AI version of me.‌ I have​ nothing to do with it,” Hanks shared‍ on ⁣Instagram at the time.

CBS Mornings host Gayle King’s AI likeness was also associated with a scam. King denied any connection ‌to the fake weight loss-related video from ​a company called Artipet.

Why is‍ education and awareness about ​the risks of deepfake technology essential in protecting individuals from⁢ falling victim to scams

Of the ‍Le Creuset cookware⁢ giveaway,​ featuring headlines like “Taylor Swift Gives Away ‌Free⁤ Cookware​ to Fans” and “Limited Time⁢ Offer: Get Your Free ⁣Le Creuset⁢ Set Now!” The articles ⁤further​ promoted the sense of urgency and scarcity, encouraging viewers⁢ to act quickly to claim their free cookware‍ set.

Unbeknownst to the ‌unsuspecting fans, these‌ websites were designed to collect their ‍personal information, including names, ‌addresses, and ‍credit card details. The scammers behind this elaborate scheme ​aim to use this⁣ information for fraudulent purposes, potentially leading​ to identity theft, ⁣financial loss, ​and other forms of cybercrime.

The use⁢ of deepfake ⁣technology in this scam adds another layer of deception, as the ‌AI-generated ⁣videos featuring ⁤Taylor Swift’s likeness are extremely convincing. This‌ technique allows scammers to exploit the trust and ⁤admiration that fans have for their favorite celebrities, making it even more ‌difficult for individuals to identify and protect themselves⁣ from such scams.

Cases ⁣like this highlight ⁢the growing threat ​of⁢ deepfake technology in perpetrating fraud and ⁣manipulation. As AI advances, so does the potential ​for⁤ such technology to​ be used maliciously. It is crucial for ​both individuals and⁤ platforms‍ to be vigilant and take proactive measures to combat these scams.

Social media platforms, such ‌as ⁢Facebook, where these⁤ videos have been circulating, should ⁤strengthen their content moderation and flagging systems to⁤ detect and remove deepfake videos, especially those ⁤promoting fraudulent activities. They should also invest in AI-powered tools that⁣ can identify and flag potential scams, protecting their users from falling victim to these⁣ malicious schemes.

Moreover, individuals must exercise caution and skepticism when encountering online offers that appear too good to be true.⁢ It is important to verify ⁤the authenticity of the source, double-check the legitimacy of ‍the website, ⁣and refrain from providing personal information or making financial transactions ​without thorough research. Education ⁤and awareness about‍ the risks associated with deepfake technology are ⁣crucial in empowering ‍individuals to protect themselves‍ from ⁢falling ​victim to such scams.

The incident involving AI-generated videos of Taylor Swift promoting the fraudulent Le Creuset ‌cookware giveaway‍ serves as a‍ wake-up ​call for both ⁣technology companies ‌and individuals.‍ It ⁣highlights the need for stronger measures to combat deepfake scams and the importance of educating the public about the dangers ⁣of these emerging technologies.

As AI​ continues to advance, it is crucial to ensure that it is used ethically and responsibly.⁤ Efforts ⁣should ​be made to develop​ robust safeguards and regulations to prevent⁤ the misuse of deepfake technology ‍for fraudulent purposes. By doing so, we can protect individuals from falling prey to scams and uphold the integrity of our online ecosystem.

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